VOHC Medical Dental Integration Subcommittee

July 8, 2016 Meeting Notes

Participants: Liz Cote (Chair), Debora Teixeira, Sue Offenhartz, Heather Blair, Pari Motia

Meeting Notes

Updates from participants

Pari, VDH and Liz, UVM OPC & AHEC

·  UVM and VDH partnership to continue offering (in FY17) oral health/fluoride varnish training (piloted earlier this year) to primary care practices; this collaboration is leveraging limited resources and expertise.

Debora, VDH

·  New dental clinic in the works; certificate of need (CON) process underway.

Southwestern Medical Center in Bennington VT

Target opening--September 2016

4 exam rooms, 2 dentists, 1 hygienist; workforce recruitment is underway

·  Fluoride Varnish literature review completed—see attached.

Sherry, OHF

·  Place-based care project—125 adults/seniors served.

·  Ideas for expansion: potentially for all (vulnerable) adults seeking services at VDH White River Jet district office (example: WIC)

Heather, VTC

·  New, interprofessional, clinical rotation for 3rdyear dental hygiene students

VTC partnership with UVM Dept of Peds and the VT Children’s Hospital

4 dental hygiene students/week—2 inpatient, 2 outpatient 20 students/year to complete this rotation (ongoing throughout the academic year)

Feedback/next steps (FY17 VOHC project year—starts September 2016) from recent reports (see attached)

·  Continue oral health/FV training in primary care

·  Offer office support services to support implementation (beyond initial training)

·  Expand place-based care options

·  Common messaging and materials; include community nurses (e.g., Hartland, Norwich, Sharon)

·  2-1-1 as a resource; a hub for oral health info/find a provider

·  EHRs to include questions/information about oral health, dental home

Continue to brainstorm, send ideas to Liz. Let’s make a list and then refine to 3 (SMART) goals to propose for VOHC’s FY17.

VOHC Annual Meeting (Aug 9)

·  Agenda development underway.

·  Staff members from Senator Sanders office plan to attend.

VOHC’smedical/dental subcommitteeupcoming telephone meetings

Last Thursday of each month (3pm to 3:30):

July 28

Aug 25