EDD III year of the study
W.1. Basics of ergonomics in dental worksite
1. Definition of ergonomics.
2. Fields of ergonomics in dental practice.
3. Dental team.
4. Patient’s position on the dental chair.
5. Operator’s position by the dental chair.
6. Working methods: solo, 4- handed, 6- handed.
7. Ergonomic and unergonomic moves.
8. “Machine” aspect in dental ergonomics.
9. Environment’s conditions affecting dental work.
10. Unergonomic work’s dangers.
11. Advantages of ergonomic work.
W.2. Etiology of hard dental tissue pathology
1. Global trends in caries incidence.
2. Specific of oral cavity ecosystem.
3. Dental tissue demineralization as a chemical process or clinical symptom.
4. Local and general factors of caries development.
5. Dental biofilm and its role in caries development.
6. Characteristic of cariogenic microorganisms.
7. Current theory on the role of sugar in caries etiology.
8. Various stages of caries lesion development.
9. Root caries, etiology, microbiology.
10. Etiology of non-carious lesion development.
11. Interactions of the different factors for the development of dental erosion.
W.3. Caries diagnosis
1. Caries diagnosis and caries detection.
2. Traditional methods of carious lesions detection and its’ limitations.
3. Primary and secondary caries, hidden caries.
4. Active and inactive caries.
5. Modern methods of caries diagnosis, examples of their applications, advantages and disadvantages.
6. The ideal system for caries detection.
7. Assessment of the oral cavity parameters - the pH, the rate of saliva secretion, saliva buffer capacity (CRT buffer test), systemic diseases, pharmacotherapy.
8. Xerostomia and its etiology.
9. Caries risk assessment, measuring caries activity.
10. Selected classifications of caries lesions.
W.4. Treatment of incipient caries
1. Incipient caries.
2. Progress of enamel mineral loss during caries process.
3. The treatment goal in modern caries management.
4. Non-surgical model of caries management.
5. Principles of Minimal Intervention Dentistry.
6. Active caries- inactive caries.
7. Remineralization process, selected methods of remineralization of dental tissue.
8. Ozone therapy.
9. Photodesinfection.
10. Infiltration.
11. Sealant application.
W.5. Treatment of caries cavity
1. The benefits of restorative therapy.
2. Objectives of cavity preparation.
3. Dentine caries- infected and affected layers.
4. Minimal invasive methods of carious cavity preparation.
5. Traditional methods of cavity preparation.
6. Preventive resin restoration principles.
7. Main principles of ART technique.
8. Chemomechanical cavity preparation – Carisolv.
9. Tunnel preparation.
10. Slot preparation (minibox).
11. Stepwise excavation and partial cavity preparation ( interim therapeutic restoration - ITR).
12. Fundamental concepts of enamel and dentin adhesion.
13. Monitoring of dental filling , monitoring of caries process.
W.6. Root Caries
1. Definition.
2. Histology of tooth hard tissues.
3. Characteristic of root caries.
4. Etiology of root caries.
5. Microflora root caries lessions.
6. Classification.
7. Root caries indexs.
8. ICDAS root caries classificarion.
9. Diagnosis of root caries.
10. Methods of treatment and prevention of root caries lesions.
W.7. Prophylaxis of dental caries
1. Oral health and oral hygiene definition.
2. Steps in a preventive program.
3. Maintaining of oral health.
4. Toothbrushes:
a) ADA specifications
b)Composition of it
c)Taking care of toothbrush
5. Methods of toothbrushing.
6. Interdental cleaning devices.Methods of using them:
a)dental floss
b) interdental cleaners
c)interdental brushes
7. Dentifrices and mouthwashes
8. Oral irrigation devices:
a) classification
b)agents used for irrigation
9. Diet.
10. Fluoride:
a) what it is
b) sources of fluoride
c) application
d) mechanism of anticaries action of fluoride
11. Pits and fissure sealant:
a) diagnosis of pits and fissure caries
b) procedure step by step
c) PRR
W.8. Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of dentine hypersensitivity
1. Different definition of DH/dentine hypersensitivity to describe the same clinical conditions.
2. Prevelence and epidemiology of DH.
- Etiopathogenesis of DH.
