Note: Nominees may be anyone, living or deceased, domiciled in Arizona at any time, whose achievements or contributions in some aspect of human flight brought fame or credit to the state and nation, as well as to the nominee. Anyone can nominate a candidate.

Photographs and Supporting Documentation: Each nomination should be accompanied by at least one glossy photo of nominee, and references such as news articles, publications, books, certificates, or other printed material verifying nominee’s accomplishments. Please Date and Identify All Photos.

Limit One Nominee per Form: Please type information. Use additional pages referencing item number if necessary.

1.Nominee’s Name: Click here to enter text.

2.Address: Click here to enter text.

3.Telephone Contact: Click here to enter text.

4.Date and Place of Birth: Click here to enter text.

If deceased, give date and place of death: Click here to enter text.

Name and relationship of closest living relative: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Telephone Contact: Click here to enter text.

5.Fields of Achievement (check only those appropriate to nominee):







6.Domicile (years and places nominee resided in state of Arizona):

Click here to enter text.

7.State/National/International Awards and Honors (list by dates received):

Click here to enter text.

8.When and where did nominee make his or her significant contribution(s)?

Click here to enter text.

9.Provide a brief biography and summary of achievements (include civilian, military and community involvement):

Click here to enter text.

10.How has the field of aviation benefited from the nominee’s contribution(s); and if applicable, how is the nominee’s contribution being used today?

Click here to enter text.

11.What distinguishes the nominee from others in the same field?

Click here to enter text.

Submitted By: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Occupation: Click here to enter text.

Telephone: Click here to enter text.

Association with/Relationship to Nominee: Click here to enter text.


Date Submitted: Click here to enter text.

Email application with attachments to the Executive Director (Yvonne Morris) at .


c/o Arizona Aerospace Foundation

6000 E. Valencia Road

Tucson, AZ 85756

(520) 574-0462 (Phone)

(520) 574-9238 (Fax)