Christian Witness Service

If I therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet,

you ought to wash one another’s feet.

I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have

done for you, you should also do. (Jn 13:14-15)

We are called by our own baptism to imitate Christ in humble service as best we can. That means we are called to serve others we come in contact with, in order to demonstrate our Christian commitment to God and the Church through faith in action. This living faith is the witness of discipleship that all Christians who accept God’s deep and abiding love for them, desire to give back to God through the concrete situations of life. What situations or persons in your own life call you to move out of self-centeredness and respond with your own love, freely given, to assist or bring relief, and kindness to others in need?

As teenagers you would agree with the Letter of James in the New Testament .

“It is by my deeds that I will show you my faith.

…Would you not like to know that faith without deeds is useless.

…As a body without spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds.”

Each teenager, as a Confirmation candidate, more than ever is asked to reflect on any service that they are presently rendering to the Church, the community, or their family. Can you increase any area or begin in an area that you have not yet tried? As Catholics, the call to conversion of heart is an ongoing invitation throughout our lives.

Jesus gave his apostles a specific mission to make disciples of all peoples, and all nations. As young members of your church community, Jesus commissions you to be a witness to your faith by doing service to your family, church and community.

Each Confirmation Candidate is expected to actively participate in service to the church, the community andthe family. Such service must be freely given (without pay) and must NOT be part of a regular family chore associated with an allowance.

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Here are some suggestions to help prepare you on your Confirmation journey by volunteering service in the following areas: (10 Hours Required)

CCD Helper/ AideFood Pantry

Altar serverSoup kitchen

Church choirClothing drive

Church garden/flowersBabysit without pay

Parish FestivalHelp neighbors without pay

Children's Christmas partyBake for a bake sale

Easter Bunny lunchAssist with young children's sports

Angel Tree projectClean up litter in parks or schools

Living Stations

Presents for Patients visit

Visit the shut-ins

Love Walk for the Poor

Help decorate the church for Christmas or Easter

Record all service given on the Christian Witness Service form, being sure to have each one signed by the adult receiving the service.

(Parents may sign in lieu of signatures too difficult to obtain)


Return Christian Witness Service form to the CCD office by

August 31, 2018

Before making a decision and commitment:

- Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance

- Talk to your parents and sponsor

- Find out the needs of people in your family, neighborhood, parish, school, or community.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in us the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. O God, Who did teach the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. (Traditional prayer to the Holy Spirit)



I believe that my faith in Jesus Christ Calls me to respond as a Catholic Christian in my words and deeds in everyday life situations. Faith is lived out in community. To love God, I must love myself and others. God’s spirit has prompted me to respond to the needs of my family, church and neighborhood in the following ways: (10 hrs. required – Due August 31, 2018)

I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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I gave service to: ______Date______


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