James A. Shanks Middle School Cheerleaders are ambassadors of the school. As such they represent the ideals of our school and community and the general public. Cheerleaders are in a high profile position; exemplary behavior is expected at all times.
Cheerleaders are expected to demonstrate pride in the school, allegiance to the student body, and promote a sense of community throughout the school. As cheerleading is a school-affiliated sport, they are subject to rules that govern all other school related sports and organizations. The principal of the school is solely responsible for the operations of his/her school, including any and all matters pertaining to the sport program.
The name of this organization shall be the
“James A. Shanks Middle School Cheerleading Squad”.
The purpose of the James A. Shanks CheerleadingProgram shall be to promote school spirit, encourage good sportsmanship, and develop positive and productive young ladies.
- Support Shanks’ football teams.
- Support Shanks’ basketball teams.
- Plan and conduct pep rallies.
- Participate in school activities.
- Support any other athletic team when asked
to do so by the sponsor, athletic director, or principal.
- Participate in all fundraising events.
- Participate in competitions
The James A. Shanks Middle School Cheerleading Squad shall be composed of no more than 25 and no less than 12 young ladies in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade who are currently attending JASMS.
- Date for clinics and try-outs will be announced on the school’s public address system and signs will be posted at least three weeks before try-outs on the school campus.
- An interest meeting will be held in the spring for fifth through seventh grade students that will be enrolled at James A. Shanks Middle School in the fall. This meeting will be held at Shanks.
- Qualified judges will conduct try-outs and score applicant’s try-out performance.
- All Cheerleaders must try-out annually (See Article IX Section D).
- If either squad removes a cheerleader prior to summer camp and/or the school year, the coach will advance the next cheerleader in order of try-outs. This is to assure that the cheerleading squad has a full squad during the entire cheerleading season.
To participate in try-outs a student must complete the following requirements:
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Has all of the following forms completed prior to try-outs
- Parent Permission
- Physical
- Activity Form
- Copy of current report card
- Student Contract
- Applicant Form
- Has not had a disciplinary issue including but not limited to referrals, ISS, OSS, or behavioral forms.
- Must be a Shanks student for the Fall of 2017.
- Must not have an outstanding balance due from the previous year of cheering at Shanks.
- If a student is a returning cheerleader she must also meet Article IX Section D.
- Cheerleaders will be responsible for monthly obligation payments. See Article VIII.
- The coach will select the Captain(s). See Article V.
- The coach should be appointed by the administration. See Article VI.
- Cheering assignments:
- Shanks Cheerleading Squad cheers for the following:
- Boys’ football home and away
- Boys’ basketball home and away
- Girls’ basketball home and away
- Any other Shanks athletic team that requests our presence
- All Cheer Competitions
- Pep Rallies
- Cheering squad division:
- During the basketball season all squads will be subject to division into Orange and Black squads. The purpose of the squads is to allow cheerleaders the opportunity to perform at games home/away and in the process not compromise their grades. This allows all basketball teams the advantage of having cheerleaders present at a majority of the games. The numbers of each squad will be determined by the coach based on the academic and sports calendars for the respective year. There will be designated games for the entire squad to cheer for and games that the Orange and Black squads will cheer for. The Cheerleading Coach will make this determination.
- Other Responsibilities of Shanks Cheerleaders:
- All cheerleaders will be required to attend Summer Practice as well as Cheer Camp. This camp will prepare the cheerleaders for ademanding season.
Captains guide the activities and act as leaders for this organization. Captains shall be appointed by the coach and may be removed by the coach. It is also up to the coach if alternate captains are assigned or dismissed throughout the cheerleading calendar year.
- Will be selected by the coach from those cheerleaders who demonstrate to their coach/sponsor their ability to lead, cooperate with others inside and outside the squad, organize, create, and lead cheers.
- Must be totally committed to the team.
- Must be at practices before starting times and responsible for starting practices on time.
- Should know cheers to be used, never hesitating as to which is to be used next.
- Should be sure of game time and make sure that all cheerleaders are present at least thirty minutes before game time; must notify coach of those who are late.
- Is the official host/hostess for each home game and is to fulfill responsibilities to other teams in order to ensure that they feel welcomed.
- Is in charge during each performance and should take those steps necessary to insure that the entire squad is attentive and reflects the dignity, pride in and high standards of our school during each performance.
- Is to be permanently replaced by the coach if placed on probation due to academic reasons or behavioral concerns.
- Is responsible for warming up the squad at practices and games.
- The principal recommends appointment of the coach. The coach should coordinate and supervise all practices. In addition, the coach should attend all games or ensure that a faculty member is present as cheerleader coach.
