A Little Interactive Muscular System Activity
Visit http://nhscience.lonestar.edu/biol/ap1int.htm#muscle or find the link through
the PRHS web site through visiting PRHSlibrary.com, clicking on Technology tab
and the Teacher Webquests and Pathfinders and scroll down to “Muscular System.”
Click on The Gross Physiology of Skeletal Muscle (3 down)
- What is the name of the smallest contractile unit? (“CONTINUE”)
- What is the diameter of a myofibril? (“CONTINUE”)
- What is another term for muscle fibers? (“CONTINUTE”)
- What is the sarcoplasmic reticululum store and release? (“CONTINUE”)
- “CONTINUE” again.
- What is the purpose/function of the transverse tubules? (“CONTINUE”)
- TRUE/FALE- Muscle cells have one nuclei per cell/fiber. (“CONTINUE”)
- What is the name of the organelle that provides the “energy” for muscle contraction? (“CONTINUE”)
- TRUE/FALSE- The number of mitochondria per fiber is a consistent/constant. (“CONTINUE”)
- What is the function/purpose of fascia? (“CONTINUE”)
- What are the 3 levels of fascia? (“CONTINUE”)
- DONE with this section
Click on SARCOMERE SHORTENING (4 down) - You are probably going to have to play and pause this to answer the questions. Or maybe better, you can just move the video dot/know at the bottom of the animation... that seems to be easier.
- Describe the H Zone and I Based in a RELAXED muscle.
- Describe the H Zone and I Band in a FULLY CONTRACTED muscle
- How would you describe what happens to the Z disks during contraction?
Click on LEVER AND JOINTS (8 down)
- Striated muscle is designed to perform force in WHICH DIRECTION? (“CONTINUE”)
- TRUE/FALSE- The alignment/organization of fibers in smooth muscle is random and unorganized (“CONTINUE”)
- This organization (or lack thereof) makes it perfect for what 2 areas in the body? (“CONTINUE”)
- How many individually named muscles are there in the body? (“CONTINUE”)
- In the example of the elbow is the ______and the biceps brachi is the ______
- BEFORE the biceps can generate movement, what must the elbow be?
- Torque doesn’t only affect ______, but also ______(“CONTINUE”)
- The model on the RIGHT has a ______perpendicular distance and therefore moves the hand ______
than the model on the LEFT. (“CONTINUE”)
- READ IT!!! (If you don’t, you won’t be able to answer the next questions) (“CONTINUE”)
- How does the arm compensate for the problems of having zero torque when
fully extended? (“CONTINUE”)
- What class lever is the elbow joint? (“CONTINUE”)
- You will notice the three animations on the side... I want you to draw
those diagrams. BE SURE TO TELL ME WHICH IS WHICH. Yes- it is going to take some time... what else do you have to do? You may need to use a separate sheet of paper.