Walter C. Young Middle School SAF Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2017
Mr. Osborn informed the group that the AdvancED Stakeholder Surveys are designed for an educational institution to gather data on its stakeholders’ perceptions, opinions and overall knowledge of various facets of the institution. Survey data results are an essential source of data for any institution that desires to “see the institution through the eyes of its stakeholders” and to understand how it can improve its governance, instructional program, resources and support for students, and stakeholder involvement. Survey results should serve as one of several powerful pieces of data an institution’s leadership uses to inform its improvement planning and organizational effectiveness efforts.
Broward County Public Schools will be administering the ASSIST Advanced ED Stakeholder Survey (March 6- April 3) in an effort to improve our system practices. Their opinion is important to WCY, and he asked that they take the time to complete these surveys.
Please be assured that your responses to these surveys will be anonymous and your honest opinions are appreciated.
More details will follow on how parents access the survey this year. Students and teachers will complete the surveys during the school day on line.
Mr. Osborn distributed and reviewed a copy of the most recent BCPS - SMART Futures Bond update. By the Numbers
- $ 614 million projects in progress or complete
- 879 projects are in progress (planning)
- 140 schools have projects underway (have started)
SMART Small Projects Team: The District’s Owner Representative (Heery International), which is responsible for implementing the SMART renovation work, has established a Small Projects Team to focus on identifying and advancing smaller, single scope SMART facilities projects. Utilizing this dedicated team promotes the fast tracking of smaller SMART projects, while the core team is focused on moving the more complex projects through the phased process.
Next there was a discussion on Technology by the Numbers Through the SMART Technology initiative:
- More than 72,800 new computer devices are now installed at schools across the District.
- In addition, schools are also receiving infrastructure/network equipment and wireless access points.
- SMART Technology work is completed at 147 schools, as of January 31, 2017.
- The total SMART investment as of the end of January 2017 is more than $61.5 million!
Mr. Osborn shared a communication letter from our Superintendent Mr. Runcie. The top part of the letter is about our District Wide accreditation process, which we have frequently discussed at these SAF meetings earlier in the school year.
The new information is that our District has just been named a Great District for Great Teachers by the National Council on Teacher Quality, a national non-profit organization committed to ensuring all children have effective teachers and every teacher has the opportunity to become effective. To be named a Great District for Great Teachers, districts underwent a thorough evaluation process, which included analysis of District data, policies and programs, as well as teacher surveys, focus groups and District leadership interviews. BCPS is one of only eight school districts nationwide selected for this honor, out of 123 that participated.
Next Ms. Bell (SAF Chair) provided an update from the last South Area Advisory Meeting:
- Explained the comparison document for parent groups such as SAC, SAF, PTSA and PTSO from the last South Area Advisory meeting
- Guy Barmoha from District Academics shared that the departments are supporting schools with providing specific feedback to students. District is also pushing teachers to use Canvas instructional management system.
- Ralph Aiello shared that the board is meeting on Feb. 28 to discuss Policy 6000.1, consequences ofacademic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, etc.). Subcommittee being formed to work on standards-based grading and updating report card.
- A lengthy discussion was held about several topics including:amount and quality of homework, middle school schedules & teaming, new school website status,andhigh school schedules.
- The Area Advisory motion was made and discussion heldto move Take Your Child to Work Day later in the year (May?)
- SAA End of Year Breakfast May 17th- schools are encouraged to have their Principal, SAF & SAC Chairsattend.