49 people completed the survey

1. What do you teach?

·  15 R&C faculty

·  Other faculty from Political Science, Sociology, Geology, Mathematics, Environmental Science, Art, Health Promotion, Geography and Planning, Anthropology, Nursing, Psychology, Communication, Business Education, Education, Music, and Global Studies

·  9 skipped the question; one person said that the question was “vague”

2. Have you seen improvement in student writing since the beginning of the new Gen Ed in 2009?

·  26% said yes; 26 % said no

·  21% selected the answer “I do not know”

·  19% said they were new to ASU, while 9% selected “Does Not Apply”

3. Please respond to the following statements with eitherAGREE, DISAGREE, NOT SURE, orDOES NOT APPLY. (Numbers are in percentages and rounded off.)


Students write clearly and smoothly. 32 62 6

They provide good supporting evidence. 29 68 3

Students have trouble saying what they

want to say. 59 35 6

They cite sources accurately. 19 75 3

Students summarize instead of analyze. 71 23 3

They do not follow directions well. 63 34 3

They summarize and paraphrase well. 56 39 6

Their papers are organized clearly and logically. 50 47 3

Students are not creative. 22 67 8

They write with an appropriate tone for

assignments. 60 32 6

They reflect well on their own writing. 31 58 8

They are aware of different audiences. 46 49 6

They use mostly correct grammar and

punctuation. 58 36 6

They revise well. 51 40 9

They are receptive to accepting feedback

and criticism. 80 11 9

They are able to transfer knowledge and skills

from one task to another. 40 49 11

They are able to cite sources accurately. 19 72 8

Students procrastinate a lot. 92 3 3

Students plagiarize quite often. 25 58 17

The plagiarism in my classes is mostly due to

incorrect documentation. 56 17 11

They have problems getting started. 69 20 11

Students are willing to ask questions if an

assignment is not clear. 80 14 6

Students use multimodal/ digital media

effectively. 54 20 20

4. What writing practices do you use in your classes?

Scaffolding of assignments 87

Low-stakes assignments (journals, in-class writings,

rough drafts, on-line discussions, free writes, quizzes) 84

High-stakes assignment (essays, research papers,

essay exams, exit exams, portfolios) 92

Multiple drafts 76

Reflective writing 74

Multimodal composing/ digital media 50

Writing center visits/ referrals 47

Peer review workshops 61

One-on-one conferences with students 68

Consultations with librarians/ class visits to the library 45

5.What WAC resources or activities have you utilized? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.)

Handling the paper load workshops 21

Plagiarism workshops 11

A-Portfolio workshops 32

Reflective writing workshops 21

Service learning workshops 18

Linked classes discussion 8

Digital Rhetoric workshops 16

Teaching for Transfer workshops 13

Writing Across Institutions (WAI) Conference 18

WAC’s Writing Café 13

New Faculty Reception 18

Women’s Writing Pilgrimage 5

Invitational Rhetoric workshops 8

Plagiarism and Assignment Design workshops 8

WAC Film 29

One-on-one consultation with a WAC consultant 16
Assessment and rubrics workshops 21

Argument workshops 13

Visiting scholars (Eileen Schell, John Zubizaretta,

Liz Wardle, Patrick Bahls, Nancy Sommers,

LisaEde, Andrea Lunsford) 34

6. Have you used A-Portfolio in any of your classes?

·  30% Yes

·  65% No

7. What areas of training would enable you to use A-Portfolio?


Theory and Practice 11

Technology Concerns 24

Q&A sessions 19

Hands-on practice with A-Portfolio 32

One-on-one consultations with A-Portfolio experts 35

Mentoring groups 11

How-to videos 35

Assessment Design & Course Assessment 22

Template Design 27

Creating an A-Portfolio Portfolio Design 22

8. If you have used portfolios in your classes, which of the following do you agree with? Please respond with either AGREE, DISAGREE, NOT SURE, or DOES NOT APPLY.


Portfolios allow students more time to

polish a paper. 58 0 29

They let students showcase their best work. 63 0 25

They allow students to improve their grades. 54 0 29

They offer students a choice about what they

want graded. 38 13 25

I don’t see the point of portfolios. 8 67 17

Portfolios allow students to reflect on their

learning. 63 0 25

I prefer to grade each paper. 44 36 8

Portfolios inflate grades. 16 40 32

Students can see their progress across

a semester. 56 4 28

Portfolios allow students to control

their own learning. 48 8 32

The technology is too confusing. 8 46 38

The how-to videos for A-Portfolio are clear

and very helpful. 26 4 39