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News & Updates
TheNetworkofExcellenceisaserviceavailabletotradeunionofficers,reps,activists,providersandpartnersinWaleswithan interestinlearningandeducationissues.TopicscoveredateventsandinNetNewsbulletinsinclude:news,events,resourcesand
information. #ULRs
November – Tachwedd2017
WalesTUCLearning Services has a new website address, please update your favorites and bookmarks. Latest news and resources are available directly from the site.Important date changes: Annual ULR Conferences are now being organised for February 2018. We hope you can attend, sign up below!
North Wales - 8th February 2018 – St Georges Hotel, LlandudnoClick to Register
South Wales - 15th February 2018 – Red House, MerthyrTydfilClick to Register
NewWTUC Menopause Toolkit: A recently published menopause toolkit is available on our website as a resource.
ACAS Learning Online
Eluned Morgan AM
Wales Co-operative – Associate Digital Inclusion Practitioner
Job Purpose:To develop and deliver digital skills related training, on a self-employed basis, to front line staff and volunteers in order to build capacity in the field of Digital Inclusion.
Unionlearn – Stakeholder Survey
Thompsons Solicitors – Know Your Rights
Coleg Gwent
ACT Training Ltd
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Courses & Events*New dates!* - Register now for the February 2018 Union Learning Rep (ULR) Conferences
North Wales - 8th February – St Georges Hotel, Llandudno Click to registerSouth Wales – 15th February – Red House, Merthyr Tydfil Click to register
Please contact you need more information. @WTUCLearn #ULRS
Pop along and get involved! ULRs, key partner stall holders and WULF project managers welcome.
More information below:
The theme will be 'Understanding the needs of the Older Worker'
Attendees can participate in two workshops throughout the day, once registered you will be invited to choose from the following workshops (subject to change):
- Employability and the Older Worker
- Essential Skills
- Filming with a Smartphone
- Quick Reads – The uses and values of a workplace library
The timings for the days are being worked on and subject to change, please see an outline below.
Draft Schedule:
09:30 Registration, tea and coffee
10:00 Welcome and housekeeping – Wales TUC
10:05 Opening remarks – Wales TUC President
10:15 Guest Speaker(s)
11:00 Tea and coffee
11:20 Workshop 1
12:30 Lunch
13:20 Workshop 2
14:50 Tea and coffee
15:00 Guest Speaker(s)
16:00 Close
Open University - November 2017, Jobs & Employability Bulletin
November Careers & Events NewsWelcome to the November edition of the Jobs & Employability bulletin, bringing you the latest news in job opportunities and careers events.
Careers and Employability Services
Employer Spotlight:
This November we are turning our ‘Employer Spotlight’ on Network Rail
Network Rail employs 36,600 people directly and supports a further 117,750 jobs across the UK through their supply chain. Employing more than 600 apprentices and taking on around 90 graduates every year, it’s not all about engineering! Running a railway and realising their vision for the future requires dedicated and talented people with a huge range of professional skills. To find out more about the great opportunities available visit their website.
OU graduate Andrew joined the Network Rail Graduate Scheme in 2016, you can read his story here
Featured jobs and opportunities:
Local Government Association: Social care, housing, education and the environment are just a fraction of the services local councils are constantly working to improve. They are looking for the next generation of managers to lead critical projects and services that have tangible, everyday outcomes for people’s lives.
Find out more about the National Graduate Development Programmehere.
NHS Leadership Academy: Joining the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme puts you on the road to developing the skills and confidence you need to lead our organisation through its transformation into an ever more efficient, successful and professional health care service. Find out more here.
Capgemini: Discover a range of opportunities in business, technology, finance and management. Find out more here. OU Graduate Emily successfully secured a place on the graduate scheme in the Consultant Development Community, you can read her story here.
General Electric: GE offer a range of opportunities, including 12 month placements in project management, HR, Finance and IT, as well as entry level positions, alongside more experienced roles. Learn more on the GE website.
