Copthall School
Teacher of English/Literacy Coordinator
Candidate Information Pack
A Positive Learning Environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives
A Positive Learning Environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives
Dear Candidates
Thank you for your interest in the position of Teacher of English/Literacy Coordinatorat Copthall School at this exciting time for our organisation. I would like to welcome you personally, and I hope that you will find here all the information you need to inspire you to join our team.
Copthall is on a journey to renewed success since its inspection in February 2016. We have a completely new constituted Governing Body who have a wealth of expertise in a range of areas and are very committed to ensuring we deliver first class educational opportunities to the communities we serve and make a difference to the lives of the girls who learn with us.
My appointment in September 2016, came with a mandate to make the changes which would see all students receiving consistently good teaching across all subjects. Underpinning this, I am embedding a culture whereby everyone holds an aspirational vision for every single student. I believe strongly that what we deliver at Copthall must be good enough for my own children in order to be good enough for the children I am responsible for.
We have committed staff and families who only want the very best for our students. Together we have already begun to address the recommendations in the Ofsted report. We are determined to focus on the future with a clear focus on teaching and learning where our students are at the heart of everything we do. Our first monitoring visit just four weeks into my appointment noted that “we are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement”.
We are by no means complacent. This year I have reviewed systems and structures to ensure that our outcomes for all our students are much improved. In addition to a new 3 year KS4 offer and a Year 7 nurture curriculum, September 2017 will see the introduction of a new school uniform, vastly improved catering facilities as well as an online behaviour and rewards tool.
This post is a key appointment to the school. If you would like to discuss the role or have any queries, please call 0208 959 1937 or email . Visits to the school are also encouraged and welcomed.
I look forward to receiving your application.
Yours sincerely
Evelyn Forde
A Positive Learning Environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives
As a girls’ non-selective comprehensive academy, Copthall offers the rare opportunity of single-sex education for students of all abilities. Behaviour across the school is exemplary. The girls are very polite, well-mannered and welcoming to visitors. Those I spoke with were articulate and spoke with conviction and understanding. They are proud of their school, friendly and respectful of others”. HMI September 2016.
Many girls stay on to join our vibrant Sixth Form, from where the vast majority progress to higher education, with a number achieving places at Russell Group universities. In addition the school also offers a strong and varied vocational curriculum. “Recent changes to leadership of the sixth form mean that provision for 16 to 19 year olds is now good” Ofsted 2016.
Copthall School is located in one of London’s more prosperous and leafy boroughs and the area offers a wealth of good quality social, sporting and shopping facilities. That does not mean however, that we do not have to face social issues similar to many inner-city schools and there is a substantial amount of deprivation in our catchment area.
Our Vision and Value statements are borne from our commitment to girls education, we want to ensure that they can take their rightful place in society. We work together to communicate the vision so that any obstacles to successare removed.
Mission Statement: Excellent education for all - A Positive Learning Environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives
Respect: Pride and respect in the cultural diversity of our school and the global environment in which we live
Equality for all: An environment of kindness and tolerance that demonstrates equality for all
Support and Safety: A school that cares and is inclusive, supportive and safe for all
Aspiration: Expectation and celebration of high standards of aspiration and achievement in learning and life
Responsibility: Being responsible and ready for learning
To empower every member of the school community to reach their full potential
To equip our young women with the skills to enjoy, succeed and have choices in their adult lives
To be an outstanding first choice school for young women
To provide an inspirational, exciting and broad education
To create a positive learning environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives (this is the teaching and learning vision)
We have a relentless focus on improving teaching and learning; this includes collaborative planning and coaching, both of which have been hugely developmental for staff. The way we improve teaching is through a series of steps which allow teachers to improve on one aspect of their teaching at a time before moving onto another area. We also use leadership coaching, according to need. Both models facilitate teachers to spend significant time on chosen aspects of their practice, in line with research into effective professional development and the motivating effect of autonomy.
