
W-188 Technical Committee Annual Meeting

January 3-4 2001 – Circus Circus Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV

The annual meeting of the Western Regional Research project W-188 was called to order by Todd Skaggs (Chair) at approximately 8:30 am on Thursday, January 3, 2001. All project members and visitors participating are listed as follows:


Butters, G.Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Bradford, S.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Casey, F.North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND

Ferré, T.University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Flury, M.Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Gee, G.PNNL-Battelle, Richland, WA

Green, T.USDA-ARS,Fort Collins, CO

Hendrickx, J.New Mexico Tech., Socorro, NM

Horton, R.Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Jaynes, D.National Soil Tilth Lab., Ames, IA

Kluitenberg, G.Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Knighton, R.CSREES, USDA, Washington, DC

Meyer, P.PNNL-Battelle, Portland, OR

Mitchell, A.Palmer Res. Center, Palmer, AK

Nieber, J. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Nielsen, D.University of California, Davis, CA

Or, D.Utah State University, Logan, UT

Schaap, M.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Shouse, P.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Simunek, J.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Skaggs, T.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

van Genuchten, R.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Warrick, A.University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Wierenga, P.University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Wu, J.Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Wu, L.University of California, Riverside, CA

Young, M.Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV


Albright, W. Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV

Castiglione, P. USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Jones, S.Utah State University, Logan, UT

Kelleners, T.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Pan, L.Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, Berkeley, CA

Robinson, D.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA

Schwartz, R.USDA-ARS, Bushland, TX

Sheshukov, A.University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Sukop, M.Utah State University, Logan, UT

Toride, N.USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA (Saga University, Japan)

Tuller, MUniversity of Idaho, Moscow, ID

Administrative Advisor Allen Mitchell (University of Alaska) reported that the narrative section for this year’s annual report would be limited to 12,000 words, which would limit the information that could be contained in the report, especially the impacts section. Don Nielsen mentioned that the annual report should contain at least the references from the members, so that interested parties could research the activities. Ray Knighton thought that W-188 section should produce an executive summary with the impact statement and references, and then place the complete report on the W-188 web site ( This option appeared to garner the most support from the members, many of who have already completed their institutions’s report. Allen will generate the executive summary and place it at Appendix D in the National report. As before, the guidelines for the report are found at Report sections should be sent to Michael Young, W-188 secretary, for assembly and distribution. The full report will be sent to Allen Mitchell by February 15, 2002.

Ray Knighton (CSREES) gave the CSREES representative's report and provided a two-page summary of the budget status for fiscal year 2002 (FY02). He stated that FY02 funding for CSREES was $1,024,388,000, an increase of just under $43 million over FY01 budget. The NRI budget was increased by about $15 million, while special grants was decreased by just over $2 million. Almost $43 million was provided for the new Integrated Activities account, representing an increase from FY01 of approximately $1 million. Unfortunately, the IFAFS program was not funded in this funding cycle, though Ray thought that it could be revived in a future farm bill amendment, or it could receive strong consideration in the FY03 budget. Ray described several new research initiatives being developed that would provide additional research funds. The first is the Section 406 Water Quality, which will form a new collaboration with EPA, possibly focusing on nutrient management. The National Climate Change Technologies Initiative was proposed by the Bush administration as a response to the non-participation in the Kyoto protocol. This initiative would focus on greenhouse gas emissions. Technical support papers were being written in Washington to support this area, and many discussions are being held between agriculture and industry. Ray also mentioned that the S1004 group had formed to deal with total maximum daily load (TMDL) issues. Because this group is dealing with the scaling issues and modeling, Ray feels that the W-188 group could contribute some expertise. He indicated that he would provide that group with the W-188 member name, and objectives for model validation.

The business meeting followed the CSREES representative's report. The annual report and minutes of the previous meeting (Jan. 3-5, 2001) were approved unanimously. Nominations were taken for new committee members. The nominees were: Scott Jones (Utah State University) and Markus Tuller (University of Idaho). Nominees were voted on and approved unanimously. Michael Young nominated Frank Casey to be next year’s secretary; he was elected unopposed. The location of next year's meeting was discussed briefly. Most of the attendees found the accommodations at Circus Circus favorable, though others felt it was time for a change. Michael Young indicated that he would search for other possible accommodations, but that timing, and thus cost, was important given large conventions that are in Las Vegas at the same time as W-188. He will communicate to the group through email. The cost for this year's meeting was $80 per person.

With respect to new business, Gerard Kluitenberg announced that S-1 had voted to approve an S-1 Early Career Award for those scientists who are within six years of obtaining their Ph.D. Kurt Pennell has the information on this award on the S-1 soil physics web site ( Michael Young mentioned that AGU was combining their Spring 2003 meeting with the European Geophysics Society, to be held in Nice, France in May, 2003. AGU was soliciting central themes for this meeting. Suggestions should be forwarded to the Unsaturated Zone Committee of the AGU in the near future.

