Chapter 25 Worksheet- Imperialism, World War I Terms to Identify

Berlin Conference
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald
blank check
Boer War
Bosnian Crisis
Clemenceau, Georges
Congress of Berlin
Conrad, Joseph
Dual Alliance
Entente Cordiale
Ferdinand, Francis
First Moroccan Crisis
Fourteen Points
Franco-Russian Alliance
George, David Lloyd
Hobson, J.A.
Kemal, Mustafa
Kerensky, Alexander
League of Nations / Leopold II
Ludendorff, Erich
Moltke, Helmut von
Monroe Doctrine
Open Door Policy
Schlieffen Plan
Second Moroccan Crisis
Spanish American War
Stanley, Henry Morton
Three Emperor's League
Tirpitz, Alfred von
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
war guilt clause
White Russians
William II
Wilson, Woodrow

Chapter Questions
How and why did European attitudes toward imperialism change after 1871?

What features differentiate the New Imperialism from earlier imperialistic movements?

What factors led to the Anglo-German rivalry?

How did developments in the Balkans lead to the outbreak of WWI?

Who (or what) is most responsible for causing WWI?

What were the benefits of the Versailles Treaty to Europe, and what were its drawbacks ?

How did Lenin's version of socialism differ from that of other socialists in Europe?

What role did Trotsky play in the Russian Revolution?

Textbook DQ’s

Social Darwinism and ImperialismHow does the author connect Darwin’s ideas to the concept of human progress?

Is it reasonable to equate biological species with human societies, races, or nations?

How do the author’s ideas justify imperial expansion?

What arguments can you make against the author’s assertions?

Bismarck Explains His Foreign Policy

What alliances made up Bismarck’s system?

How were they meant to preserve the peace?

What is Bismarck’s stated purpose for avoiding a war in Europe?

Were there other reasons too?

The Kaiser’s Comments on the Outbreak of the World War
What was the significance of mobilization on which the Kaiser places so much emphasis ?

Why does the Kaiser focus so much anger on England?

In 1914, why was Great Britain aligned with its traditional rivals, France and Russia against Germany?

The Outbreak of the Russian Revolution

What elements contributing to the success of the March Revolution emerge from this selection?

Why might the army have been unreliable?

Why did the two ambassadors think a new ministry should be appointed?

What were the grievances of the revolutionaries?

Why is there no discussion of the leaders of the revolution?

What role did the emperor (tsar) play in these events?

An Eyewitness Account of the Bolshevik’s Seizure of Power

What was the Provisional government?

How did it come into being?

Why was it under pressure in November 1917?

Which groups were vying for power?

What program gave victory to the Bolsheviks?

War Propaganda and the Movies: Charlie Chaplin (Secondary)

What were the purposes of propaganda in the war?

What were the advantages of using movies in the war effort?

Imperialism (Secondary)

What were the major ancient attitudes toward imperialism and what are the major modern attitudes?

How do you account for the differences?

What justifications and explanations have modern people used in connection with imperialism?

Which do you think are the most important?

Do you think ancient and modern reasons for imperialism are fundamentally different?