Wabo®CompressionSeal – Bridge Series Joint System
Preformed Elastomeric Joint Seal
for Bridge & Highway Applications
The work shall consist of furnishing and installing a preformed bridge seal in accordance with the details shown on the plans and the requirements of the specifications.
Provide a multi-cellular elastomeric seal profile that is capable of accommodating movement and variations in joint widths through compression and flexure of its internal web structure. Design web structure with truss like features that exhibit the ability to support traffic where applicable and exerts continuous and uniform pressure against the joint sidewalls effectively providing a watertight seal and application. Provide seal profile that satisfies project requirements including movement and watertightness. Install all components utilizing manufacturer’s recommended lubricant adhesive for complete installation.
C.Component and Materials
The Contractor shall furnish a manufacturer’s certification that the materials proposed have been pre-tested and will meet the requirements as set forth in the specification.
1.Elastomeric Seal
The seals shall be preformed and manufactured from an extruded neoprene compound exhibiting the physical properties as called for in ASTM D3542, AASHTO M297 and listed in the table below:
Tensile StrengthASTM D4122000 psi, (13.8 MPa)
Elongation @ breakASTM D412250%, min
Hardness, Type A DurometerASTM D2240 Modified55 +/-5 % points
Oven Aging 70 hrs @ 212°F (100°C)ASTM D573
Tensile Strength20% loss max
Elongation20% loss max
Hardness0 to +10 points
Oil Swell, 70 hrs @ 212°F (100°C)ASTM D47145%
Ozone Resistance, 70 hrs @ 104°FASTM D1149 ModifiedNo Cracks
(40°C) 20% strain, 300 pphm, in air
Low Temp. Recovery, 72 hrs 14°Fsection 7d88%
(-14°C)50% deflection, min
Low Temp. Recovery, 22 hrs @-20°Fsection 7d83%
(-29°C)50% deflection, min
Low Temp. Recovery, 70 hrs @212°Fsection 7d85%
(100°C)50% deflection, min
Wabo®CompressionSeal – Bridge Series Joint System
Preformed Elastomeric Joint Seal
for Bridge & Highway Applications
2.Lubricant Adhesive
Elastomeric seal shall be installed utilizing a one part moisture curing polyurethane and aromatic hydrocarbon solvent mixture which complies with ASTM D4070.
3.Metal Retainers (optional)
Provide profile or shape of suitable size and design for application indicated on contract plans. Incorporate factory welded stop bar on metal retainer for all horizontal conditions and as recommended by the manufacturer. Metal retainers and method of anchorage shall be as detailed in the contract plans.
D.Construction Requirements
The Contractor shall submit product information and necessary details after the award of the contract. At the discretion of the Engineer, the manufacturer may be required to furnish a representative sample of material to be supplied in accordance with the project specifications
Where indicated and noted on the contract plans, install bridge seals in a neat and workmanlike manner. Utilize manufacturers optional installation tool where applicable. All surfaces to receive elastomeric compression seal shall be free from dirt, water and any other loose foreign debris, which may be detrimental to effective joint sealing.
The neoprene seal shall be supplied in the longest continuous length possible. Factory splices will be allowed. A cyanoacrylate adhesive shall be used to field splice and or miter the seal to accomplish directional changes.
Preformed bridge seal shall be set to the proper width for ambient temperature at the time of installation and shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers written instructions.
The accepted quantity of preformed bridge seal will be paid for at the contract unit price per lineal foot. Measurement of the preformed bridge seal will be taken horizontally and vertically along the centerline of the joint system between the outer limits indicated on the contract plans. Payment will be made under:
Preformed Bridge SealLineal Foot
Payment will be full compensation for all work necessary to complete the items including furnishing and installing the preformed bridge seal, and any miscellaneous patching required.
Bridge & Highway
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