(R. 1/04)



SSW insures that children placed in out of home care are visited:

  • Monthly in a DCBS resource home;
  • Quarterly in a PCC resource home; and
  • Twice monthly if the child is designated as Medically Fragile or Care Plus.

The following visitation guidelines are adhered to by the SSW, unless the SRA or designee approves an alternate arrangement. The visits should be private face- to- face contacts with the children. The SSW may choose to speak privately with the child in the child’s room or other private area not secluded from the observation of others when appropriate based on:

  • Age;
  • Sex; and
  • Developmental level of the child.

The SSW insures that progress is documented in the case record during monthly home visits regarding the areas listed below:

  • SSW documents observations of activities/behaviors of the child during the visit.
  • SSW reviews the medical passport with the care provider and retains the additional copies of the 106 forms from the medical providers.
  • SSW discusses and documents mental health care and treatment progress with the care provider, including last therapy session, and issues the child is working through, such as attachment and loss.
  • SSW discusses and documents with the care provider academic progress and concerns, including attitude, attendance, grades and behavior.
  • SSW insures that copies of Individual Education Plans and Report Cards are included in the case record upon return to office.
  • SSW talks to the child about interests and extra curricular activities, and facilitates participation in activities to promote emotional and social development.
  • SSW documents progress in the child’s lifebook on a monthly basis and assists the care provider in the development and maintenance (adding pictures, awards, projects, mementos).
  • SSW explores concerns that the care provider and child may have, such as lack of transportation, childcare, mental health services, visitation with parents and siblings, etc.
  • SSW discusses and documents with the care provider how the child is maintaining connections with friends, extended family, and previous care providers. Is the care provider facilitating interaction?
  • SSW discusses with the child, and documents progress the family is making toward permanency.