Dear Brothers and sisters at Beach Corner Church,
It is hard to believe that we are so close to Christmas, and this makes us realize that the end of the year 2013 is upon us. How fast times goes!
First of all we want to thank you for each and all of the prayers and requests you made to our beloved God in favor of ATEK; all of which for sure was responded by Him. Thanks to the favor and care of God this year we are ending with many accomplishments and victories. We want to share with you all of that, so you also can rejoice and give thanks, together with us,to the only one that deserves it, which is God!
As you know, at the beginning of this fiscal year 2013, ATEK did not have the finances to cover the budget necessary to continue carrying out the planned activities in the project; even though this was the situation we were facing, [all of us in ATEK], we decided to go ahead and trust in God, and also in you, our friends. Now, thanks to your donations and help it is possible to make a list of the goals reached:
Ø With the monetary and physical help of our brothers and sisters of the Beach Corner Church of Canada we were able to finish the laminated floor and painting the last two bedrooms in the third floor, which now allows us to house more than 90 people at the same time in a comfortable way.
Ø In the months of July and August we carried out a camp for children and a camp for young people in the Livitaca area, with participation of 160 children and 85 youth respectively. You, our friends of the Beach Corner Church of Canada and Abundant Life Alliance Church of the U.S.A. came to work in these camps, making them successful.
Ø In the months of July and August we carried out the 2º Training of Pastors and Leaders with the participation of 47 leaders. In this training, you our brothers and sisters of Beach Corner Church of Canada and the Abundant Life Alliance Church of the U.S.A. were serving and ministering to the Quechua people of God, giving teaching, providing written materials, as well as cooking and other activities.
Ø 861 children and teenagers of various public schools learned how to prevent sexual abuse.
Ø 120 Quechua teenagers and young people participated in an event called ABBA-PERU, in which about 5000 young people from all over Cusco department participated.
Ø In 70% (35) of the churches of the province of Chumbivilcas the discipleship program is being carried out: these are basic doctrines for children, women, couples, etc.
Ø 807 people now know how to read and write in their own language.
Ø 1268 boys and girls are being attended to in their Biblical formation through public school and Sunday Schools in the Province of Chumbivilcas.
Ø 61 couples were trained in Marriage Counseling and how serve as counselors in their churches.
Ø More than 420 boys and girls received nutritious breakfasts 5 times a week, and receive various pieces of literature free.
Ø Once again, more then 385 boys and girls benefit from breakfast after receiving their lessons in Sunday Schools. We are sorry that only 220 children received school uniforms, shoes and socks.
Ø In the month of May we carried out 2 dental campaigns with evangelistic emphasis in 4 communities, in which 394 people were attended to with fillings, extractions and prophylaxis.
Ø More than 2000 persons were cured of parasites with the help of the brothers and sisters of the La Fuente clinic.
Ø More than 550 blankets were distributed in 4 churches, which helped them combat the intense winter cold.
Ø 61 families were trained in raising vegetables; now they sell part of their production in the markets of Cusco, and with this their income has improved, as well as their having a more balanced diet.
Ø 1,284 Bibles in Quechua were distributed in the provinces of Chumbivilcas, Paruro, Cotabambas and others.
Ø 10,753 pieces of literature in Quechua were distributed in several provinces of the department of Cusco.
We are happy with the achievements made but we are facing the fact that there are several activities that we could not carry out, which were:
- The second training for women leaders and pastors' wives, due to the lack of their availability; they gave priority to their husbands and children. They said they could not be away from their families for so long, since, first, their husbands had participated in the training of Leaders and Pastors, and their children participated in camps.
- We could not print Discipleship No. 4 due to the lack of a budget, in spite of it being finished and ready to print.
- We could not print the Quechua Bible Dictionary for lack of funds.
Our main objectives for this year are the following:
- Like every year, we will continue developing every activity that are part of our project (training facilitators, training for Sunday school teachers, training for women, training for literacy facilitators, training for leadership, training for evangelism, training to use proclaimers and fotoframe, etc).
- We will develop 1 training time for Pastors and Leaders in February
- There will be one training for Pastors, leaders, women leaders, facilitators, Sunday school teachers and others in January.
- We will develop a training time for women and Pastor´s wives in August.
- There will be two children camps in July and August
Help us to pray for:
- The training of leaders, pastors, facilitators, Sunday school teachers, young leaders, children leaders and for everyone that have been working the last past year ,that will be held in January for Chumbilvilcas (As you can realize that training will be with more people among men, women and young) That will be different from the ones that we did before)
- The training of leaders and pastors that will be held in February for pastors and leaders of the Assemblies of God
- The time of planning the activities for the Fiscal Year 2014
- The health of the ATEK team
- The families of the ATEK team
- Finances for the project for Fiscal Year 2014, we don´t have money to cover the salaries from the ATEK´s staff.
- That we could achieve all that will be planned.
- For a good response from the churches in the new geographic areas where we will work.
- For the new geographic areas in which we will work (Anta, Paucartambo and Urcos, each of which has many communities.)
Thanks for your help and support.
God bless you each one of Beach Corner Church
Cusco, December 4th, 2013.