W.M. PRICE Biology 2 Section 1219 Tu & Th 2:15p Sci 151 Spring 2018

Office Hours:3:45-4:45p,& 5:30-6:30 Tu,Th Sci 217. Email:

Week Date Topic Text Chap.

1 Feb 13 Exploring Life and Science 1

15 Chemical Basis of Life 2

2 20 Q-1; Cell Structure and Function 3

22 Organization of Body Systems 4

3 27 Q-2; The Heart 5

Mar01 Blood Vessels

4 06 Q-3; Blood 6

08 1st Midterm Exam (Chaps 1-5)

5 13 No Class College Flex Day

15 Q-4; Lymphatic System and Immunity 7

20 Q-5; Digestion and Nutrition 9

6 22 Digestion (continued)

27 Q-6; Respiration 10

7 29 2nd Midterm Exam (Chaps 6-9)

8 Apr 03 Respiration (cont.) 10

05 Q-7; The Urinary System 11

10 & 12 No Class—Spring Break

9 17 Q-8; The Skeletal System 12

19 The Muscular System 13

10 24 The Nervous System 14

26 3rd Midterm Exam(Chaps 10-13)

11 May01 Q-9; The Sensory System 15

03 The Endocrine System 16

08 Q-10;Endocrine (cont.)

10 Reproduction 17

13 Last Day to Drop and Still Get a ”W”

13 15 Reproduction (cont.)

17 4th Midterm (Chaps 14-17)

14 22 Development and Aging 18

24 Human Evolution 23

15 29 Ecology 24

31 The Biosphere 25

16 Jun 05 Final Exam

This schedule is subject to change! Always Bring your Textbook to Class!!!

Text Book: HUMAN BIOLOGY by S. Mader, 15th Edition (13th & 14th acceptable)



NOTE: In order to successfully complete this class the student should have

reading and writing skills sufficient to pass an English 1 class.

I. Course Objectives

1. An understanding of general biological concepts.

2. An understanding of the Scientific Method and its use in science.

3. A better understanding of your body and how to stay healthy

4. An understanding of How Cells work.

5. An understanding of human organs and organ systems.

6. An understanding of the interrelationships between these systems.

II. Course Rules

1. Some Quizzes are shown as Q-1 etc., others maybe unannounced!

2. No make ups on quizzes; Midterm Exam may be made up if you have a valid excuse.

3. You must take the Final Exam to get a grade other than "F".

4. I do NOT drop the lowest score on either quizzes or midterms.

5. Attendance: State law requires class attendance at the community college

level. Role will be taken each day. The student is expected to arrive

on time and to attend the full class session. If a student is absent for

any reason, it is that student's responsibility to get the class lecture

notes from some other student AND to find out if there were any announcements

made by the instructor BEFORE coming to the next class meeting.

6. CHEATING: May result in final grade of "F". Read the college's guidelines

on this subject, the "Code of Academic Conduct ...". It also involves any

unauthorized copying of quizzes or exams either auditory or photographic.

7. Dropping this course: It is solely the student's responsibility to

formally drop the course by going to the registrar's office or online and filling

out the proper form. The instructors are no longer allowed to do this.

8. During Quizzes and Examinations, NO electronic devices may be used

without prior approval of the instructor.

9. All copies of quizzes and exams are the property of the instructor, they may not

Be taken from the classroom or copied in any manner. To do so is cheating.

10. All communication devices must be put into silent mode. They may not be used

During Class time, this includes texting and twitter.

11. No unnecessary talking during lectures, please show respect to your fellow


12. For quizzes you will need to bring to class 10 small Scantron sheets (815E). And

5 larger Scantron sheets (882E) for exams. You will need a soft lead pencil #2.

III. Evaluation of the student's performance

Your final grade in the course will be based on the total points you earn and

accumulate during the semester. The following is an example of how points maybe

earned, it is only an example and the number and the means of earning them may vary.

4 Midterm Exams 75points each 300

10 Quizzes 20 points each 200

1 Final Exam 100 " 200

Total Points Possible (here) 700

Your final course grade will be based on the following:

A= Excellent 90% of the total possible points

B= Above average 80% " " " " "

C= Average 65% " " " " "

D= Below average 50% " " " " "

F= Failure Failure to obtain at least 50% of the points

Note: This is a fast moving class. We will cover the entire human body in 25 chapters, over 500 pages. You are expected to arrive before the class starts each day. Late comers not only disrupt your fellow students, but will be noticed by the instructor.

There is not enough lecture time to cover the material in depth, so I will only go over the basic material, the highlights, to help you understand the written material.

You are expected to read each chapter, preferably before coming to class.