In our drive to become more of an outward facing school we have strong partnerships with Swakeleys School for Girls who are able to offer school to school support as well as accredited Middle Leadership training as part of their ‘teaching school’ status. Our selection to the 2017 Education Parliamentary Review is also testament to the work that is taking place to improve outcomes.
The Governors and I are confident that through the hard work of both staff and students we will see a steep change in the organisations performance. These actions will impact positively on pupil outcomes, the environment and our community so that Copthall quickly becomes, once again a ‘good’ school.
Job Description: Standard Scale Teacher
Copthall School is committed to the protection and safety of Children and young people. All staff are expected to share this commitment.Responsibilities:
- To work within the framework of national legislation and school and LEA policies.
- To teach classes, sets, groups or individual students as required within the agreed timetable setting suitable work to be undertaken both in school and at home.
- To plan and prepare individual lessons appropriate to the needs, interests, experience and existing knowledge of students.
- To contribute to the planning of courses and schemes of work within the department and/or faculty.
- To mark and assess students’ work and to record their development, progress and attainment.
- To maintain good order, discipline and respect of others; to promote understanding of the school’s rules and values; to safeguard health and safety and to develop relationships with, and between students, conducive to optimum learning.
- To maintain an attractive and stimulating classroom environment and to contribute to displays in the school as a whole.
- To support school policies and aims and to take part in whole school reviews of policy.
- To provide and contribute to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to the development and learning of individual students and groups of students.
- To attend parents’ evenings.
- To evaluate and review one’s own teaching methods, materials and schemes of work on a regular basis and to make changes as appropriate.
- To keep up to date with current educational thinking and practice, both by study and by attendance at course, workshops and meetings; to take part in appraisals reviews of one’s work as arranged by the Head of Department or Headteacher.
- To maintain professional standards in dress and behaviour.
- To support or take part in the corporate life of the school.
- To set suitable work for classes when absent and to cover for absent colleagues as necessary.
- To work in co-operation with other members of staff, parents and governors.
- Such other duties as shall from time to time be agreed with the Head of Faculty and the Headteacher.
Copthall School is committed to the protection and safety of Children and young people. All staff are expected to share this commitment.
Job Description - Literacy Co-ordinator
The post of Literacy co-ordinator is an important one. Literacy skills are fundamental to achievement in all subject areas. The literacy co-ordinator will be responsible for:
-Creating a co-ordinated school wide approach to literacy, which reflects the new Ofsted evaluation schedule and reflects best practice drawn from other successful schools
-Ensuring that a ‘fit for purpose’ literacy policy is in place and that it informs other relevant polices in the school. (Eg assessment/ marking and learning and teaching policies). Monitoring the implementation of the policy by staff in the school and supporting subject leaders in ensuring that it is implemented. Ensuring that the outcomes of monitoring inform future plans/ actions.
-Work closely across the subject areas in order ensure that best practice is in place and shared, prioritising work with subject areas where current practice needs refining
-Devise and co-ordinate the delivery of literacy lessons/ intervention programmes for specific groups of students
-Line manage staff delivering the programmes
-Raising the profile of literacy with the school community including staff, students and families. For example through reading activities in tutor time, community activities, activities with the Library and subject areas
The post would be particularly suitable for qualified teacher colleagues who wish to develop their skills at leading on a whole school initiative and who are ambitious for future promotion to senior leadership. A thorough understanding of literacy and management and leadership skills are required. The person specification also sets out the qualities, skills and attributes this post holder must have. The post holder, an English specialist, will have at least 3 periods of non-contact time per week and will also need to be prepared to deliver English at Keys stags 3 through to 5. The post holder will be Line Managed by a member of SLT.
