“The Scoop”

Vol. 24 Issue 6 JUNE 2014 Report- published 07/8/14

The Newsletter of Bantam Detachment #743, Marine Corps League, Butler, PA COMMANDANT STANLEY SCHUBERT


EDITOR (Ben Cypher):

Editor E-Mail ( ). Phone ( H ) 724-352-4100). ( C) 724-316-1533 PO Box 804 Saxonburg, Pa. 16056

We continue updating the E-Mail listings as well the mailing addresses and phone numbers of all members, PLEASE NOTIFY ME OF ANY CHANGES IN YOUR ADDRESSES OR PHONE NUMBERS.


The next Detachment breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday JULY 9, 2014 at 0900 followed by the next breakfast on AUGUST 13, 2014 at King's Restaurant at 09:00 am.


The next VAVS Bingo Party is scheduled for Thursday JULY 10, 2014 followed once more on AUGUST 14, 2014


The next Detachment meeting is scheduled for JULY 22, 2014 AT 1930 Hours Detachment Meetings are held at the American Legion Post #117, Butler, PA. The building is wheel chair accessible. Join Your Fellow Marines For An Evening of Brotherhood !!!!!!!

In this Issue

Upcoming Events Refer to Pg 1 & 7

Meeting Minutes Page 2 Thru 5

VAVS & Detachment Officers Page 1 & 2

Commandants Report Page 5

Devil Dog's Report Page 6

Events & Editors Comments Page 7



Commandant: Stanley Schubert 724-282-0341

Sr. Vice Commandant: Ben Cypher 724-352-4100

Jr. Vice Commandant: Ron Ekas 724-360-0027

Judge Advocate: Donald Paserba 724-285-8242


Adjutant: Jerry Puff 724--586-2441

Paymaster: Donald “ Duke” Snyder 724-445-2960

Chaplain: Carl Hesidenz 724-283-1964

Sgt-At-Arms Floyd Neigh 724-287-3647

Dep. Sgt-At-Arms Douglas Snyder 412-848-6047

Jr. Past Commandant: Alvin Swain 724-431-6561

Color Guard Commander: Larry Heade 724-352-0322

Firing Detail Commander: Bob Maranche 724-865-9852

Historian: Ron Ekas 724-360-0027

USMC Ball Chairman: Bill Emanuelson 724-445-3026

Newsletter Editor: Ben Cypher 724-352-4100

Quartermaster: Donald “Duke” Snyder 724-445-2960

Scholarship Chairman Ron Marak 724-637-3776

Awards Chairman: John Moore 724-283-7586

Toys-for-Tots Coordinator: Dennis Johnston 724-285-5696

VAVS Deputy Chairman- Ron Ekas 724-360-0027

Web Sgt. Ron Ekas 724-360-0027

VAVS Deputy Chairman Bob Maranche 724-865-9852

Uniform Chairman: Bill Emanuelson 724-445-3026

Legislative Chairman: Matthew Protzman 724-283-7149

Americanism Chairman: Ron Ekas 724-360-0027

Detacht Rifle Chairman Carmen Muti 412-585-2175

Boy Scout Chairman Walt Skibicki 724-283-4407


Audit Committee

Chairperson: Don Paserba 724-285-8242

Member: Ben Cypher 724-352-4100

Bantam Marine Detachment #743, Marine Corps League


Minutes of Regular meeting JUNE 24, 2014

Bantam Marine Detachment #743, Marine Corps League

Opening Matters:

Commandant Stan Schubert called the regular meeting of the Bantam Marine Detachment # 743 to order @ 19:30 in American Legion Post 117, Butler, Pennsylvania. Opening ceremonies were conducted by the Pledge of Allegiance and the playing of Anchors Away and the Marine Corps Hymn.