4. Pathogenesis and etiological factors of DH.
5. Three major mechanisms of DH: direct innervation theory, odontoblasty receptor theory and fluid movement/hydrodynamic theory.
6. Clinical management of DH: diagnosis, differential diagnosis, objective evaluation, subjectiveevaluation.
- Treatment of DH.
W.9. Non-carious lesions
1. Definition of erosion, abrasion and abfraction.
2. Prevalence and epidemiology of non-carious lesions.
3. Multifactorial risk of non-carious lesions development.
4. Criteria of quantitative assessment for grading erosive wear, classification.
5. Recommendation for clinical management.
6. Methods of non-carious lesions assessment.
7. Prophylaxis.
8. Treatment.
W.10. Epidemiology of dental caries
1. Types of epidemiological research.
2. Epidemiological indexes of dental caries: DMF Index,Caries free status, Caries severity.
3. Implementation of health golas recommended by the WHO In Poland and rother countries.
4. SIC- new caries index – significant caries index.
W.11. Role of saliva in maintaining the homeostasis of the oral cavity
1. Saliva composition- organic compounds, inorganic macromolecules.
2. The process of saliva.
3. The salivary glands - construction, type of saliva.
4. The role of saliva in caries process and nono-carious lesions.
5. Dynamics of saliva secretion.
6. The role of salivary proteins in the formation of the acquired pellicle.
7. The interaction of microorganisms of the oral cavity with pellicle proteins.
8. The role of saliva in remineralization process.
9. The role of calcium phosphate inhibitors in dental calculus formation.
10. Salivary gland hypofunction- diagnosis and therapy.
W.12. Overview of dental materials
1. Clinical classification of dental materials.
2. Temporary dressings:
zinc-sulphate cement, zinc-oxide-eugenol cements, gutta percha, ready-made temporary dressings.
3. Liners and bases:
phosphoric cements, carboxylate cements, zinc-oxide-eugenol cements, glass-ionomer cements, hydroxycarboxylate cements.
4. Supplementary materials:
Cleansing pastes, etchants and conditioners, bonding agents (8 generations, hybrid layer, indications).
5. Permanent restorations:
A. Amalgams (types, procedure, application, finishing, advantages and disadvantages)
B. Adhesive restorations:
1. Glass-ionomer cements (classification, indications).
2. Cermets.
3. Composites (classifications, properties, polymerization shrinkage, indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages).
4. Ormocers.
5. Silorane.
6. Compomers.
7. Giomers.
8. Fissure sealants (clinical procedures).
W.13. Communication with dental patient
1. Proper verbal and nonverbal communication process.
2. Possible goals achieved by proper communication with dental patient.
3. Communication skills as a prerequisite for students concluding their education (according to EU standards’).
4. Various types of patient-dentist interactions.
5. Recommended dentist approach in relation to various types of patients.
6. The ability to determine a proper patient treatment plan.
7. Proper way of presenting information considering possible loss and gain scenarios in dental procedure.
W.14. Etiology and classification of pulp, pilp-dentin complex, and periapical pathology
1. Pulp-dentin complex: definition and characteristic.
2. Composition of the pulp.
3. Pulpitis etiology.
4. Classification.
5. Diagnostic and treatment.
6. Characteristic of apical tissues.
7. Etiology of periapical diseases.
8. Classification periapical pathology.
9. Treatment and diagnostic.
W.15. Dental patient`s health record-low regulations
1. Definition of medical records.
2. Medical documentation in written and electronic form.
3. Standards for the structure and contents of dental patients health records.
4. Access to medical records, regulations.
5. Storage and archiving of medical records, regulations.