Works Cited Tip Sheet
Tip Sheet for checking the citation information of articles retrieved through Literature Resource Center, Literary Reference Center, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, and SIRS Researcher:
Essay originally published in a periodical:
Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. “Title of Essay.” Title of Periodical Volume.Issue (Year): page range. Name of Database. Medium (Web). Date of Access.
Stevens, Martin. “Juliet’s Nurse: Love’s Herald.” Papers on Language & Literature 2.3 (1966): 195-206. Literary Reference Center. Web. 30 March 2012.
Note: If only the first page number is given, or if the pages are not continuous, give the first page number and a plus sign, e.g., (27+). If page numbers are not given, use n.pag.
Essay originally published in a book:
Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. “Title of Essay.” Title of Book. Ed. First Name Last Name (if given). Place of Publication (if given): Name of Publisher (if given), Year of Publication (if given). Page Range (if given). Name of Database. Medium (Web). Date of Access.
Stoll, Elmer Edgar. “Lecture 1: Romeo and Juliet.” Shakespeare’s Young Lovers. Ed. Frank Jones. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1937. 1-44. Literature Resource Center. Web. 30 March 2012.Novels for Students and related sources
¨ If you use information from the prefatory article that does not provide the name of the writer, use the following documentation format. Treat the entire introductory article (biography, summary, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, etc.) as a single source and give the full range of page numbers for this section.
Ruby, Mark K. ed.“For the Union Dead.” Poetry for Students. Vol. 7. Detroit: Gale, 2000. 65 –
73. Print.
¨ If the information is from an essay which has an author but not an essay title or previous publication information (these say “in an essay for Poetry for Students) document as follows:
Hill, Pamela Steed. Poetry for Students. Ed. Mark K. Ruby. Vol. 7. Detroit: Gale, 2000. 73 – 76. Print.
¨ If you use information from a previously published critical essay with a named source, document as follows:
Doherty, Paul C. “The Poet as Historian: ‘For the Union Dead’ by Robert Lowell.” Concerning
Poetry 1.2 (1968): 37 – 40. Poetry for Students. Ed. Mark K. Ruby. Vol. 7.
Detroit: Gale, 2000. 78 – 80. Print. (Note: The 1.2 refers to volume 1, issue number 2.)
Novels for Students, etc. retrieved via the Gale Virtual Reference Library (ebooks)
Cite the sources as above but change medium from “Print” to “Web” and add the date of access.
Doherty, Paul C. “The Poet as Historian: ‘For the Union Dead’ by Robert Lowell.” Concerning
Poetry 1.2 (1968): 37 – 40. Poetry for Students. Ed. Mark K. Ruby. Vol. 7.
Detroit: Gale, 2000. 78 – 80. Web. 12 March 2012.