Please take a few minutes to answer these questions. All of your responses are strictly confidential and your participation is voluntary. We appreciate your help in providing this important information.
William B. Stevenson, Associate Professor
Organization Studies Department
We would like to ask you some questions about your attitudes towards environmental issues. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please circle the response that most accurately reflects your opinion.
Strongly Strongly
Agree AgreeUndecided Disagree Disagree
1. We are approaching the limit of the
number of people the earth can support. 54 3 2 1
2. The Balance of nature is very delicate and 54 32 1
easily upset.
3. Humans have the right to modify the
natural environment to suit their needs. 54 32 1
4. Mankind was created to rule over the rest
of nature. 54 32 1
5. When humans interfere with nature it often
produces disastrous consequences. 54 32 1
6. Plants and animals exist primarily to be
used by humans. 54 32 1
7. To maintain a healthy economy we will
have to develop a “steady-state” economy
where industrial growth is controlled. 54 3 2 1
8. Humans must live in harmony with nature
in order to survive. 54 32 1
9. The earth is like a spaceship with only
limited room and resources. 54 32 1
10. Humans need not adapt to the natural
environment because they can remake it
to suit their needs. 54 32 1
11. There are limits to growth beyond which
our industrialized society cannot expand. 54 32 1
12. Mankind is severely abusing the 54 32 1
the environment.
Now, we would like to ask you a few questions about your belief in paranormal experiences. For each experience please indicate whether this is something you believe in, you’re not sure about, or something you don’t believe in.
BelieveNot SureDon’t In About Believe
14. Psychic or spiritual healing or the power
of the human mind to heal the body. 32 1
15. That people on this earth are sometimes
possessed by the devil.32 1
16. ESP or Extrasensory Perception32 1
17. That houses can be haunted.32 1
18. Ghosts/that spirits of dead people can
come back in certain places/situations.32 1
19. Telepathy/communication between minds
without using traditional senses.32 1
20. Clairvoyance/the power of the mind to know
the past and predict the future.32 1
21. Astrology, or that the position of the stars
and planets can affect people’s lives.32 1
22. That extra-terrestrial beings have visited
earth at some time in the past.32 1
23. That people can communicate mentally with
someone who has died.32 1
24. Witches32 1
25. Reincarnation, that is, the rebirth of the soul
in a new body after death.32 1
26. Channeling/allowing a ‘spirit being’ to
temporarily assume control of the body.32 1
The following questions are concerned with your attitudes towards government. Please circle the response to the right that most accurately reflects your opinion.
Strongly Strongly
Agree AgreeUndecided Disagree Disagree
27. Regulation of business by government
usually does more harm than good. 54 3 2 1
28. Government regulation and planning
leads to bureaucracy, inefficiency,
and stagnation. 54 32 1
29. The government has too much power
over citizens. 54 32 1
30. The government should not interfere
with the free enterprise system. 54 32 1
31. Government planning inevitably results in
the loss of essential liberties and freedoms. 54 32 1
Finally, we would like to ask you a few questions about yourself.
32. How old are you? ______years.
33. What is your gender?
- Male
- female
34. Are you a:
a. sophomore?
b. junior?
c. senior?
35. In the past year, have you or any of your close friends donated to or been active in a group or organization working to protect the environment?
a. yes
b. no