Voting Terms - SOLUTIONS
1. PREFERENTIALVOTING—The system we use in which a voter indicates choices by writing the numbers 1, 2, 3 and so on instead of making a tick or a cross. (12, 6)
3. BALLOTBOX—The container into which a voter places a ballot paper. (6, 3)
9. FORMALVOTE—A vote in which the voter has filled out the ballot paper correctly. (6, 4)
12. PREPOLLVOTES—Made by people at an electoral office before the election because they will be unable to get to a place to vote on election day. (3, 4, 5)
13. ELECTORALROLL—The list of names of people who are allowed to vote. (9, 4)
14. SECRETBALLOT—A vote in which no-one else knows whom the voter voted for. (6, 6)
15. BALLOTPAPER—The voting form that lists the names of the candidates, on which the voter indicates his or her preferences. (6, 5)
1. PROVISIONALVOTE—Made by the voter when the voter's name appears to have been missed off the list of voters or to have been incorrectly crossed off already. (11, 4)
2. ABSENTVOTE—On election day an elector who is away from their electoral division but still within their state or territory is allowed to make an …… (6, 4)
4. BALLOT—The process of electors making a choice by voting is sometimes referred to as the …… (6)
5. DONKEYVOTE—Made by a voter who simply votes 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on straight down (or up) the list of candidates on the ballot paper, instead of thinking about the candidates first. (6, 4)
6. VOTES—What an elector does. (5)
7. POSTALVOTERS—Electors who vote by mail because they are unable to vote in person. (6, 6)
8. POLLINGPLACE—A location such as a school or a hall where voters go to vote. (7, 5)
10. HOWTOVOTECARD—A brochure or other document from a political party that suggests how people should fill out their ballot paper to best support that party. (3, 2, 4, 4)
11. INFORMALVOTE—A vote in which the elector has not filled out the ballot paper or has filled it out incorrectly. (8, 4)
13. ELECTOR—A person who is allowed to vote. (7)
(c) 2010