Visitor Feedback Survey (Simple)
The sample survey content below provides you with some question and layout suggestions to help you develop your own visitor survey.
This simple format uses three key areas as examples:
1) Satisfaction of current facilities and services
a) Overall
b) Golf course
c) Clubhouse
d) Food & beverage
e) Communications
2) Current and future needs
a) Strengths
b) Weaknesses
c) Opportunities
3) General
You can distribute the survey to visitors, either by paper or electronically (to your visitor database), and then collate, analyse and interpret the responses to help you improve your club’s performance.
Sample Survey Content (manual)
Dear Visitor
We’re glad to see you at the club and sincerely hope you have enjoyed your experience.
As we’re always looking to improve our facilities and services we welcome your views as to how we can do that.
Please the time to complete this survey and return it to the survey box….
1a. In terms of your experience, how would you rate the club overall? (Please select one only)
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Don’t KnowOverall / / / / / /
Please explain your rating: ______
1b. In terms of your experience, how would you rate the golf course? (Please select one only)
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Don’t KnowGolf course / / / / / /
Please explain your rating: ______
1c. In terms of your experience, how would you rate the clubhouse? (Please select one only)
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Don’t KnowClubhouse / / / / / /
Please explain your rating: ______
1d. In terms of your experience, how would you rate the food & beverage service? (Please select one only)
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Don’t KnowFood & Beverage / / / / / /
Please explain your rating: ______
1e. In terms of your experience, how would you rate how welcome you felt from staff and members? (Please select one only)
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Don’t KnowWelcome / / / / / /
Please explain your rating: ______
Alternate layout
If you do not wish to provide the opportunity for members to comment on each question, you can adopt a ’matrix’ approach to the previous question examples:
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Don’t KnowOverall / / / / / /
Golf Course / / / / / /
Clubhouse / / / / / /
Food & Beverage / / / / / /
Welcome / / / / / /
Please explain any of your ratings if you choose: ______
2a. Are you considering joining a golf club?
2b. Electronic Communication Opt-In
Please provide your email address if you would like to receive all future communications from the Club via e-mail rather than post. (Please type your e-mail address in the space provided)
Thank you for completing this survey.
Name: ______
E-mail address: ______
Sample Survey Content (electronic)
For a more efficient and effective solution, it is recommended you utilise one of the free online survey tools available. Survey Monkey is a popular tool
You can create your survey on-line and utilise the features within the tool to develop the questions (potentially based on the previous manual example), distribute to visitors, collect the results and then easily analyse and interpret the results, including graphs.
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