Mencap: This UK charity are committed to changing the world for everyone with a learning disability. You can become a Visiting Volunteer, making 6 visits per year to an adult with a learning disability to offer support through community visits or similar. Visit the Mencap website for further information.
Think Ahead: The Think Ahead programme is a new route into social work, for graduates and career- changers remarkable enough to make a real difference to people with mental health problems. For further information click here.
We currently have over 800 opportunities on JobZone, the OU’s dedicated vacancy advertising service. Sign up here and customise your email alerts to stay up to date with the latest opportunities.
Events and other opportunities:
Sensible Media – How Professional Services Firms Hire: 16th November, 18:30 – 19:45. Professional services firms like banks, management consultants and law firms are at the top of many people’s list of target employers. Most people however don’t know how these firms make hiring choices, and especially how they choose between qualified candidates. In this webinar Lauren Rivera, associate professor of management at Kellogg School of Management, draws on her award-winning research into hiring practices at elite professional services firms to show how the hiring process works, what qualities EPS firms prize in candidates and how they ultimately choose who to hire. For further details click here.
The OR Society’s Annual Careers Open Day: Find out about careers in Operational Research and analytics based environments, including employer presentations and an opportunity to hear graduates experiences. 15th November 2017, Birmingham. For further information click here.
Have a look at Open University Careers and Employability events. If you miss the chance to participate on the day, a recorded version can be downloaded at a later date. Including this month:
•Opportunities with PwC: Voted number 1 in The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers survey, join Andrew from PwC for insight into the application process, and tips on how to make your application stand out. Available to view now!
•Getting Your Foot in the Door with an Application Form: 16th November, 6.30 – 7.30pm. This one-hour masterclass with OU Careers and Employability Consultants will help you hone your application form and personal statement writing skills, moving your application to the ‘we’d love to meet you’ pile!
•Work Experience and Internships: Gaining work experience with employers has changed greatly in recent years with the introduction of internships. Join global professional services firm EY, who will give insight into how to capitalise on these opportunities. 21st November at 1pm. Join here.
•Interviews and Assessment Centres – Tips for Success: Major graduate employer Fujitsu will give an overview of an assessment centre, explain what they are looking for in candidates, and share their top tips for success. 24th November at 12 – 1pm. You can participate here.
Looking for guidance?
If you would like to find out more about the support and resources the Careers & Employability Service provides, please do take a look at our website.
Remember, you can also book a careers consultation with a Careers & Employability Consultant through the website, if you would like to discuss your careers queries in more detail, and you are studying, or have completed your studies within the last 3 years.
IOSH & NEBOSH training with Gower College Swansea
GCS Training Latest News and OffersView this in your browser
Our Courses
/ Latest News
/ Contact Us
IOSH & NEBOSHcourseswith GCS Training the business training arm of Gower College Swansea
27 Oct 2017 £110 (vat exempt)
NEBOSH General Certificate in
Occupational Health and Safety
9 Jan 2018 £995 (vat exempt)
IOSH Managing Safely
5 Feb 2018 £420 (vat exempt)
Call: 01792 284400
Coleg Cambria
We have courses starting this January - more info here
Taste of Uni, FREE lectures - Blas arBrifysgol, darlithoedd AM DDIM
Wrexham Glyndwr University would like to invite you to the 2017 ‘Taste of University’ event!The dates for this event will be
Each day will consist of subject specific taster lectures to give people an insight into the content of the course(s) they are interested in, helping them to decide which is the right course for them. We will offer advice and guidance on the application process, and provide information on entry requirements, finance, and our renowned student support services. Furthermore, there will be an option to take a campus tour at the end of the day to look at the different facilities available to you at WGU.
Please note, we may also be able to help with transport if enough people are planning on attending from any one area/organisation. Please contact me for more information.
To attend this event, you must confirm via our booking form, on the website
‘Blas arBrifysgol 2017’
HoffaiPrifysgolGlyndŵrWrecsameichgwahoddiddigwyddiad ‘Blas arBrifysgol’ 2017!