The technical presentations commenced with presentations from the University of Arizona. Ty Ferré discussed the borehole GPR method of identifying wetting fronts. Art Warrick presented results on the use of analytic elements for simulating the presence of multiple impermeable objects. Laosheng Wu (University of California, Riverside) described the effects of applying polymers (e.g., polyacrylamide) on the sorption of pesticides. Dani Or (Utah State University) presented a list of his on-going projects and introduced Scott Jones (Utah State University), who is studying the use TDR to measure water content in cereal grains. Mike Sukop (Utah State University) presented research on the use of Lattice Boltzmann models for simulated fluid movement in porous media. Gerard Kluitenburg described new solutions for the dual-probe heat pulse meter, including comparisons of errors associated with probe orientation.

After lunch, the technical presentations continued with Bob Horton (Iowa State University) who described the use of the heat pulse sensor to measure subsurface flux. Dan Jaynes (USDA, National Tilth Lab, Ames, IA) described the use of cluster analysis to describe spatial distribution of corn yield. Jan Hendrickx discussed geophysical methodologies for detecting land mines. Glendon Gee (Batelle Pacific Northwest National Labs, Richland, WA) presented the water flux meter for directly measuring subsurface flux. Michael Young (DRI, Las Vegas, NV) discussed modeling efforts to simulate flux at the Savannah River Site, SC. Bill Albright (DRI, Reno, NV) presented the Alternative Cover Assessment Project, which compares flux rates through prescriptive and monolithic covers in different geographic areas of the US. Lehua Pan (Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, Berkeley, CA) described modeling activities using TOUGH2 code to simulate fracture flow at Yucca Mountain, NV. All participants were invited to a social hour in Don and Joanne Nielsen's room.

The technical presentations continued the following morning (Jan. 4) at 8:30. This was the final day of the meeting. Joan Wu (Washington State University, Pullman) began the day’s presentations by discussing modifications to the WEPP model and to the CLIGEN climate generation. Markus Flury (Washington State University, Pullman) described a new technique for measuring soil water retention curves by freezing and thawing the soil sample. Greg Butters (Colorado State University, Fort Collins) presented the results of an automated experimental method and inverse modeling, for obtaining water retention curves in soils. Time Green (USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, CO) described the use of artificial neural networks and geostatistics to study the yield of winter wheat.

A number of presentations by scientists at the USDA-ARS-USSL, Riverside, CA commenced with Scott Bradford, who presented experimental results of cryptosporidium parvum and giardia movement and release from waste material as a function of solution salinity. Marcel Schaap described a method of simulating fluid flow in porous media using the Lattice Boltzmann model. Paolo Castiglione presented laboratory and numerical results using the dual permeability model to simulate preferential flow in large soil columns.

After lunch, the presentations continued with Frank Casey (North Dakota State University), who described a method for field-scale solute transport prediction using a mechanistic-stochastic model. John Nieber described the modeling of unstable water flow using higher-order corrections to Richard's equation. Phil Meyer (Batelle Pacific Northwest National Labs, Portland, WA) demonstrated new software developed at PNL for estimating vadose zone water fluxes for identifying potential disposal sites. Markus Tuller presented new methods for modeling unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. Frank Schwartz (USDA-ARS, Bushland, TX) presented new sensor technologies for measuring soil water content. The meeting was adjourned around 16:30. Afterward, all were invited to a social hour in Don and Joanne Nielsen's room.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael H. Young

Secretary, W-188


W-188 Address List - Updating

L.R. Ahuja


301 S. Howes, P.O. Box E

Fort Collins, CO 80522

Tel:(970) 221-0578

Fax:(970) 490-8310


Mark Ankeny

Daniel B. Stephens & Assoc.

6020 Academy NE, Suite 100

Albuquerque, NM 87109

Tel:(505) 822 9400


Jelle Beekma

Dept. of Earth & Environ. Sciences

New Mexico Tech.

Socorro, NM 87801

Tel:(505) 835-5684

Fax:(505) 835-6436


Jim Bilskie

Campbell Scientific, Inc.

815 West 1800 North

Logan, UT 84321-1784

Tel:(435) 750-9580


Scott Bradford

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Rd.

Riverside, CA 92507-4617



Greg Butters

Colorado State University

Ft Collins, CO 80523

Tel:(970) 491-6314 or 6501

Fax:(970) 491-0564


G.S. Campbell

Decagon Devices, Inc

950 NE Nelson Court

Pullman, WA 99163

Tel:(509) 332-2756


Frank Casey

Soil Science Department

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND 58105

Tel:(701) 231-8577


J. H. Cushman

Mathematics Dept.

