Point Loma High School
COURSE SYLLABUS – 2015-16 ASB (Associated Student Body)
Mrs. Denney
Course title: ASB Textbook: none
Teacher: Denney E-mail:
Room: 405 Phone: (619) 223-3121 ext. 4405
the pointer way
· Critical thinking
· effective communication
· responsible, self-directed learning and working
· involved citizens
assignments and assessments
Class participation: Class participation and active participation in committees and activities during and outside of class time is essential. The ASB Assembly depends on students’ commitment to work effectively as a team to accomplish school goals. Students are expected to follow Robert’s Rules of Order in daily Assembly meetings. Students use class time to fulfill the responsibilities of the office for which they were elected or appointed, as well as help with any other assigned tasks or whole-group projects.
Attendance is crucial. When you are absent you need to make up work that you have missed.
Making up missed work: If you miss class due to an excused absence you need to make up points that you miss. Please check with me as soon as you return to ensure you are up-to-date on all work. You will not be able to make up work for absences which are unexcused.
Fees: There are no fees for any part of this course.
Homework and Grading:
There will be little specific homework assigned. However, students should expect some work outside of class, especially as a major ASB activity approaches. In addition, all ASB students are expected to attend and help out with ASB functions and lunchtime activities. Attendance at ASB events and other school functions is also expected and part of the student’s grade in ASB, with the exception of those events that require a fee for admission. Students will be expected to help set up and clean up various events throughout the year, as well. All ASB students will be assigned lunch shifts in room 303 at lunch on a rotating basis. If you are late or fail to show for your shift, your grade will be affected. Be sure to get coverage if you are absent or can’t be there.
ACADEMIC grade determination – see grading rubric
Citizenship Grade
Consistent student attendance is crucial to ASB success. ASB students are held to a higher standard because they are expected to represent the behavior of a school leader. Therefore, any truancy will result in citizenship grade of U and an academic grade of a "zero" for the work missed during the truancy. Punctuality shows self-discipline and consideration for other class members. The school policy regarding tardiness will be implemented. Any student with TWO tardies will earn a citizenship grade no higher than "S." THREE tardies will earn no higher than "N." FOUR tardies will earn a "U." Six-week citizenship grades will not be cumulative, rather reflect the student's citizenship for the six-week period only. However, the semester citizenship grade will be an average of the three six-week grades. Attendance at ASB events and behavior during those events is also included in the citizenship grade.
.Classroom Policies and Practices
1. Be ready, willing and able to give your full attention to the daily ASB meetings as soon as the bell rings.
2. Do not start homework, projects, or any side work until the daily meeting is concluded and the president has released the class.
3. Never leave the ASB room without the permission of the advisor and always carry your ASB on-campus pass. Be sure to sign out and follow proper procedures when you leave.
4. Learn the names and positions of all ASB members. Help other ASB members when your job is done. Take the initiative to find thing to do. Sitting around doing nothing is not acceptable.
5. Always be cooperative toward fellow ASB members as well as the advisor.
6. Follow the guidelines outlined on “PLHS Student Expectations” poster.
Students are expected to obey the following rules in class:
1. Be on time and stay in class unless you have permission to leave.
2. Follow directions.
3. Respect the rights and properties of others. No "put downs" will be tolerated.
4. Follow school policies as outlined in the "Student Handbook."
Students not adhering to classroom rules will have the following consequences:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Contact
3. Referral to Counselor or Vice-Principal for further disciplinary action
For serious violations of classroom rules and school policies, students may be referred to the Vice-Principal immediately. Violations of classroom rules will also have a negative effect on student's citizenship grade
Office Hours and Conference Procedure:
Students and parents may arrange conferences at our mutual convenience. Use the contact information provided above. The best way to contact me is via email, .
Syllabus for ASB with Mrs. Denney
Dear Parent/Guardian:
It is very important that both parents and students read and understand the expectations of the ASB class. The syllabus and the activity log/grading rubric should be kept in the student’s binder during the entire year. They should be reviewed from time to time. Thank you for taking the time to read about our class. Please sign when you have done so. Return the bottom portion of this sheet to school as soon as possible.
I have read and understand the ASB Class Description and Class Policies and will fully abide by its terms. I realize that I am responsible for what is contained in this document whether or not I actually read it.
I have also reviewed and understand the 6-week activity log and grading rubric, and understand that I am responsible for filling out both and submitting them prior to the end of each grading period.
Student name (please print): ______
Student signature: ______Date: _____
Parents – By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have also reviewed the documents mentioned above, and understand the expectations of students in this class, as well as how grades are assigned.
Parent name: ______
Parent signature: ______Date: ______
Parent contact phone number: ______
Parent contact e-mail: ______
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to send an e-mail or call and leave a message on voice mail. I will make an effort to return your message/call within 24 hours. I have found that we can respond more quickly to e-mails than to phone calls.
Please return this page to Mrs. Denney tomorrow.