Inclusion International
Linking local voices to global change
Secretariat: The Rix Centre - Room 1001- University of East London -
4-6 University Way - London E162RD - UK
tel: +44-(0)20-8223 7709 fax: +44-(0)20-8223 7411 E-mail:
Legal Capacity: Position Paper
Friday 21 October 2004 –– 10:00 9.00 toam – 12.30
Sunday 23 October 2004 – 10.30 to 14.30
2.Adoption of agenda
Minutes of Last Council meeting
Treasurer's report
French audited accounts
English audited accounts
Budget 2005
Issues for 2006
4.Update on Projects
Poverty Reduction
UN Convention
Other proposals
UN Convention work update
The Constitution
General Secretary’s report
Membership Task Force
Status of members
Treasurer's report
5.President's report
Report of the SecretariatMembership Report
Secretariat activities
- Membership Applications (see list attached)
6.Reports from Regions
Report from the regional meeting on Wednesday
Report from all the Regions
7.Report of the Nominating Committee
8.Reports on work with UN & UN agencies and other organisations.
9.World Congress 2006
Council meeting 2006 (confirmation of date & venue)
10.Any other business
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) promotesrecognizes:
thatThat persons with disabilities have the right to recognition everywhere as persons before the law;
thatThat persons with disabilities enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life;
thatThat States Parties shall take appropriate measures to provide access by persons with disabilities to the support they may require in exercising their legal capacity.
Inclusion international demandspromotes the right of every person with an intellectual disability to have their right to make decisions recognized and to receive the support they require in making those decisions. People should never be asked to give up their legal capacity in order to qualify to receive supports and services.
For people with intellectual disabilities self-determination and full citizenship are fundamentalare fundamental principles that underlie the potential enjoyment of human rights. It is the presumption of legal capacity that makes it possible to exercise self-determination and full-citizenship.
Guardianship laws assume that some people do not have the capacity to make legally binding decisions and put in place substitute decision making provisions.
Supported Decision-Making means a person may accept help in making decisions without relinquishing the right to make decisions. Supported Decision-Making helps a person to understand information and make decisions based on his or her own preferences. A person with a learning disability might need help with reading, or may need support in focusing attention to make a decision. A person who has no verbal communication might have a trusted family member who interprets their non-verbal communications, such as positive or negative physical reactions, or uses Alternative and Augmentative Communication.
Inclusion international promotes the exercise of legal capacity by advocating:;
developmentDevelopment of models of supported decision making; and
removal of substitute decision making legislationDevelopment of safeguards that ensure that the persons with a disability are protected. These safeguards should be consistent with Article 6 of the Montréal Declaration, October 2004 developed by the pan-American Health Organization and the World Health Organization. (attached);
Next Council meeting