Walking Wednesdays Return to North Street School

North Street School will kick off our Walking Wednesday series on Wednesday, May 9, 2018. Feel free to walk to school on your own, or meet us at Norcross Parkfor group walking. Drop off time is at 7:25. Please DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILD UNLESS YOU SEE AN ADULT AT THE CROSSWALK. Please also do not drop your child directly off on North Street to “catch up” to walkers. Join us on Facebook at North Street School Walking Wednesdays for weekly updates. If your child needs assistance or an adult companion to walk him/her to the door, please let me know by the Monday before at .

**We will host Walking Wednesday every week on the following dates throughout the spring:

May: 9, 16, 23, 30

June: 6, 13, 20

We will cancel Walking Wednesdays for inclement weather.

Come out with friends & neighbors to walk the kids to school. It’s a great way to kick off your day!

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is brought to you by your
Safe Streets of Grafton Committee

Please Turn Over for Frequently Asked Questions

**We are looking for Volunteer Crossing Guards! All are welcome!

contact: Laura Often at

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why walk?
    Walking in the morning is a great way for kids and adults to activate their brain before school and work. In fact, studies show that kids who get 20 minutes of physical activity before school read above grade level and achieve higher test scores. Active kids are engaged learners.
  2. How do I know my child will be safe?
    We recommend that all students participating in Walking Wednesday be accompanied by a parent, guardian, family member, or friend of the family. We encourage kids to walk together in groups. Walking together is a great way to connect and enjoy time with family, friends and neighbors.
  3. Will there be crossing guards?
    Yes. We always have a crossing guard at the entrance to North Street School and we will have an additional volunteer crossing guard at Norcross Park. This is a great 30-minute volunteer opportunity to see firsthand how much our children enjoy the opportunity to walk to school. If you would like to volunteer please contact Laura Often at
  1. I live too far for my child to participate. What can I do?
    We recommend walking from Norcross Park (Miner Field, 18 North Street). We will have parent volunteers managing the parking lot and crossing guard duties. There are sidewalks that lead to North Street School and the students will have a crossing guard when they get to school. Please come to Norcross Park between 7:25-7:40.
  2. What if I don’t feel comfortable with my child walking alone?
    While we often have volunteer parents walking with the children, we can’t guarantee volunteers every week. If you would like your child to walk with an adult, then we suggest either walking with your child or organizing a group to walk together.
  1. What side of the street should I walk on?
    It is always recommended to use the sidewalks or shoulder (footpath) because you are safely separated from the automobiles. Where there is no sidewalk, you should walk facing the oncoming traffic.
  2. How do I cross the road safely where there are no crosswalks?
    Only cross at street corners, do not cross mid-block unless there is a marked crosswalk. Make eye contact with drivers before you cross in front of them. Eye contact is one of the best ways to ensure that drivers are aware of you.
  3. Join us on Facebook
    Please join our private Facebook group for weekly updates. Search North Street School Walking Wednesdays and ask to join!

Questions? Please contact Laura at .