Attendance: B. Cypher, R. Ekas, R. Lantz, S. Zurzolo, C. Muti, J. McKeag, J. Moore, R. Harbison, B. Emanuelson, A. Emanuelson, J. Puff, M. Protzman, E. Protzman, W. Dunmyre, St. Schubert, Sh. Schubert, L. Heade, D. Snyder, R. Snyder, L. Gall, R. Crotzer, B. McNutt, B. Harless – visitor, Tom Brown, Jules Hilliard – visitor, R. Marak, R. Hongisto, R. Atkinson, F. Neigh, C. Hesidenz, D. Johnston, J. Johnston, D. Hepler, J. Stickney, V. Bishop, D. Dubyak, W. Skibicki, J. Dotson, D. Paserba (39)

Commadant Schubert introduced, and welcomed, two visitors (potential new members) to the meeting; Marines Bob Harless and Jules Hilliard. We look forward to their membership next meeting.

Officers Absent: Jr. Past Commandant, Swain, Sgt. At Arms, Weichey

Past Commandants in Attendance: Larry Heade, John Moore, Duke Snyder

Last Meeting Approval: Motion to approve 27 May meeting minutes made by Marine Cypher, seconded by Marine Lantz. Motion carried.

Paymaster’s Report: Motion to approve 27 May Paymaster’s report made by Marine Heade, seconded by Marine Johnston. Motion carried.

Member’s Sick or Distress Report: It was reported that Marine Gunther was recently released from hospital from gall bladder operation. Firing Detail Commander Maranche was reported as sick for the past several days. Marine Rodney Spencer is very ill and should be remembered in prayers.

Officers Reports:

Commandant: Commandant Schubert reported 1) that the Detachment Color Guard, Firing Detail and Taps will participate in a Dedication & Memorial Service at Highfield Hall on 4 July @ 1200. All involved should report at 1115 hours. All members are invited to attend. 2) on Camp LeJune overnight trip for various Marine materials including 3) items for 90 year old WW II Marine, Frank Young, who will attend the graduation of his grandson at Parris Island. Sgt. Major Zurzolo reported that arrangements have been made for Marine Young to receive VIP treatment at that time; unknown to him. Marine Young entered the Corps at age 16 and went directly to the South Pacific to combat on many islands & never returned home for over three years. 4) Commandant Schubert will be attending the MCL Pa. State convention later this week & 5) reported on the Detachment’s excellent performance (Color Guard, Firing Detail, & Taps) & representation at the new Adams Township Veterans Memorial. Our Marine Honor Guard is featured on the cover & story in the local magazine.

Sr. Vice Commandant: Sr. Vice Commandant Cypher reported thanks to all those that volunteered for Veteran & Youth ticket sales. Tough year with a full day and two half-day rainouts on sales days.

Jr. Vice Commandant: Jr. Vice Commandant Ekas reported on this year’s V&Y ticket sales numbers.

Judge Advocate: no report.

Adjutant: Adjutant Puff & Sgt. Major Zurzolo requested 1) Color Guard & Firing Detail for re-Dedication of new Memorial to Butler County Marine, 18 year old PFC Paul Angert, KIA Vietnam, 28 April, 1970 less than a year after his high school graduation 2) with Marine Moore of Missing In America, requested Firing Detail for burial service at National Cemetery of the Alleghenies on 22 August @ 0900 for cremains of 8 veterans discovered this year.

Chaplain: Chaplain Hesidenz asked for a moment of silence for a local Marine, Rick Eberly, (not a Detachment member) who passed away recently. Detachment members present signed a sympathy card for family members of deceased.

Sergeant at Arms: No report.

Junior Past Commandant: Not in attendance.

Color Guard Commander: No report.

Firing Detail Commander: No report.

Historian: No report.

USMC Ball: Ball Chairman Emanuelson reported that the Ball will be 9 November @ Legion 778. Menu not set ; unable to meet with cooking crew @ 778 as yet. The price/member remains the same as 2013.

Newsletter Editor: Editor Cypher reported still correcting an ever-changing roster for mailing accuracy.

Quartermaster Report: 1) Quartermaster Snyder reported on videos (VCR’s) on Marines in South Pacific in WW II available for any member wishing to view them 2) Extreme generosity of ladies in store at Camp LeJune during recent visit 3) asked for members wishing MCL covers (ball caps) & received 12 orders 4) reported for those that ordered MCL jackets; they are promised delivery prior to next meeting on 22 July.

