Kindergarten Parent Involvement Form ~ Tootin’ Hills 2010-2011

Your Name (Best Parent Contact): / Teacher Name:
Your Child’s Name:
Class: A.M. or P.M. / Do you have other children at Tootin’? If yes, indicate grades:
Daytime Phone #: / Cell or Alternate Phone #:
Best Email Address (For Room Parent and Teacher Use): / May we share this email with the PTO for important email notices?
Yes  No 
When are you NOT available (days/times)?

If you would like to participate in class activities and events, please check any or all of the tasks you are interested in. If you are flexible, simply write “ANY”.

EVENTS/FIELD TRIPS / DATE / Check √ the task(s) you are able to help with below:
Brown’s Harvest
Field Trip / October /  Chaperone
 Back Up Chaperone
Halloween Party / October 29 / Provide Snack & Serve, Provide Drinks,Provide Paper Products,
Attend w/ Craft, Attend w/ Game, Assist with Parade
Holiday Party / December / Provide Snack & Serve, Provide Drinks, Provide Paper Products,
Attend w/ Craft, Attend w/ Game
100th Day Celebration / February / Bake Cake for Class,Provide Drinks, Provide Paper Products
Valentine’s Party / February 14 / Provide Snack & Serve, Provide Drinks, Provide Paper Products,
Attend w/ Craft, Attend w/ Game
Hartford, CT / February TBD /  Chaperone
 Back Up Chaperone
Flamig Farm Field Trip / Late May /  Chaperone
 Back Up Chaperone
End of Year Party / June / Provide Fruit/Healthy Snack, Provide Drinks, Provide Paper Products,
Attend w/ Craft, Attend w/ Game,  Attend/Supervise Snack Center
OTHER / DATES / DETAILS / Check √ Preferences:
Mother Goose Visit / Sept/October / Mother Goose visits class – need parent to take digital photos of each child /  Yes, I am interested
Memory Books / End of Year / Assist Room Parents in assembling memories /  Yes, I am interested
Tootin’ Hills Carnival / May 11th
Raindate:May 12th / A Tootin’ Tradition. Each class is responsible for a booth and each family is asked to staff the class booth for a 30 minute shift. /  3:30 – 5:00 p.m. preferred
 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. preferred
 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. preferred
Maintain Class
Photo Website / All year / Volunteer needed to set up website photo group (instructions provided). /  Yes, I am interested
 I can assist occasionally

Please return to your child’s teacher as soon as possible – Thank you!