- The coach should enforce all rules according to the constitution.
- The coach will verify all cheerleader’s grades.
- The following are additional coach duties:
- Coordinate all pep rallies, and assemblies.
- Maintain an inventory of all uniforms, equipment, and materials.
- Keep a record of each cheerleader’s physical, grades, demerits and attendance to all cheer events.
- Organize fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, competitions,
and travel arrangements
- Coordinate chaperones for cheerleading activities and functions.
- Submit all expense vouchers for county funds.
- Keep accurate financial records.
The JASMS Cheer Parents are encouraged to:
- Communicate all questions or concerns regarding cheerleading to the coach. As in all cases the principal will make the final decision when there are unresolved concerns.
- Lend support to the cheerleading program in any or all of the following ways: fund raising activities, chaperoning and support other coach-designated activities.
- It is the priority of the Shanks Cheer Coach to make cheerleading fees as affordable as possible, therefore the price to be a cheerleader at Shanks is one of the lowest in the county. The obligation of a cheerleader at Shanks Middle School on an average is $400.00 (payments will be made in installments).This fee will includea uniform rental fee and all accessories needed which are 3 practice uniforms, cheer shoes, poms, midriff bodysuit, warm-up, bag, briefs, and bows.
- The obligation must and will be paid for in two to three increments.
- The obligation does not include competitions fees as this comes at an additional cost.
The following rules govern the operation of the cheerleading program.
- Cheerleaders must maintain a 2.5 GPA.
- Cheerleaders will be given a progress report on a bi-weekly basis.
- Failure to comply with the 2.5 GPA requirements will result in probation( i.e. game suspension(s). During probation the member must fulfill all other responsibilities (i.e. practice, game attendance, and fundraising). Dismissal will be based on the nine week GPA.
- If a cheerleader is dismissed for academic reasons he/she will be allowed to try-out the following year as long as he/she meets all eligibility requirements.
- Prior coaches’ approval is required for all cheerleader activities, event, practice, and projects.
- Attendance at practice/meetings is mandatory. Other extra-curricular activities and/or appointments, etc. must be scheduled around cheerleading.
- Failure to attend any given practice may result in ineligibility to perform at the following event. However, the cheerleader must attend the game in her uniform and sit with the coach during the entire game.
- Absence from more than four periods of school on a game day will result in a forfeiture of cheerleading privileges for that game. However, the cheerleader must attend the game and sit with the sponsor unless excused form the game by the coach.
- Cheerleader must notify the coach if they are sick or an emergency arises before the game. A doctor’s note is necessary for excuse from a game or activity. A parent note is necessary for excuse from practice. This includes leaving school on a game day.
- Attendance at summer practices and camp is mandatory.
- It is the responsibility of each cheerleader to be at every event dressed appropriately and ready to go at least thirty minutes before the starting
- Cheerleaders shall exhibit good sportsmanship and display behavior in accordance with the rules of conduct as stated in the James A. Shanks Middle School Student Handbook. Failure to represent the cheerleading program and James A. Shanks Middle School in a manner consistent with the rules of good sportsmanship and in accordance with the rules of conduct outlined in the student handbook as well as the James A. Shanks Middle School Cheerleader Constitution will result in suspension or dismissal as deemed by the coach and school administration.
- Any 2’s or 1’s in citizenship will result in probation (i.e. game suspension). Any further offenses will be subject to dismissal, as the coach deems necessary.
- Any referrals or detentions will result in suspension or dismissalfrom the squad.
- Any cheerleader that quits for any reason other than academics may not try-out for cheerleading the following year.
- Negative verbal or non-verbal expressions of anger or sarcasm are not acceptable. This is in reference to the opposition, fellow teammates, or any person of authority.
- No profanity is to be used by a cheerleader.
- No cheer shall be led when a member of either team is injured or a player is being removed from the field or court. The cheerleaders should kneel until the injured player rises, and lead applause as the player exits.
- Cheerleaders who are found in possession of and/or using alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal drugs are subject forimmediate removal.
For a cheerleader to be eligible to try-out for the next calendar year
she should NOT have:
- Quit the squad the previous year.
- Been kicked off the team for behavioral reasons.
- Outstanding fees from the previous year.
- A cheerleader’s appearance must be neat and clean at all times. She is expected to have her uniform neat and mended as well as cleaned for each performance. Shoes must be clean and hair neatly styled away from face in a high ponytail.
- While in uniform no jewelry is worn.
- Make-up should be worn in moderation (lip gloss and orange eyeshadow only).
- For any practice, game, or event, the term “dressed out” shall mean socks, cheer shoes, no jewelry, cheer shorts, t-shirt, and sports bra.