Y dyddiadauargyfer y digwyddiadymafydd
Byddpobdiwrnodyncynnwysblasarddarlithpwnc-benodolermwyniboblgaelgolwgargynnwys y cwrs/cyrsiausy’nennyneudiddordeb, ganeuhelpuibenderfynu pa un yw’rcwrsiawniddynnhw. Byddwnyncynnigcyngor ac arweiniadynghylch y broses o wneudcais, ac ynrhoigwybodaeth am ofynionmynediad, cyllid, a’ngwasanaethaucefnogimyfyrwyr o fri.Ynogystal, gallwchddewismyndardaith o gwmpas y campwsarddiwedd y dyddiedrychar y gwahanolgyfleusterausyddargaeli chi yn PGW.
Noderei bod ynbosibhefyd y gallwneichhelpugydachludiantosoesdigon o boblynbwriadumynychu o unrhyw un ardal/corff. Cysylltwch â mi am fwy o wybodaeth.
Ermwynmynychu’rdigwyddiad, mae’nrhaidi chi gadarnhauhynnytrwyeinffurflenarchebu, ar y wefan
Upcoming events: basic skills, traineeships and young adult carer workshops
Click here if you are having trouble viewing this message.Find our full Autumnprogramme of eventsthat brings together experts, practitioners and funders.
Employability andSkills Wales Convention 2017
6 December2017 | Cardiff
This flagship event will address the challenges and opportunities faced by policy makers and providers, and shine a light on innovation and best practice.
Cymru 2017Sgiliau a CyflogadwyeddConfensiwn
6 Rhagfyr 2017 | Caerdydd
Bydd y digwyddiadpwysighwnyntrafodyrheriaua’rcyfleoeddsy’nwynebugwneuthurwyrpolisi a darparwyr, ac ynbwrwgoleuniararloesedd ac arfergorau.
Anfonwcheichdatganiaddiddordeberybyn 27 Hydrefyma.
Dementia Friends
Be A Santa To A SeniorIt’s that time of year again.
Following the great success of last years, we are very excited about running the initiative again this year.
The idea behind the initiative is that we receive donated gifts from members of the public and ensure they get to an older person living on their own for Christmas. We will be working with Red Cross, Contact the Elderly and Age Connect and receiving the help of North Wales Fire Service to deliver the gifts.
Last year, over 700 people received a gift. We also visited Glan Clwyd Hospital, Colwyn Bay Hospital, Bryn Hesketh and Llandudno hospital and gave gifts to patients who had no one visiting them. We also visited MIND and gave gifts to those who were attending a Christmas Day lunch.
We are making it even easier to donate this year by having more drop off points.
From 28th November to 15th December you can take your donated gift to any one of the following places
- Ty Llewelyn Community Centre, Llandudno
- St David’s Church, Penrhyn Bay
- Home Instead Office, Abergele
- Kinmel Bay Community Library, Kinmel Bay
- Nova Centre, Prestatyn
- Age Connect office, Denbigh
We would also be grateful for donations of wrapping paper this year and volunteers to help wrap.
If you know someone who is going to be alone for Christmas, let us know and we will ensure they get a visit and a gift.
You could help put a smile on older person face this year?
Microsoft Office and Adobe training at Cardiff, Swansea and Pembrokeshire. Book now for courses running to December.
Click here for Cardiff courses
Click here for Swansea courses
Click here for Pembrokeshire courses
Click here to find an online course
For more details or to chat to someone for advice:
Phone Computeraid on 029 2066 4285 or 01792 610550
- Fax us on 01792 610560
- Email us at
- Visit the website at
- Write to us at our Head Office: 4th Floor, 11-12 Wind Street Swansea, SA1 1DP
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Qualifications Wales - Health and Social Care engagement sessions
Further information about Qualifications Wales’s review of qualifications in the Health and Social Care and Childcare sector is available here.Timetable of Engagement Events for the new Health & Social Care and Childcare qualifications:
Qualification / Purpose / Location / Date (click on the link below to register)
Level 1/2 Health and Social Care, Childcare Development and Play / Introduces learners to a broad range of roles within the Health, Social Care (HSC) and Childcare sector.
