NWG Constitution
Name:Peaks LaneNeighbourhood Watch
- To audit the Neighbourhood Watch members to identify problems or issues around Crime & Disorder & Community Safety in general.
- To utilise the Problem Solving toolkit to develop an action plan to reduce or eliminate the problems or issues identified.
- Where possible to engage with local young people in positive activities to promote social inclusion and where possible reduce incidents of Anti Social Behaviour and Youths Causing Annoyance incidents.
- To raise awareness around Environmental, Community Safety & Crime Reduction initiatives to encourage a strong community spirit.
- To work in partnership with all statutory & voluntary agencies to improve the quality of life in our community
In furtherance of the above objectives, the Neighbourhood Watch Committee has the power to:
- Raise funds and to invite and receive grants, donations and other contributions to support the long-term sustainability of the group.
- Organise activities, events and consultations to promote the group.
- Publish or distribute information and publicity material in any format to develop and support the objectives.
- Do all such lawful things that are necessary for the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Neighbourhood Watch Group.
Membership of the Peaks Lanes NHW is open to any person interested in furthering the objectives outlined above.
Officers of the Organisation:
The Officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, elected from the membership of the organisation at the general meeting. The committee shall consist of no less than 4 and no more than 15 members.
- Meetings of the committee shall take place from time to time as is necessary to conduct the business of the Neighbourhood Watch Group.
- A quorum shall be no less than 3 members of the Neighbourhood Watch Group.
- Voting shall be by simple majority, the Chairperson having a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- Minutes of each meeting shall be kept.
- A general meeting shall be held once a year to receive the Treasurer’s report.
- Additional committee members may be co-opted as necessary up to a maximum of one third of the number on the committee.
- A bank account shall be opened in the name of .
- At least two signatures shall be required on all transactions by the members authorised to do so by the organisation.
- All expenditure is to be agreed by the majority of the committee members.
- A full record of all transactions shall be kept by the Treasurer.
Alterations to the Constitution:
Alterations to the constitution can only be made at a meeting specially convened to do so and after the proposal has been circulated to all members. 28 days written notice is required of the date, time and place. Two thirds majority is required to carry the proposal.
Winding up:
In the event of the Neighbourhood Watch closing down, any money or equipment left will be donated to other voluntary groups sharing similar objectives.
This Constitution has been discussed and accepted at a meeting of the
members for the on
Date: ……………………………
(Area co-ordinator/Chairperson)