List of wheat cDNA libraries and stress treatments
Nomenclature of cDNA library / Abbreviation of cDNA library / Wheat strain / Description of wheat tissues and treatmentWh_CSEC / whcs / CS* / Callus induced from the mature seed and subcultured every two months for more than 2 years on the MS medium
Wh_PCDAM / whgc / CS / Anther at first pollen mitosis after meiosis
Wh_HGCPCDAM / whhg / CSMT4BS / Anther of mono-telosomics 4BS of CS at first pollen mitosis after meiosis
Wh_GCPCDAM / whpc / CSDT4BS / Anther of ditelosomics 4BS of CS at first pollen mitosis after meiosis
Wh_OKCS / whok / CS / Whole grain at 5-days post-anthesis (DPA5)
Wh_MS / whms / CSDT3DL / Whole grain of ditelosomics 3DL of CS DPA5
Wh_DPA20 / whdp / CS / Whole grain of CS DPA20
Wh_EM / whem / Kitakei1354 / Dormant embryo (DPA60) with water supply under conditions of 20°C, 48 h
Wh_EMC / whec / Kitakei1354 / Dormant embryo (DPA60) incubated at 5°C, 24 h after water supply at 20°C, 24 h
Wh_EMI / whei / Kitakei1354 / Dormant embryo (DPA60) with water supply at 20°C, 48 h after wounding at endosperm
Wh_RDr / whrd / Kitakei1354 / Root of seedling over paper towel kept in incubator at 20% moisture after growth at 20°C, 14 days
Wh_SHC / whsc / Kitakei1354 / Seedling treated at 5°C, 24 h after excision of grain part in water supply at 20°C, 72 h
Wh_SHDr / whsd / Kitakei1354 / Upper seedling of seedling over paper towel kept in incubator at 20% moisture after growth at 20°C, 14 days
Wh_KMP / whkp / CSkmppd# / Seedling at third leaf development grown under continuous illumination at 20°C
Wh_KMV / whkv / CS / Seedling at third leaf development grown under continuous illumination at 20°C after cold treatment at 4°C for 35 days
Wh_V4816 / whv16 / Valuevskaya / 14-day-old upper seedling after treatment at 4°C, 8-h illumination for 16 days
Wh_V483 / whv3n / Valuevskaya / 14-day-old upper seedling after treatment at 4°C, 8-h illumination for 3 days
Wh_VABA / whva / Valuevskaya / 14-day-old upper seedling after treatment with 50 mM abscisic acid (ABA) for 24 h
Wh_VHS / whvh / Valuevskaya / 14-day-old upper seedling after heat-shock treatment at 42°C, 3 h
Wh_VWD / whvd / Valuevskaya / 14-day-old upper seedling after 5-day water deficit
Wh_VSCB / whvs / Valuevskaya / Cultured cells in B5 medium
* CS; Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring
+ kmppd; near-isogenic line