Limited Unaffiliated Agility Competition
To be held at the
2009Newark and NottsCountyShow
Winthorpe Showground
In association with
On the weekend of
9TH AND 10TH MAY 2009
Limited to230 dogs per day
Richard Ascough, Terry Condra, Bob Perks, Mike Stallard
Class Entries
£2.50 per Class / £1.50 Helpers Class
Closing Date for entries 28th March 2009
Show Opens 7.30am Briefings 8.45am Judging Starts 9.00am
Limited Camping Available
Show Entries to be sent to:
Karen Jones, Meadowgate, Park Road, Tydd St Giles
Cambridgeshire, PE13 5NH
Tel: 01945 871213 (before 10pm please)
Veterinary Cover supplied by Newark and Notts County Show
- Trophies to 3rd place in all classes of at least 40 dogs
- Trophies to 2nd place in all classes of at least 20 dogs
- Trophies to 1st place in all classes of less than 20 dogs
Rosettes to 15% of entry
Clear round rosettes in all classes (must be collected at show)
Saturday Classes
- Open AgilityLarge Dogs
- Open AgilityMedium Dogs
- Open AgilitySmall Dogs
- Handicap Agility StakesLarge Dogs
- Handicap Agility StakesMedium Dogs
- Handicap Agility StakesSmall Dogs
- Open JumpingLarge Dogs
- Open JumpingMedium Dogs
- Open JumpingSmall Dogs
- Helpers Open SteeplechaseLarge Dogs
- Helpers Open SteeplechaseMedium Dogs
- Helpers Open SteeplchaseSmall Dogs
- Anysize Jumping
Sunday Classes
- Open AgilityLarge Dogs
- Open AgilityMedium Dogs
- Open AgilitySmall Dogs
- Handicap Agility StakesLarge Dogs
- Handicap Agility StakesMedium Dogs
- Handicap Agility StakesSmall Dogs
- Open JumpingLarge Dogs
- Open JumpingMedium Dogs
- Open JumpingSmall Dogs
- Helpers Helter Skelter Large Dogs
- Helpers Helter SkelterMedium Dogs
- Helpers Helter skelterSmall Dogs
- Anysize Jumping
Helpers classes
Anyone offering to help for more than 2 hours is eligible to enter their dog(s) in the Helpers class on the day that they are helping. Fees for this class are reduced, but trophies and rosettes will be awarded as per all other classes. Please note – your class entry is dependant upon you helping according to your allocated slot – which will be available from the show secretary on the day.
Handicap Agility Stakes
This class is essentially an open class, but each dog will be awarded a ‘handicap’ based on their KC Grade. The handicap will take the form of additional seconds added on to the dog’s actual course time. Each KC Grade will equal 1 second. For example, a Grade 3 dog will have 3 seconds added on to their actual time, and a Grade 6 dog would have 6 seconds added on to the dog’s actual time. Any dog that has not yet competed would be equivalent to a Grade 1 dog and therefore would have the lowest handicap of 1 second.
Anysize Class
Dogs entered in classes 13 and/or 26 are not eligible for entry in any other class
Thank You to all our Judges and to everyone who has offered their help at the show – we could not run this event without you.
Newark and Notts
Entry Form
Handler Details: Please complete in ink using block capitals
Forename …………………………….……….Surname……………………..……………………
Name of Dog / Breed / Saturday Classes / Sunday ClassesMaximum of 4 classes per day for each dog
Are you willing to Help at our show?
I have entered the Helpers Class and therefore I am offering to help (please indicate your
preferred job) Score / Scribe / Caller/ Pads / Jumps on the day of the helpers class
I have not entered the Helpers Class, but would be happy to help on Saturday/Sunday
(please indicate your preferred day and job) Score / Scribe / Caller / Pads / Jumps
Address of Handler…………………………………………..…….………………………………
……………………………………………………………………Post Code………..………………
E-mail ………………………………………………..……….Tel………………………………….
I / We have read and agree to abide by the regulations of the showground/ show and confirm that we agree not to attend the event should any dog in our care & custody come into contact with any infectious disease within 21 days prior to the date of the show.
Camping Available at £20 for the weekend - Friday and Saturday nights
Number of Pitches Required………..TOTAL DUE £……………..
CLASS ENTRIESNumber of Class Entries……….@ £2.50 =£……………….
Number of Class Entries …….…@ £1.50 =£……………….
TOTAL Class Entries£………………
TOTAL CHEQUE Enclosed£……………...
Entries to be sent to: Karen Jones, Meadowgate, Park Road, Tydd St Giles
Cambridgeshire, PE13 5NH
Tel: 01945 871213 (before 10 pm)
CHEQUES to be made payable to W.A.G.
Please Enclose an SAE (reasonable size please) for the return of your running orders
Directions to the show
The showground is situated just off the A16 at Winthorpe near Newark. The showground is well signposted from all directions – if in doubt, follow signs for the AirMuseum. For those competitors using SatNav, the postcode is NG24 2NY.
Please note that this Agility Show is being held in conjunction with the Newark and Notts COUNTYSHOW and there will be many distractions and other events taking place on both days.
Now for the Boring but important stuff!
Rules and Regulations
- KC Standard Marking Regulations will apply
- The height limit for dogs
a) Large dogs – dogs measuring over 43 cm at the withers
b) Medium dogs – dogs measuring between 35 cm and 43 cm at the withers
c) Small dogs – dogs measuring 35cm or under at the withers
- Entry Fee will be £2.50 per Open Class or £1.50 per Helpers Class
- The organisers reserve the right to refuse entries.
- Dogs under 18 calendar months of age on the day of the Show are not eligible to compete.
- The mating of bitches within the precincts of the show is forbidden.
- No bitch in season is allowed to compete.
- No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time within the boundaries of the Show.
- Dogs must not wear slip chains, collars or leads when under test A flat close fitting, leather or webbing collar is permitted.
- Should a judge be unable to fulfill the appointment to judge, Wagtails Agility Group reserve the right to appoint another judge.
- No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judge or judges.
- Show entries close 28th March 2009
- It is the competitors responsibility to be available for their class and running order.
- A Judge at the Agility Test may not handle a dog in the class they are judging.
- A dog shall be withdrawn from competition and removed from an Agility Show if it is
a)A bitch which is in season.
b)Suffering from an infectious diseases or contagious disease
c)Interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent
d)Of such temperament or is so much out of hand as to be a danger to the safety of any person or other animal.
e)Likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues competing
- In the event of the abandonment of the Show through circumstances beyond our control Wagtails Agility Group may defray such expenses from the entry fees as are required to cover the cost of the show preparation.
- All dogs will be entered at this show at their owners risk and whilst every care will be taken, Wagtails Agility Group will not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury howsoever caused to dogs, people or property whilst at the show.
- No dogs will be allowed in the ring at any time other than when being judged.
- Handler/owners are expected to clean up after their dogs and place into the bins provided. Any one found not doing so would be asked to leave the venue and forfeit any remaining class entries.
- Dogs must be kept on leads except when under test or in the designated exercise area
- Anyone entering the Helpers class will be allocated a job on the same day as their helpers class.