HL7 Contract Work Announcement
Date of Announcement Release
Contract Name
Date of Selection
Contract Period
Associated HL7 Working Group
Contract Project Manager
Proposal Due Date
Selection Criteria
Selection Process
Project Details
Contract Work Details
Date of Announcement Release
This contract is released for public review and to accept submissions as of July 2, 2012
Contract Name
HL7 Model Automated Exchange Project
Date of Selection
Tentatively and provided there has been interest in this contract work, the awarding of this contract shall be made no later than July 23, 2012
Contract Period
This contract is to be awarded for actions or work to be performed and completed between July 23, 2006 and December 31, 2012
Associated HL7 Working Group
This contract is associated with the Clinical Interoperability Council and the Tooling Work Groups
Contract Project Manager
Once awarded, the contract’s progress and subsequent fulfillment will be monitored and reported on by Jane Curry, Tooling Work Group Co-chair and Abdul-Malik Shakir, Project Manager.
Proposal Due Date
Proposals must be received no later than 5pm Eastern on July 16, 2012
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the overall best value for HL7 based on the quality, service, price and other criteria set forth in this document but not limited to:
a.Preference for resources actively engaged in current HL7 activities
b.Preference for resources with current involvement in sponsored project
c.Preference for open source software with rights to create derivatives
i.Meets stated licensing criteria
d.Proposal contains information to evaluate budget implications
e.Proposal indicates what deliverables would be provided in a phased approach to accommodate budget constraints and demonstrate progress
f.Proposal formatted to support selection process with basic proposal, resource resumes and financials in separate documents
g.Familiarity with methods and technology used by HL7
i.Ability to work in a distributed, virtual environment
ii.Demonstrates approach to protect HL7 Intellectual Property
h.Approach proposed for change management and knowledge and skills transfer
i.During project
ii.Ongoing support
i.Relevant skill and experience of proposed resources
i.Communication skills
ii.Software development skills
Selection Process
After the period has closed for receipt of proposals, each proposal will be examined to determine compliance with the format and information requirements specified in the RFP. Any proposal that does not meet the format and information requirements may be eliminated from competition and returned to the bidder. HL7 reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.
- A Selection Panel will review each proposal that meets the format and information requirements.
- Following independent evaluation of the proposal, the top candidates may be requested to participate in an interview.
- One or more proposals may be selected to provide resources to the project.
- The selected bidder(s) will be notified of the results.
Project Details
See separate MAX Statement of Work document
How to obtain further Information
The list service informs potential contactors of work to be contracted out by HL7.Inc. If you have received this announcement by a means other than this list, you should sign up for the free HL7 List Service at
Any updates to this contract work announcement, additional announcements or information will be posted to that list and will reference the contract name. If requested, a teleconference will be held to clarify questions submitted no later than 1 week before the proposal due date.
How to Submit your Expression of Interest
If this contract interests you, submit an expression of interest via e-mail to or via fax on +1 (734) 677-6622.
You should supply at a minimum:
- Your Name
- Your E-Mail address
- Best times to contact you (after an initial email contact)
- Any questions that arise from the RFP
Optionally, you can provide more detailed information if you are so inclined. To best serve both your needs and those of HL7 and to expedite the selection process, it would be preferred that aside from general emailed information, you supply a curriculum vitae.
How to Submit your Proposal
If you want to bid for the contract work, you should submit your proposal via e-mail to or via fax on +1 (734) 677-6622 only (do NOT provide submissions to )by 5pm Eastern on July 16, 2012.
You should supply at a minimum:
- Your Name
- Your E-Mail address
- Resume, including qualifications
- Statement of work to be undertaken and your plan for accomplishing the deliverables, excluding finances.
- In a separate document, summarize the anticipated rate and total contracted amount.
All submissions and information supplied to HL7will become the property of HL7, Inc. and the awarded contract will be announced through the list service once approved by the selection panel and the CTO.