Walled Lake Consolidated Schools

Lesson Planner for Technology-Enhanced Lesson

Date created: January 2006

Teacher’s Name: John Hester and John Shaw

Grade Level: Kindergarten

School: Glengary and Walled Lake El

Subject Area: Language Arts

Unit Title and Section if available: Exploring Our World – Folk Tales

Title of Lesson: Anansi Gets into More Trouble

Approximate time required to complete lesson: Three 20-min. sessions.

Lesson includes the following formats: (X all that apply)

_X_ Cooperative/Collaborative Learning

___ Problem-Based Learning

___ Inquiry/Research

_X_ Student Discussion

___ Extended Writing

___ Other: ______

Computer Applications that that will be used: (X all that apply)

___ Internet

___ Word

___ Excel

___ PowerPoint

___ Access

_X_ Other: Kid Pix

WLCS Unit and Benchmarks (list as many as needed)

1.  Benchmark Number: R.NT.00.01

Description: Become familiar with and respond thoughtfully to classic and contemporary literature

  1. Benchmark Number: R.CM.00.03

Description: Retell up to three events from familiar text using their own words or phrasing.

  1. Benchmark Number: W.PS.00.01

Description: Show originality in oral, written, and visual messages

  1. Benchmark Number: W.PS.00.01

Writes/illustrates a simple folk tale

  1. Technology Skill 2: Use mouse

6.  Technology Skill 3: Start and close program

7.  Technology Skill 9: Select and use tools from paint or multimedia program.

8.  Library/Media Standard 2: Student evaluates books for main idea

9.  Library/Media Standard 3: Recall, summarize, and paraphrase what is listened to.

Goal(s): What important concepts or skills will students learn/develop?

Students will learn that some stories were written to teach lessons. They will identify the lesson taught by one story, and then, as a group, write and illustrate another.

Guiding Question(s): What “big” question could be posed to students to provide a framework for thinking? Usually this is an open- ended question.

Do you think you could learn anything from a spider?

Resources/Related Web Sites:

1.  Book: “Anansi the Spider’ by Gerald McDermott

2.  United Streaming Video: Anansi


Lesson 1

1.  Present the story of Anansi, using United Streaming Video as an introduction.

2.  Read the book, “Anansi the Spider” by Gerald McDermott

3.  Discuss the fact that this is a story with a message to tell. Ask the students what they think the author wanted the reader to learn.

Lesson 2:

1. Remind students of the Anansi story and together, retell the story.

2. Tell them that they are going to write another Anansi story.

3. Ask them for suggestions of the trouble that Anansi should get into. Decide on one.

4. Ask them to brainstorm ways Anansi’s children can help.

5. Tell the story. Write down the story (at least the important parts)

Lesson 3:

1. Re-read the Anansi story the students wrote in the previous lesson.

2. Have the students use KidPix to illustrate their Anansi story. Demonstrate the drawing tools as necessary.

3. Print out some of the drawings.

4. Possibly share the stories with another school using the Elmo camera and the TV cart.

Important Vocabulary:

Anansi, Spider, folk tale

Ideas for Differentiation:

Students could illustrate multiple scenes from their story instead of just one.

Evaluation: Explain how you will assess, attach/link rubric if available.

The story will be read to another Kindergarten class who will be asked if they can determine the lesson the authors were intending to teach.

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