Purdue University

W. Lafayette, IN 47905

Tel:(317) 494-8040


B.S. Das

Dept. of Agronomy

Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center

Kansas State University

Manhattan, KS 66506

Tim Ellsworth

University of Illinois

S-210 Turner Hall

1102 S. Goodwin Ave

Urbana, IL 61801


Steve Evett


P.O. Drawer 10

Bushland, TX 79012

Tel:(806) 356-5775

Fax:(806) 356-5750


Toby Ewing

Dept. of Agronomy

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011

Tel:(515) 294-7856


Ty Ferré

Dept. of Hydrology and Water Resources

University of Arizona

1133 E. North Campus Dr.

P.O. Box 2110011

Tucson, AZ 85721-0011

Tel:(250) 621-2952


Alan L. Flint

U.S. Geological Survey

Placer Hall, 6000 J St.

Sacramento, CA 95819-6129

Tel: (916) 278-6129

Fax:(916) 278-3070


Lorraine Flint

U.S. Geological Survey

Placer Hall, 6000 J St.

Sacramento, CA 95819-6129

Tel: (916) 278-6129

Fax:(916) 278-3070


Markus Flury

Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences

Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164

Tel: (509) 335-1719


Glendon Gee


P.O. Box 999 (MS K9-33)

Richland, WA 99352

Tel:(509) 372-6096

Fax:(509) 372-6089


Masoud Ghodrati

Dept. of Environmental Science

Pol. & Mang.

151 Hilgard Hall

University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720-3110

Tel:(510) 643-0955


T. Green


301 S. Howes, P.O. Box E

Fort Collins, CO 80522

Tel:(970) 221-0578

Fax:(970) 490-8310


Jan Hendrickx

New Mexico Tech

Dept. of Geoscience

Soccoro, NM 87801

Tel:(505) 835-5892

Fax:(505) 835-6436


Jan W. Hopmans

Dept. of LAWR, Hydrology

123 Veihmeyer Hall

University of California

Davis, CA 95616

Tel:(530) 752-3060

Fax:(530) 752-5262


Scott B. Jones

Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biomet.

Utah State University

Logan, UT 84322-4820

Tel:(435) 797-2175

Fax:(435) 797-2117


Robert Horton

Dept. of Agronomy

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011

Tel:(515) 294-7843

Fax:(515) 294-3163


Joel Hubbel

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

P.O. Box 1625, MS 2107

Idaho Falls, ID 83415

Tel:(208) 526-1747

Fax:(208) 526-0875


David Hudson

U.S. Geological Survey/HRF

Box 327, MS271

Mercury, NV 89131


Dan Jaynes

National Soil Tilth Lab

2150 Pammel Drive

Ames, IA 50011

Tel: (515) 294-8243

Fax:(515) 294-8125


Yan Jin

Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 10717-1303

Tel:(302) 831-6962

Fax:(302) 831-0605


W.A. Jury

Dept. of Envir. Sciences

University of California

Riverside, CA 92521

Tel:(909) 787-5134

Fax:(909) 787-2954


Thijs Kelleners

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Rd.

Riverside, CA 92507-4617

Tel:(909) 369-4855

Fax: (909) 342-4964


G.J. Kluitenberg

Dept. of Agronomy

Kansas State University

Manhattan, KS 66506

Tel:(913) 532-7215

Fax:(913) 532-6094


R.E. Knighton

National Program Leader-Soil Science


1400 Independence Ave.

Washington DC, 20250-2210

Tel:(202) 401-6417

Fax:(202) 401-1706


Feike Leij

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Road

Riverside, CA 92507-4617

Tel:(909) 369-4851

Fax:(909) 342-4964


Dan Levitt

Science and Eng. Assoc., Inc.

3205 Richards Lane, Suite A

Santa Fe, NM 87505

Tel:(505) 424-6955 x13

Fax: (505)424-6956


Phil Meyer


620 SW 5th Ave., Ste 810

Portland, OR 97204


Allen Mitchell

533 E. Fireweed Ave.

Palmer Research Center

Palmer, AK 99645-6629


Tel:(907) 746-9450

Binayak Mohanty

Department of Ag. Engineering

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843

Tel: (979) 845-4421

Fax:(909) 845-3932


David J. Mulla

Dept. of Soil, Water, and Climate

1991 Upper Buford Circle

564 Borlaug Hall

University of Minnesota

St. Paul MN 55108

Tel:(612) 625-6721

Fax:(612) 624-4223


John Nieber

Dept. Biosystems and Agricultural Eng.