The Literacy Co-ordinator will:
- Ensure there is in place a Literacy policy that informs all staff on approaches to developing levels of literacy in their subject, and provide a framework for delivery, monitoring and evaluation of literacy skills. Ensure that the policy and practice provides strategies to enable subject teachers to:
- Develop student understanding of subject key words, including links to other similar words
- Focus reading skills in subject areas including developing the skills of reading for purpose
- Ensure students write for a purpose using the correct conventions of layout and Standard English where appropriate
- Ensure a focus on accuracy in written language and punctuation with teachers ensuring that they: Refer to spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) in class. Correct SPAG for key words in marked work. Are clear how students should respond to corrections.
- Support students with literacy skills as a generic part of all lesson support
- Correct and enforce correct spoken English during lessons using speaking skills
- The policy will include examples of good practice and links to resources to develop literacy in subject areas.
- Using a range of data and consultation with key staff such as the HOF English, SENCO , EAL HLTA and Librarian to identify students for intervention and to organise the intervention programme and staffing.
For example;
-Setting up targeted reading groups- 6th Form reading buddies
-Use of the Accelerated Reader programme
- withdrawal programmes to deliver Literacy
-Encouraging students who are not reading for pleasure to do so in liaison with the librarian and Hof English
- Act to have an impact upon the educational progress of pupils:
-To ensure that appropriate Assessment, Recording and Reporting procedures are in place. To assess, record and report on the development, progress and attainment of pupils assigned within the guidelines of the Staff Handbook and the assessment policy of the school.
-To lead, manage (including appropriate delegation) activities relating to continuous improvement that arise from evaluation of performance data within this area and to be accountable for the impacts of these improvements.
-To manage the implementation of relevant National or Borough strategies.
-To promote and facilitate the general progress and well- being of individual pupils in assigned groups providing educational guidance on matters relating to their subjects.
-To oversee the implementation of the school’s Learning and Teaching policy.
- Lead, develop and enhance the teaching practice of others:
-Deploy staff in accordance with timetable requirements.
-Provide INSET to colleagues within the department and across the whole school as required.
-Participate in the School’s Performance Management Review cycle as a Team Leader.
-Support the school’s NQT and BT professional development programme.
-Make regular judgements about the quality of teaching and learning within the school with regards to literacy and to implement strategies for further improvement as a result of these judgements.
- Be accountable for the management and leadership of the area :
-Manage and monitor within allocated budgets effectively and efficiently, operating with direct reference to the Financial Management Policy.
-Contribute to school planning with specific reference to the needs of literacy
-Oversee the management of resources and stock.
-Keep up to date with the literacy developments and how they can be applied to learning in subject areas
-Keep up to date with inspection and data return requirements and to share this knowledge and expertise with department colleagues.
-Lead the area’s work on Literacy Self-Review and to lead and facilitate monitoring activities that will accurately inform this.
-Attend appropriate meetings.
- Have line management responsibilities:
-To line manage members of the department, including appropriate professional development activities, routine organisation and deployment and strategic team building and capacity enhancing activities.
-To lead performance management reviews where relevant to the area.
Person specification
The person in this role will be able to:
-plan their time efficiently and effectively, manage pressure points in the school calendar and work under pressure
-communicate, motivate and work well with a range of staff
-work independently and collaboratively with others, including the wider community
-monitor and evaluate their work and be able to identify how to improve
-trouble shoot and able to focus on solutions
-lead as well as manage a team, offering high quality levels of challenge and support
-be willing to contribute to the whole school planning processes and be able to communicate to the range of stakeholders
-be adaptable and flexible
The person in this role will have the following skills to a high level:
-ICT skills to enable both delivery and planning to be IT based
-The ability to work with accuracy and speed
-Be literate and numerate
-Communicate effectively with all stakeholders
-Be creative and innovative in their approach to programme design and delivery and be willing to take and inspire others to take calculated risks!
The person will have the following qualities:
-Enthusiasm for the post
-A sense of humour
- High levels of motivation
-Creativity and vision
A Positive Learning Environment that inspires a passion for learning so that every student progresses and thrives