AlleganyGarrettCounty Fire & Rescue Association
Barton Hose Company #1
October 6, 2013
The regular meeting of the Allegany Garrett Counties Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association was held Sunday, October 6, 2013 and hosted by Barton Hose Co # 1. President Gene Kidwellcalled the meeting to order at 14:00 hours and Vice President Clarence Broadwaterled the flag salute.
The Invocation was given by Chaplain Calvin Walbert and reading of the 23rd Psalm in memory ofTom Dunn, Midland; Max Messenger, Oakland;Raymond Hensel, Corriganville; Leroy Bland, Luke; and Susie Holbrook, LaVale Auxiliary.
WELCOME:Stanley Broadwater, President of the host company welcomed everyone to Barton Hose. President Kidwell said it was a pleasure to be at Barton.
ROLL CALL OF DEPARTMENTS: Roll call of Departments showed 18companies in attendance. Those not represented were:Bedford Road;Bittinger;Bloomington; Clarysville; Corriganville;Cumberland Hose; Deep Creek;Deer Park;Eastern Garrett; Ellerslie; Ellerslie Ambulance; Frostburg Ambulance; Gorman;Grantsville; Kitzmiller; Oakland; Orleans; and Rawlings.
Companies present were: Accident;Baltimore Pike; Barton Hose;BowlingGreen; Bowman’s Addition;Cresaptown;District16;Flintstone;Friendsville;George’s Creek; GoodWill;Luke; Midland; Mt Savage;Northern Garrett; Oldtown; Potomac and TriTowns.
All officers were in attendance.
President Kidwell recognized the following 15Past Presidents in attendance: Robert E. Knippenburg; James F. Decker;RonGrabenstein;Calvin ‘Pete’ Walbert;Aaron Winters;Dennis Bonner; Gerard McGann, Rodney W. Bowser, David L. Kyle, Patricia A. Bowser; Michael A. Simmons;Timothy F. Dayton;Clarence B. Broadwater;Denny R. Mallery and Barbara A. Knippenburg.
Guests present and recognized by President Kidwell were: Jenna Holshey AGCVFRA Jr. MissFire Prevention runner-up; Morgan Blank, MSFA Western Maryland Regional Jr. Miss Fire Prevention;Sami Jo Kight, AGCVFRA Jr. Miss Fire Prevention; Pam Kyle, President LA AGCVFRA; and Leslie Cassady, Guard LA AGCVFRA.
All officers present gave a brief report of their activities during the past month.
Secretary’s Report – Secretary Bowser made available the September minutes for members at the day’s meeting and e-mailed to all companies and executive committee members.The minutes were approved as printed.
Communications –None
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Shuhart reported the following fund balances: Savings Certificates: General Fund - $14,035.71; Plaque Fund CD - $2,928.34; Plaque Fund Cash $94.00; Checking Account $3,128.72and Prime Saver $2,455.94; and Fire Prevention Scholarship Fund $720.00. Bills on hand to be paid: Banners Plus $85.00; Stumps $154.91;Wal-Mart (Samsung Tablet) $316.94;Fire Prevention Raffle $100.00; Mail Room (The Bulletin) $297.23; Sincell Printing $68.00 and Alert All (Fire Hats) $ 114.00. Itwas motioned by Jim Decker and seconded by Gerard McGann to pay the bills. Motion passed.
Agency Reports –
MFRI – Todd Dyche – his report follows: Todd’s report was copied for all attendees.
Class Update in Allegany / GarrettCounty
Class / Location / Start Date / # of Students / Status / Registration ClosesEmergency Medical Responder Refresher / Bloomington / October 4, 2013 / 5 / Canceled / -
Fire Department Safety Officer / Bittinger / October 5, 2013 / 2 / Canceled / -
Aerial Apparatus Operator / Frostburg / October 7, 2013 / 8 / Canceled / -
Pump Operator / Mt.Savage / October 8, 2013 / 3 / Canceled / -
Traffic Incident Management / Barton / October 13, 2013 / 10 / Active / Closed
Rescue Tech: Site Operations / Midland / October 15, 2013 / 13 / Active / Closed
EMT Refresher / GarrettCollege / November 2, 2013 / 21 / Open / October 13, 2013
*Truck Company Ops / Frostburg / November 4, 2013 / 9 / Open / October 15, 2013
*EMT Refresher / WMRTC / November 9, 2013 / 5 / Open / October 20, 2013
1.Numbers in parentheses indicates total pre-registered
2.*Red color, bold, and italicized font indicates additional enrollment needed for class to start
Additional Pertinent Information
1.Upcoming training seminars:
- EMT Continuing Ed Online – 12 hours of the 24 required for EMT Refresher.
- EVOC Online Registrations are open.
2.Reminder – the Volunteer Company Leadership and Administration class is to be held at Midland on November 23 & 24. Below is the course description:
Volunteer Company Leadership and Administration provides personnel with the basic organizational skills to effectively manage volunteer company administrative operations. This course is designed for those personnel who have been assigned administrative responsibilities as part of a volunteer fire company. Through the use of discussion and small group activities, the participants will be able to apply the management principles of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling to better enable them to meet their organization's mission and goals.
3.EMR Refresher students can actually sit in on the 24 hour EMT Refresher class and get credit. Students need to tell us at pre-registration and we will inform the instructor and give them the proper paperwork and exam to complete.
