Santa Barbara City College
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Director Application
__________________________________ __________________________________________
Name Department
I am applying to be the (circle one) Director/Co-Director for the
______________________________ Program for the (check one) ☐ Fall ☐ Spring ☐ Summer
Name of program (e.g. Cambridge)
☐ Winter Break Program ________.
If selected, I will teach the following course(s):
___________________________________ ______________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________
Check as many as apply:
____I am interested in directing the program as a single director.
____I am interested in working with _______________________________ as the other director Name of SBCC faculty member
and am applying as a team.
____I am interested in working with another faculty member, but I am not applying as a team.
Applicant's signature: _________________________________ Date:_________________
Santa Barbara City College
Study Abroad
Director Application Signature Form
I. Your Department Chairperson's Approval
Please submit a copy of your study abroad application together with this form to your department chairperson for his/her approval.
The department chair has discussed this proposal with the members of the department, and the department will not suffer any negative impact from this program.
______________________________________________ ___________________________________
Department Chair's Signature Date
Department chairperson comments: (optional)________________________________________________________
Please Note: If you are applying to direct a program that requires you to teach or monitor courses offered by another department, you also need approval from the respective department chairperson.
II. Other Department Chairperson's Approval
The department chair has discussed this proposal with the members of the department, and the department will not suffer any negative impact from this program.
________________________________________ ____________________________
Department Chair's Signature Date
Department chairperson comments: (optional)________________________________________________________
II. Division Dean's Approval
Please submit a copy of your study abroad director application together with this form to your division dean for his/her approval. Your division dean will subsequently forward the proposal to the Executive Vice President for his approval.
I have reviewed the attached study abroad program director application and support the applicant's proposal.
________________________________________ ______________________________
Division dean's signature Date
Division dean comments: (optional)________________________________________________________________
III. Executive Vice President’s Approval
________________________________________ ____________________________
Signature Date
Questions for Prospective Study Abroad Program Directors
For New Programs Only
1. Describe your proposed program and explain how it will provide a valuable study abroad experience for students.
2. What evidence of student interest do you have for the program you are proposing?
3. Why are you applying for the program director’s position? What do you hope to gain from your participation?
4. How does your academic background prepare you for teaching in and directing this program?
5. What non-teaching experiences have you had that prepare you for participating in this program? In this section, please describe any relevant activities you have led outside the classroom, including challenges that arose from the activities, and how you handled them.
6. How do you plan to recruit for this program? If this is a repeat program, has this program been successfully offered in the past?
7. How do you plan to incorporate the program experience in your teaching when you return?
Characteristics of Study Abroad Program Directors
8. In your opinion, what characteristics distinguish a good program director?
9. In your opinion, what do students expect from a study abroad program director?
10. What do you expect students to gain from the proposed study abroad experience?
11. What do you anticipate will be the biggest challenges you would face as director of a study abroad program? What approach will you take to meeting them?
12. How is your proposed curriculum appropriate to the country in which it will be offered?
13. Describe any student assignments or activities outside of the classroom, explaining
a. The nature of the activities
b. Their goals
c. How they will take advantage of your foreign location.
14. If you are proposing a program in a country where English is not widely spoken, how well do you speak the language of the country? If you do not speak the language, how do you plan to fulfill the roles of the director that require communicating with non-English speakers?
Criteria for program selection include the following:
a. Curriculum offered (breadth, appeal to broad range of students, fulfillment of general education requirements, etc.),
b. Relevance of curriculum to country,
c. Value of program to departments/faculty,
d. Likelihood of attracting students
e. Teaching expertise/experience of faculty,
f. Experience in directing a program and traveling/living abroad, particularly in country,
g. Faculty development,
h. Program diversity for student choice.
Criteria for director selection include the following:
a. Teaching expertise/experience of faculty,
b. Experience in directing a program and traveling/living abroad, particularly in country,
c. Flexibility and willingness to deal with student problems,
d. Reasons for wanting to participate in program,
e. Demonstrated interest in working with students outside of the classroom,
f. Faculty development (provide opportunity to new, different faculty)
FORMER DIRECTORS INCLUDE: Carrie Hutchinson, Tina Kistler, Sonia Zuniga-Lomeli, Roberto Robledo, Dina Castillo, Thomas Larson, Joe White, Manou Eskandari, Elizabeth Imhof, Michael Stinson, Laura Gardinali, Curtis Bieber, Francisco Rodriguez, Linda Lowell, Clara Oropeza, Lou Spaventa, Julie Brown, David Starkey, Stephanie Dotson, and Joy Kunz.