This qualification will replace the current GCSE qualifications in Health and Social Care and Child Development, and other equivalent qualifications. / Swansea / 22 November 2017
Wrexham / 27 November 2017
Bangor / 28 November 2017
Newport / 30 November 2017
Newtown / 7 December 2017
Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core / Provides learners (WBL, FE College, School 6thForms) with an understanding of the key concepts in Health & Social Care. Proposed to mirror the Health & Social Care Induction Framework (HSCIF). / Swansea / 22 November 2017
Wrexham / 27 November 2017
Bangor / 28 November 2017
Newport / 30 November 2017
Newtown / 7 December 2017
Childcare, Learning Development and Play: Core / This qualification provides learners (WBL, FE College, School 6thForms) with an understanding of the key concepts in Childcare, Learning Development and Play. / Swansea / 22 November 2017
Wrexham / 27 November 2017
Bangor / 28 November 2017
Newport / 30 November 2017
Newtown / 7 December 2017
Childcare, Learning Development and Play (Levels 2-5) / These qualifications willprovide progression to employment or higher education. / To be confirmed / To be confirmed
Health and Social Care (Levels 2-5) / These qualifications willprovide progression to employment or higher education. / To be confirmed / To be confirmed
Say Something In Welsh (SSiW)
Extra exciting news - grand launch of first novel by an SSiWer - Elizabeth Jane
Grand book launch – The Tides Between – by our own Elizabeth Jane Corbett!PLEASE NOTE - If you have any queries or comments on topics in this email, the very best place to raise them is the SaySomethinginWelsh Support Forum. If you haven't been there before, just click on 'Forum' in the coloured menu bar at the top of the website to register. Otherwise click on the links supplied with the topics in the email.
Elizabeth (elizabeth_jane) has spent many, many months writing, rewriting and polishing her first novel, and it has been published this week.
This novel was the spark that lead to Elizabeth not only finding out a bit more about Wales and Welsh, but to becoming a very competent and confident Welsh speaker. She had no idea when she began the book, that that would be the outcome, so it has been as much of a journey for her as it will be for us when we read the book.
Here is how the publisher introduces The Tides Between:
“She fancied herself part of a timeless chain, without beginning or end, linked only by the silver strong words of its tellers.”
In the year 1841, on the eve of her departure from London, Bridie Stewart’s mother demands she forget her dead father and prepare for a sensible, adult life in Port Phillip. Desperate to save her precious childhood memories, fifteen-year-old Bridie is determined to smuggle a notebook filled with her father's fairy-tales to the far side of the world.
When Rhys Bevan, a soft-voiced young storyteller and fellow traveller realises Bridie is hiding something, a magical friendship is born. But Rhys has his own secrets and the words written in Bridie’s notebook carry a dark, double meaning.
As they inch towards their destination, Rhys's past returns to haunt him. Bridie grapples with the implications of her dad’s final message. The pair take refuge in fairy tales, little expecting the trouble it will cause.
The Tides Between is being published in Australia but it will be available worldwide in Print on Demand and eBook formats (Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google play etc.). The paper back will eventually (don't ask why not yet) be available through Book Depository, Fish Pond and a host of other online stores. This means you will be able to buy a print copy online or, alternatively, walk into your local bookshop and order a printed copy, or ten (Christmas is coming, cofiwch!).
Book Details
ISBN: 978-1-925652-22-2 (pbk) | 978-1-925652-23-9 (ebook)
Category: Young Adult / Historical Fiction
Trade paperback: 300 pages
Publication Date: 20 October 2017
RRP: AU $23.95 (pbk) | $5.99 (ebook)
You can find out more about me and my Welsh language journey on my website:
Weekend course on history of Welsh language, literature and music