Scholarship Report: Scholarship Chairman Marak reported eight qualified scholarship recipients from within the Detachment. Those recipients have not been notified as yet but will be announced @ 22 July meeting.

Awards: Awards Chairman Moore reported that Ten 10 & 20 year Tenure Awards remain to be awarded & will be going on the road in the near future to present them at the homes of those so honored.

Toys For Tots Coordinator: Coordinator Johnston reported 1) on the results of the Detachment’s involvement in the Butler County Jeep Festival & Cruise-A-Poolaza. Commandant Schubert made motion that Toys For Tots be reimbursed for the $70 site cost at the Jeep Festival. Sgt. Major Zurzolo seconded the motion. Motion carried. 2) on TFT fund raiser participation, with dunking machine, at Curt Weichey Car Show 26 July from 1100 to 1700 @ Anti-Que on Rt. 422. 3 ) Marine D. Sinz (Cabot Industries) invited to our Car Show 4) reported on TFT participation @ Legion 778 Rod Fathers car show 9 August from 1700 – 2100 hours Note: Associate McNutt of the Legion Riders donated two decorative stones to TFT for raffling. Thank you Legion Riders.

Boy Scout Report: No report.

VAVS Chairman: No report.

Public Relations Chairman: no report.

Uniform Chairman: No report.

Web Sergeant: Web Sergeant Ekas reported that he will get the Web Site updated asap after being gone.

Legislative Chairman: No report.

Detachment Rifle Chairman: No report.

Homeless Chairman: No report.

Audit: No report.

Commandant Schubert called for a break in the proceedings at 2015 hours. We are indebted to Shirley Schubert for this evening’s excellent refreshments that fooled me on the excellent sugar-free brownies.

Devil Dogs: Pound leader Moore reported that the next Devil Dogs meeting will be 17 July @ 1130 hours at the Tun’s Tavern Room of the Saxonburg Hotel. Devil Dogs are encouraged to attend, as are regular Detachment members, for an excellent lunch, adult or other beverages, and real comraderie.

New Business: Commandant Schubert made a motion of Special Recognition to donate $150 to the Legion Riders toward the free bus trip cost (3 buses) for veterans to Gettysburg and the Eisenhower Farm in September. The motion was seconded by Marines Cypher and Ekas. Motion carried.

There being no further business, the proceedings were closed until 22 July, 2014 @ 1930.

Jerry Puff, Adjutant


What a busy week this has been with the Det. meeting, then off to Wilkes- Barre for the MCL State Convention. Three days of meetings and really did learn a few new things. Had a good time and met alot of good people.

I want to say congradulations & good luck to our own member Brian Natali for being voted for Pa. MCL Judge Advocate. More about the convention at our next Det. meeting.

There will be a Staff meeting at the Gap on Oct 17-18, 2014 I will attend this and whoever wants to go let me know.

SgtMaj. Zurzolo and I got 90 yr. old Bill Young in uniform to go to Parris Island for his grandsons graduation from boot camp. When Sam and I first talked to him, he didn't know what to expect. He couldn't have been more pleased. It will be July 3th.

On the Veteran & youth tickets sales, there was a $100.00 winner from what we sold. [Jim French]

Have a good and safe 4th of July and we will see you at the July 22 meeting.



Stan Schubert





Pound Keeper Moore has set the next meeting date for the pound as July 17, 2014. Be On Deck by 11;30 FORTHE MEETING followed by food and beverage of your choice. The meeting will be convened in the Tunn's Tavern area (the Green Room) at the Saxonburg Hotel.





·  Car Show Saturday August 9

·  T4T Org. Breakfast Saturday Sept.27

·  ALR Benefit Ride Saturday Oct. 4

·  T4T "Box" Breakfast Saturday Oct. 11

·  T4T "Box" P/U Breakfast Tuesday Dec. 9

·  More information & additional dates to follow.


Reminder-- The League breakfast this week , infacttomorrow is scheduled for 0900 hours

Toys for Tots building meeting is scheduled for 1930 Hours on Thursday July 10, (which is this week) at the American Legion # 778