Garrett County Assn. – The meetingwill be held November 20th at Deep Creek at 7:30 p.m.
Christian Firefighters –Chaplain Walbert reported on the October 5thprayer breakfast held atthe Barton Armory at 8:30 am. Clarence Broadwater called the meeting to order and Pam Kyle read a poem entitled “A Quiet Place”. Chaplain Walbert gave the invocation and the blessing of the meal. Following breakfast, Chaplain Walbert read the 23rd Psalm in memory of those who passed away since the September meeting. Rodger Long offered the Joys and Concerns. Pastor Sandy Cowen, Barton UMC, offered the mornings meditation taken from Matthew 38.
The Sunshine Committee reported sending six (6) get well, three (3) sympathy and one thinking of you card.
The next Prayer Breakfast will be held at the Pearce Damewood Chapter in PG County at the Branchville VFD onNovember 2nd at 10:00 a.m. Anyone wishing to attend should contact either Pete Walbert or John Shuhart.
VCAF – Pat noted the Board will meet on Sunday October 13th atWalkersville Rescue. Only one application will be heard from Walkersville Rescue.
MIEMSS – No Report.
By-Laws –Jim Decker, Chairman noted the committee will have a meeting and report back.
Fire Police–Gerard reported on the group’s activities, including an accident on I-68 on Martin’s Mt. and the Great Allegany Run. They’ve received requests for events in Corriganville and Mt.Savage.
Convention –Chris Cage noted that Cresaptown will begin having meetings in December.
Fire Prevention/Education – Pat noted the committee met twice since the last meeting. There are four candidates participating in the Miss Fire Prevention Pageant. Two will be vying for Miss Fire Prevention and two for the Jr. Miss Fire Prevention.
Note: Fire Prevention& Education Committee’s Monthly Safety Fact # 87to be included within the minutes and “The Bulletin”.
NFPA reminds everyone to be careful when using things that get hot
Burns hurt. I have not used a curling iron in years. Last week I had my hair done for a wedding and my stylist used a curling iron. My hair looked great and it lasted the next day. On Monday morning, I dried my hair and decided to use a curling iron. A big mistake! Somehow, I dropped the iron and it landed on the side of my face. Ouch! I cooled the burn with cool water. It has taken a week for the pain to subside. I still have a scar from the burn, but it is much better. While I did not go to the emergency room, NFPA's "Burns Seen in Hospital Emergency Rooms in 2008" report highlights 55% of burn injuries seen in the emergency are thermal burns. Only 13% of those burns were due to fire or flames. Forty-two percent were other non-fire thermal burns - typically from contact with hot objects.
I want to remind readers to be careful when using anything that gets hot. It only takes a second to get a painful burn. Always remember to cool a burn right away with cool water for 3 to 5 minutes. Get medical help is needed.
Pat noted the Associations Ladies Auxiliary will be holding raffles within their meetings with proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund and she said she expressed her appreciation to the Auxillary. Insurance/Benefits – John Shuhart reported that since the last meeting Relief Fund payments were made for Tom Dunn Midland and Le Roy Bland Luke. Last month I reported a Roger Murphy from Corriganville as being deceased, but he is not. If any company belonging to the Relief Fund and has a member die, please give me a call so that I may send out the check.
Past Presidents– PP Broadwaterreported the Past Presidents would be meeting at The Casselman Restauranton Sat. October 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Special Ops–No Report.
Safety –Rodger Long noted that 81 Fallen Firefighters (73 who died in 2012 and eight who died in previous years were being honored at the 32nd National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service during the National Memorial held today at the Academy.
Rodger also reported tips on cooking fires.
Recruitment/Retention – C B Broadwater. We still need to hit the schools in both counties.
Public Relations – Any company having information, please forward to the editor for inclusion into the ‘The Bulletin”.
Ways & Means – The Fire Prevention Raffle tickets will be sent to departments. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
.Sprinklers – Knip had nothing new to report.
CareerCenter5-10 Year – No report from either committee.
Knip asked about the website. Denny is working with the new server.
Mary Carr noted a discussion held recently regards to the Joint Past President’s Christmas Dinner Party. It had been suggested to obtain the room at the Ponderosa in LaVale for the annual dinner scheduled for November 30th with dinner to start at 6:00 p.m. A jingle gift will be exchanged for those wishing to do so. A motion was made by Gerard McGann and seconded by Knip to have the Christmas Dinner at Ponderosa. Motion passed.
President Kidwell noted the recent issue of the MSFA Trumpet that had a nice article on the recent book published by Dick DeVore whose proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund.
Mike Simmons noted the Garrett County Fire & Rescue Day that was scheduled for October 19th from 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. at the Garrett County Fairgrounds. All were welcome to attend.
Barb said the RIT Drill will be held October 21st at 6 p.m.
The next A/G meeting will be November 3rd at Potomacand December 1stat Bedford Road; the meetings will begin at 2:00pm.
The next Prayer Breakfast will be held at PG County (Branchville VFD) on Nov. 2ndat 10:00 a.m.
The 50/50 drawing was drawn.
Chaplain Walbert gave the benediction and the blessingof the meal.
The meeting was adjourned at 15:55 hrs.
Respectfully submitted
Rodney W. Bowser
Rodney W. Bowser
End of Summer
End of Summer