C.S.Lewis noted that the word “membership” is of Christian origin but has been emptied by the world of its original meaning. Now, stores discount to members, advertisers use membership mailing lists, and in churches it often just means having your name on a roll with no requirements and no expectations. Contrast that with 1 Corinthians12:25-27
I.There’s Funny Ideas About Membership In The Family
A. “Bunny believers” hop around without accountability
B. “Good Christian” without joining (or attending) a church
C. In scripture, a Christian w/out a church family is like an organw/out a body, sheep w/out a flock, child w/out a family
D. Important universally- Ephesians 2:19, & locally-Acts 9:26-28
Why Do I Need My Church Family?
II. It Identifies One as a Genuine Believer John 13:33
A. A fulfillment of Isaiah 2:2; 11:6-9...why important?
1. John 17:20-21-Unity is a faithbuilder for the world
B. Demonstrates you have the desire to promote unity
III. It Moves Us Away From Being Self-Centered
A. 1 Timothy 3:5-as the home is classroom for a shepherd...
1. Local family is the lab for “book theories” of scripture
2. 1 John 4:20-many ways of deceiving self
3. Know John 3:16 but not 1 John 3:16?
IV. It Helps Us Become Spiritually Fit, Stronger
A. Spectating is always easier than participating
1. Arm chair quarterbacking, critics, nit pickers, grumblers
B. Ephesians 4:15-16-growth linked to “what every joint supplies”
1. Easy to be calm, holy when there is no challenge
2. James 1:3-it is faith testing that grows endurance, patience
3. It is in relationship that we mature.
V. It Is Our Safety Line, for Rescue
A. There is good in the worst of us, sin in the best of us
1. Romans 3:23- we all sin, James 3:2; 1 John 3:8
B. Who will find their own way, discover all truth, avoid sin?
1. Hebrews 2:1; 3:12-13 encourage, James 5:19-20-save from death
VI. It Allows Us To Share In Christ’s Mission
A. Ephesians 2:10-Each of us has talents, gifts, abilities, opportunities
B. 2 Peter1:3-4-We share in Deity by sharing know. & work
C. Educational system helps train, prepare, sharpen for life
1. God has prepared a way to train us for eternal life
2. Pop quizzes, body toning, course corrections, handrails
VII. Satan Loves Detached Believers...
A. Isolated from a caring family, unaccountable to leaders
1. Alone in the fight, growing weaker, no one to rescue
B. Before you consider striking out on your own,
...consider all that God has done to help you get to heaven
C.S.Lewis noted that the word “membership” is of Christian origin but has been emptied by the world of its original meaning. Consider 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
I.There’s Funny Ideas About Membership In The Family
A. “______believers” hop around without accountability
B. Be a “______” without joining (or attending) a church
1. ...like an organ w/out a ______, sheep without a ______, child without a ______
C. It is important ______- Ephesians 2:19 & ______-Acts 9:26-28
Why Do I Need My Church Family?
II. It Identifies One as a Genuine ______John 13:33
A. A fulfillment of Isaiah 2:2; 11:6-9...John 17:20-21-Unity is a ______for the world
III. It Moves Us Away From Being ______
A. 1 Timothy 3:5-as the ______is classroom for a shepherd...
1. Local church family is the lab for “book theories” of ______
IV. It Helps Us Become Spiritually ______
A. ______is always easier than ______
B. Ephesians 4:15-16- Growth is linked to “what ______supplies”
1. It is in ______that we mature.
V. It Is Our ______Line, for ______
A. There is good in the worst of us, sin in the best of us,
1. Romans 3:23-we all sin, James 3:2; 1 John 3:8
B. Hebrews 2:1; 3:12-13 ______, James 5:19-20-save from ______
VI. It Allows Us To ______In Christ’s Mission
A. Ephesians 2:10-His ______, 2 Peter 1:3-4
VII. Satan Loves ______Believers...
A. ______from a caring family, ______to leaders,
1. ...______in the fight, growing ______, no one to ______
B. Before striking out on your own, consider all that God has done to help you get to heaven.