1973 W. Rawlins Road
Elizabeth, Illinois
April 16, 2013, 7:30 p.m.
The citizens of Guilford Township held their Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday, April16, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. at the Guilford Town Hall with 17 in attendance.
Clerk Claire Bersbach called the meeting to order and thanked the citizens attending. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Bersbach noted Guilford Township conducted its first recorded Annual Town Meeting April 5, 1853. This is the 160th Anniversary of that first recorded Annual Town Meeting.
Bersbach called for nominations to elect a Moderator of the Meeting. Dan Ripley nominated Wayne Wienen; Larry Stoneburner seconded the nomination.
Francis Wachter moved to close the nominations; Jeff Winders seconded the motion. By voice vote, motion approved.
Bersbach called for the vote. By voice vote Wayne Wienen was elected. Clerk Bersbach administered the Oath of Office and installed Wayne Wienen as Moderator.
Wienen asked the Clerk to read the Minutes of the 2012 Annual Town Meeting. There were no questions regarding the minutes. Bill Bersbach moved the minutes be approved as read; Nancy Willett seconded the motion. By voice vote, the minutes were approved.
Wienen then asked the Clerk to read the Supervisor’s Annual Statement. Wienen asked if there were any questions about the report. Nancy Willett asked about I.M.R.F. Jeff Winders (Township Highway Commissioner) explained it is Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.
Wienen asked for a motion to accept the Supervisor’s Annual Statement as read; Frances Peterson so moved; Bill Bersbach seconded the motion. By voice vote, the report was accepted.
Wienen asked for a motion to give the Supervisor and Board of Trustees power to transfer funds as needed. Jeff Winders so moved; Dan Ripley seconded. By voice vote, the motion was approved.
Wienen then asked for a motion to set the date and time of the 2014 Annual Town Meeting for Tuesday, April8, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. Larry Stoneburner so moved; Nancy Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, the motion was approved.
Wienen asked if there were any comments, questions or other business to come from the registered voters present.
Tom Cunningham asked what is the purpose of the Special Bridge Fund.Winders explained Townships write a “prayer” to the County for a 50/50 cost share on bridge projects. The Township must levy the maximum allowable in that fund in order to be eligible and certain other criteria must also be met.
Frances Peterson inquired about the status of the Longhollow Bridge. While the bridge is not in Guilford Township, we will bear a portion of the cost to repair it because of being within a certain distance of the structure.
Winders advised the project is eligible for federal funds; before construction can begin an archeological dig will have to be conducted. The design is done; the cost will not be known until the project is bid. In addition to Township and County involvement, the project will have to meet Illinois Department of Transportation specifications. When it is a federal project, federal engineers are also involved.
Tom Cunningham commended the road crew, especially the snow plow crew saying the crews were timely, very courteous and are a very good crew.
Bill Bersbach asked about the cost of diesel. Winders said we were quoted the same amount for the coming year as we had been paying.
There being no other comments, Wienen then asked for a motion to adjourn. Tom Cunningham so moved; Larry Stoneburner seconded. By voice vote, motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
The 17 Township citizens in attendance were: Bill Bersbach, Claire Bersbach, Tom Cunningham, Mindy Dalgarn, Missy Dalgarn, Susan Lipnick, Larry Lomax, Frances Peterson, Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner, Nancy Stoneburner, Francis Wachter, Jeanette Wienen, Wayne Wienen, Nancy Willett, Jeff Winders and Marie Wright.
Claire Bersbach Wayne Wienen
Township Clerk Moderator
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