Sociology—Chapter 9 Review Sheet

  1. _____ have the highest unemployment rate, lowest median income, and the longest history of racial discrimination in America.
  2. _____ involves judging others in terms of one's own cultural standards and can lead to prejudice and discrimination.
  3. _____ is an extreme form of cultural pluralism in which the minority maintains its own culturally unique way of life.
  4. _____ is the most common form of assimilation in the US--immigrants are accepted as long as they conform to Anglo culture.
  5. _____ refers to a criminal act motivated by prejudice
  6. _____ refers to a distorted, exaggerated, or oversimplified image applied to a category of people
  7. _____ refers to a group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group in the society
  8. _____ refers to an extreme form of prejudice that assumes superiority of one group over others
  9. _____ refers to denial of equal access based on everyday practice
  10. _____ refers to denial of equal access based on the law
  11. _____ refers to desire of a group to maintain some sense of identity separate from the dominant group
  12. _____ refers to group identified by cultural, religious, or national characteristics
  13. _____ refers to people sharing certain inherited physical characteristics that are considered important within a society
  14. _____ refers to people typically unemployed who come from families that have been poor for generations
  15. _____ refers to process by which a minority group is denied equal access to the benefits of a society
  16. _____ refers to the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society
  17. _____ refers to the systematic effort to destroy an entire population
  18. _____ refers to treating people differently based on ethnicity, race, religion, or culture
  19. _____ refers to unemployment that includes people not counted in the traditional unemployment categories
  20. _____ refers to unfair practices that grow out of uncommon behaviors and attitudes and that are a part of the structure of a society
  21. _____ refers to widely held negative attitudes toward a group (minority or majority) and its individual members
  22. 1882 law which effectively ended a certain Asian country’s immigration to the US until 1942
  23. an expectation that leads to behavior that causes the expectation to become reality
  24. Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe are often referred to as _____
  25. Japanese Americans faced _____ during WWII when their loyalty was questioned after Pearl Harbor.
  26. One pattern of assimilation is the "_____", in which all ethnic and racial minorities blend together.
  27. One pattern of assimilation is the "_____", in which traditions and cultures exist side by side.
  28. The _____ Perspective argues that when minorities are exploited or oppressed, the social, political, educational, and economic costs to society are extremely high.
  29. The _____ Perspective argues that prejudiced behaviors are learned through the process of socialization.
  30. The _____ Perspective argues that prejudice and discrimination are weapons used to control minority groups.
  31. The _____ Perspective argues that while dysfunction comes from prejudice, feelings of superiority also bond dominant group members together.
  32. With _____ a minority is forced either to either move to a remote location or leave entirely.
  33. According to official statistics, about one out of every three teenagers in this group is unsuccessful in looking for work.
  34. According to the latest census data this group will overtake African-Americans as the largest minority group in the United States.
  35. Amongst Latinos, _____ have the highest levels of educational attainment, while _____ have the lowest.
  36. Beginning in 1885, large numbers of this ethnic sub-group of Asians immigrated to the west coast of United States.
  37. Brought to the country to labor on plantations and thus immediately assigned to the lowest class status.
  38. Despite stereotypes that might portray this group as being conservative or even racist, this group has proven to be more liberal in many ways than other members of the dominant culture.
  39. During World War II this ethnic sub-group of Asians was put in internment camps.
  40. Even when freed in the 1860s, upward mobility for this group was virtually impossible due to segregation and discrimination.
  41. Many in this ethnic sub-group work and low-paying and low status jobs as semiskilled workers and unskilled laborers.
  42. Members of this Latino ethnic sub-group make up the majority of migrant workers in the country.
  43. Politically, this group is increasingly becoming a force in shaping American politics with a growing number serving in the House of Representatives and Senate (but not the presidency yet).
  44. Puerto Ricans make up a little less than 1/10 of this group.
  45. Serious poverty remains a continuing problem for this group, especially on reservations.
  46. Since the 1960s the number of people in this group in professional and technical occupations has increased 128%--a good sign!
  47. The shift in recent years from higher paying manufacturing jobs to lower paying service jobs has particularly affected this group.
  48. This ethnic group as a whole has succeeded in America's educational system, with higher SAT scores and a higher percentage of college completion than whites (or any other ethnic group).
  49. This group increasingly seems to be divided into two subgroups – a growing middle-class and an underclass composed of unemployed people who come from families that have been poor for generations.
  50. This ethnic sub-group was attracted to the United States first by the California gold rush.
  51. This ethnic sub-group was barred from emigrating the United States in 1924.
  52. This ethnic sub-group was excluded from the United States by an act of Congress in 1882