St. Thomas Catholic Women’s Guild
CMDCCW Deanery Project Proposal for 2015 – 2017
Objective: To expand the Culture of Life in the Knoxville Diocese through prayer,
education, volunteerism, witness, and monetary support. To facilitate this, speakers from
all of the following agencies are available to present to all affiliates. A schedule of events
and prayers for life would be made available to each affiliate.
a. Catholic Charities Rachel's Vineyard Diocesan 40 Days for Life
119 Dameron Avenue Diocese of Knoxville
Knoxville, TN 37917 805 South Northshore Drive
Sandi Davidson Knoxville, TN 37919
865-212-4942 Paul Simoneau, Vice Chancellor
Knoxville Right to Life
P. O. Box 5218
Knoxville, TN 37928-0218
Stacy Dunn
b. Rachel's Vineyard offers healing, counseling, and emotional and spiritual support to
men and women who have suffered the loss of a child by abortion This is done through a
structured ten week program and weekend retreats. Diocesan 40 Days for Life offers
opportunities to prayerfully witness to the value and dignity of human life and to educate
and offer alternatives to abortion. Knoxville Right to Life offers education about life
issues including abortion and euthanasia, legislative activities, and the chance to witness to
the value and dignity of human life.
c. Rachel's Vineyard serves East Tennessee. Diocesan 40 Days for Life serves the
Diocese of Knoxville. Knoxville Right to Life serves Knox and surrounding counties.
d. Rachel's Vineyard operates under the auspices of Catholic Charities of East
Tenneessee. There is one part time employee, and numerous volunteers. Diocesan 40
Days for Life operates under the auspices of the Diocese of Knoxville. The Vice
Chancellor administers the program along with several volunteers. Knoxville Right to
Life is a non-profit organization affiliated with Tennessee Right to Life and National Right
to Life. There are three part time employees and numerous volunteers.
e. Rachel's Vineyard needs funds to support their programs and the weekend retreats.
Volunteers are also needed. Diocesan 40 Days for Life needs operating funds as well as
volunteers to promote and support the prayer vigils. Knoxville Right to Life needs funds
for operating expenses, to support court costs in defending legal challenges to Amendment 1
and life affirming legislation, and volunteers to support and attend their activities.