- Hair must a natural color including 1, 1B, 2, or 4. Please refrain from non-natural colors such as blonde, pink purple, red, etc. Cheerleaders that break this rule will not be allowed to cheer until their hair has been fixed.
- Each cheerleader is expected to cooperate fully in any and every project. FUNDRAISING Is MANDATORY. The coachwill monitor participation.
- The coachand the principal must approve all projects.
- Money and sale items must be properly labeled when collected.
- Each cheerleader will be responsible for a set amount to raise per fundraiser. When a set dollar amount applies, the cheerleader or parent must pay the difference.
- Each cheerleader is responsible for maintaining their physical health to the best of their ability.
- Cheerleaders should be responsible in their eating habits, sleeping habits, and stretching properly.
- Please inform coaches of any prior illness or injuries prior to season.
The cheerleading coach will strive to administer the discipline procedures in a fair and consistent manner. The coach and administration of James A. Shanks Middle School shall have authority over the program operations. Each cheerleader acknowledges that failure to meet the expectations of Shanks cheerleading will result in punishment. Any cheerleader that blatantly disrespects a coach or sponsor will automatically be dismissed from the squad.
At times the coach will come across situations that are not covered in the constitution. It is necessary for the coach to take control of the situation using her best judgment. The coach should use discretion in each decision, and be consistent. It is essential that the well being of the squad is preserved, and kept at the standard of quality associated with James A. Shanks Middle School.
This document may be amended at the end of the cheerleading calendar each year or upon change in coach whenever it may occur.
- All cheerleaders are to provide her own transportation to and from all local games.
- All cheerleaders are to provide his/her own transportation to and from all local games.
- All cheerleaders must travel to and from any away game by a form of transportation provided by the coach and parents.
- All cheerleaders are responsible for their own ride to and from the departure point for all out-of-town games.
Finally, these guidelines have been implemented to strengthen each squad member’s sense of responsibility to herself and to the other members of the squad. They have been designed to build a high caliber cheerleading squad with a respectable and impressive reputation.
Parent’s Name:______Date:______
Student’s Name: ______Current Grade: ______
I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the rules and constitution which will govern my daughter if she is chosen to represent Shanks as a cheerleader. I understand that although all precautious will be taken to ensure the safety of all JASMS cheerleaders, there are still dangers involved due to the nature of the sport I.E. Stunting. I, therefore release James A. Shanks Middle School and all of its’ employees of all liability in case of injury of my cheerleader. I further understand that this is an extracurricular activity and that attendance at all practices, games, special functions, fundraisers, summer practices and camp is a mandatory requirement of the selected cheerleader.
I hereby give my consent to my daughter to tryout to be a cheerleader at James A. Shanks Middle School and I recognize her responsibilities and requirements as a leader. In addition, I give permission for my daughter to participate on the 2017- 2018 JASMS Cheerleading Squad if she is chosen. I understand that ifmy daughter is chosen, she will be required to pay for cheer clothes, cheer shoes, cheer accessories, and a uniform.
Parent/ Guardian’s Signature
Student Agreement
I, ______, have read and understand the 2017-2018 RULES FOR CHEERLEADING. I agree to abide by the policies described if I am chosen as a member of the squad. I am agreeing to the information in the packet and understand that failure to adhere to these rules policies could result in dismissal from the squad.
Student Signature: ______Date Signed: ______
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I, ______, the parent or legal guardian of ______, have read and understand the 2017-2018 RULES FOR CHEERLEADING and the 2017-2018 TRYOUT INFORMATION. I agree to abide by the policies described if my child is chosen as a member of the squad. I also agree to the financial obligations as they are described in the information provided. I understand that failure by me or my child to adhere to these policies could result in dismissal from the squad.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date Signed ______
Try- Out Application Form
General Information
Candidate’s Name:______
Home phone:______Cell phone:______
Parent’s Name:______
Home phone:______Cell:______E-mail______
Work phones:______
Emergency Contact:______Relationship:______
Medical Information
Insurance Company:______
Policy or Group Number:______
Doctor:______Phone Number:______
Medical Condition (if any):______
Medications you are currently taking:______
Please explain administration procedures:______
Clothing Information:
Height:______Weight:______Shirt Size:______Skirt Size:______
Shoe Size:______Pant Size: ______Jacket:______
Do you have any cheerleading experience? ____Yes ____No
If yes, Please indicate by circling the following: tumbling flier base back spot
Share your experience and training you’ve had and with what organization(s)?
Why do you want to be a James A. Shanks Cheerleader?
James A. Shanks Middle School Cheerleading 1