University of Minnesota

1390 Eckles Ave.

St. Paul, MN 55108

Tel:(612) 625-6724

Fax:(612) 624-3005


Don R. Nielsen

1004 Pine Lane

Davis, CA 95616

Tel:(530) 753-5760 (home and messages)

Fax:(530) 753-9592


Tom Meixner

Department of Environmental Sciences

University of California

Riverside, CA 92521

Tel: (909) 787-2356


Dani Or

Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biomet.

Utah State University

Logan, UT 84322

Tel:(435) 797-2637

Fax:(435) 797-2117


Pan, Lehua

Earth Sciences Division

Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Labs

One Cyclotron Road

Berkeley, CA 94720

Tel: (510) 495-2360

Fax: (510) 486-6115


Marc B. Parlange

Dept. Geography and Env. Engineering

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD


Ed Perfect

Department of Geological Sciences

Univ. of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN 37996-1410

Tel: (865) 974-6017

Fax: (865) 974-2368


Indrek Porro

Idaho National Eng./Environ. Lab.

P.O. Box 1625, MS 2107

Idaho Falls, ID 83415-2107

Tel:(208) 526-0906


P.S.C. Rao

School of Civil Engineering

Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47907

Tel: (765) 496-6554


A.S. Rogowski


113 Research Office Bldg.

Hastings Road

University Park, PA 16082-4709

Tel:(814) 865-2048

D.E. Rolston

Dept. of LAWR

139a Hoagland Hall

University of California

Davis, CA 95616

Tel:(916) 752-2113

Fax:(916) 752-1552


Marcel Schaap

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Rd.

Riverside, CA 92507

Tel:(909) 369-4844

Fax:(909) 342-4964


Robert Schwartz

Conservation & Production Research Lab

USDA, ARS, P.O. Drawer 10

Bushland, TX 79012



Peter Shouse

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Road

Riverside, CA 92507-4617

Tel:(909) 369-4849

Fax:(909) 342-4964


Jirka Simunek

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Rd.

Riverside, CA 92507

Tel:(909) 369-4865

Fax:(909) 342-4964


J. B. Sisson

P.O. Box 1628, MS-2107

Idaho Falls, ID 83415-2107

Tel:(208) 526-1118

Fax:(208) 526-0875


Todd Skaggs

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Rd.

Riverside, CA 92507

Tel:(909) 369-4853

Fax:(909) 342-4964


Warren Strong

Sandia National Labs

P.O. Box 5800, M/S 1150

Albuquerque, NM 87185-1150

Tel:(505) 284-3313


Mike Sully

Bechtel Nevada Corp. M/S 969

P.O. Box 98521

Las Vegas, NV 89193

Tel:(702) 295-4284

Markus Tuller

Dept. of Plant, Soils & Ent. Sciences

University of Idaho

P.O. Box 442339

Moscow, ID 83844-2339

Tel:(208) 885-7219

Fax:(208) 885-7760


Scott Tyler

Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program

MS 175

University of Nevada, Reno

Reno, NV 89532

Tel (775) 784-6250


M.Th. van Genuchten

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Road

Riverside, CA 92507-4617

Tel:(909) 369-4847

Fax:(909) 342-4964


W.W. Wallender

Dept. of LAWR

211 Veihmeyer Hall

University of California

Davis, CA 95616

Tel:(530) 752-0688

Fax:(530) 752-5262


Dong Wang

Dept. Soil, Water, and Climate

University of Minnesota

60 Borlaug Hall

1991 Upper Buford Circle

St. Paul, MN 55108

Tel: (612) 625-5779

Fax: (612) 625-2208


Zhi Wang

Dept of Environmental Sciences

University of California

Riverside, CA 92521

Tel:(909) 787-6395

Fax:(909) 787-2954


A.W. Warrick

429 Shantz #38

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ 85721

Tel:(520) 621-1516

Fax:(520) 621-1647


P.J. Wierenga

Dept. of Soil, Water and Env. Sciences

429 Shantz Bldg. #38

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ 85721

Tel:(602) 621-7228

Fax:(602) 621-1647


J.M. Wraith

Land Resources and Environ. Sciences

Montana State University

Bozeman, MT 59717-3120

Tel:(406) 994 1997

Fax:(406) 994-3933


Joan Wu

Dept. of Biological System Engineering

Washington State University

Pullman, WA 99164

Tel: (509) 335-5996


Laosheng Wu

Dept of Environmental Sciences

University of California

Riverside, CA 92521

Tel:(909) 787-4664

Fax:(909) 787-2954


Scott Yates

George E. Brown, Jr. Salinity Lab


450 W. Big Springs Rd.

Riverside, CA 92507


Michael H. Young

Div. of Hydrologic Sciences

Desert Research Institute

755 E. Flamingo Road

Las Vegas, NV 89119




Renduo Zhang

Dept. of Renewable Resources

University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY 82071

Tel:(307) 766-5082

Fax:(307) 766-6403
