Attachment 2
VISION 2020 UK Ophthalmic Public Health Committee
Draft Minutes of Meeting, 09/05/17, 12:00 – 15:00 in the New Council Room, 4th Floor at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, 18 Stephenson Way, London, NW1 2HD
PDParul Desai (Chair), The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
CBCatey Bunce, Certificate of Visual Impairment Committee
DSDarren Shickle, Faculty of Public Health
JPJanet Pooley, Optometry at NHS Education for Scotland – teleconf
JRJugnoo Rahi, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
MBrMatt Broom, VISION 2020 UK
MJMercy Jeyasingham, VISION 2020 UK
PBPeter Black, Federation of (Ophthalmic and Dispensing) Opticians (FODO) –delegating for David Hewlett
RCRaymond Curran, Integrated Care Health and Social Care Board, Northern Ireland – teleconf
RKRichard Knight, LOCSU
RWRichard Wormald, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
In Attendance:
TKTayyaba Kamal (Secretary), VISION 2020 UK
David Hewlett, Optical Confederation (Peter Black delegating)
David Parkins, The College of Optometrists
Helen Lee, RNIB
Olivier Denève, The College of Optometrists
Rowena McNamara, British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS)
1.Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence (PD)
- All were welcomed to the meeting and introductions given.
- Apologies were received.
2.Declarations of interest (All)
- There were no new declarations of interest.
3.Notification of any other business (All)
- There was one notification of any other business of ‘Vision screening resources consultation’ from PD.
4.Minutes of the last meeting, 7 February 2017 (PD)
- The minutes were approved.
5.Matters arising from the minutes(PD)
- All actions were either closed or completed.
6.Membership and Terms of Reference (MJ / PD)
- The Terms of Reference and Role of Chair papers were received.
- MJ provided an update on organisational changes. UK Vision Strategy (UKVS), England Vision Strategy (EVS) and VISION2020 UK are coming together under a new organisation VISION UK. These organisational changes were driven by finances; and the new organisation shall endeavour to secure resources over 3 year cycles to provide for sustainability and continuity of work.
- The Vision Strategy Transition Programme Board had been set up with representation from organisations in the eye health and sight loss sector, and a high level Ambition Statement has been prepared, but it has not yet been widely circulated. An extra-ordinary general meeting of VISION2020 UK shall be held at end of May to close down VISION 2020 UK and approve transfer of its assets to this new organisation (including its activities and work streams).It shall be Vision UK that shall have the final decision about the work it continues with.
- It was generally agreed that consolidation and coordination of the different teamswas needed and there were opportunities for OPHC to inform and shape the agenda and priorities of the new VisionUK.
- Attachments 4 and 5 were part of the preparations for the new organisation and serve to provide some consistency over committee structures and governance. The changes to the Terms of Reference discussed were:
- Removal of Role section – this can be added under the Remit or Objectives section.
- Membership – It is not just about having organisations represented, but about having active contribution and proportionate representation from the membership to reflect the work of a committee and ensuring it has the appropriate technical expertise. The details of the technical expertise required should be provided in an Appendix.
- Working groups – this should be informed by the work plan so there should not be a limit on the number of working groups.
- Term of office – the changes were aimed at providing flexibility of membership and availability of expertise.
- Chair – It was agreed former Chairs could stand after a period of two years.
- Review – change from two years to three years was agreed.
- Job Role document
- ‘Deputy’ was a typo and MBr updated the document by removing it.
- It was explained that the inclusion of this document in the Chair’s job description is simply a recommendation as it would be difficult to monitor.
6.1MJ to confirm whether there is to be a consultation on the Ambition Statement.
6.2PD/TK to update Terms of Reference.
7.Public health impact of vision impairment (DS)
8.Review of threshold for certifying people (JR)
- These items arose out of discussions around the recent CVI consultation. They were complementary and discussed together as a basis to develop and propose some public health priorities for eye health for Vision UK to take forwards through its various activities and committees.
- It was agreed that the agenda for the next meeting in September should focus on discussing and agreeing these public health priorities together with the supporting evidence base. Whilst having an agreed criteria for prioritisation would be ideal it was accepted that no approach was free of bias. The James Lind Alliance approach would be unsuitable.
- The Beyond VISION 2020 seminar had crystallised topics to 5 main areas and could serve as a starting point for discussion together with other themes such as screening; age groups e.g. children and young people; service provision (prevention all levels), access and inequalities.
- The current CVI thresholds are too extreme for current lifestyles and availability of interventions; and the impact of vision impairment on population health and life courses need to be considered with broader health factors. The threshold for certification and screening could be reviewed.
- The WHO are preparing a global review on vision impairment which is due for publication in 2018.
7.1PD / TK to add main agenda item for 13 September 2017, ‘Facilitated discussion on proposed priority public health topics for eye health’.
7.2MBr to circulate the Beyond 2020 top five prioritised questions.
7.3ALL to send MBr () feedback and suggestions by 31 July 2017 on:
- the Beyond 2020 top 5 topics;
- other suggestions/ topics for priority areas; and
- supporting evidence on any of the above.
8.1JR to provide a briefing paperon the impact of vision impairment on children for the September meeting.
8.2RW to provide a briefing paper at the next meeting on WHO’s report on the impact of improving vision.
9.Portfolio of indicators (PD)
- The discussion centred around the following:
- Feedback to date:
England (PD)
- Experience with its use was as expected related to accessing the data particularly those from Trusts; and highlighted the need for some further explanatory narrative for naïve users.
- Supported by Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC) and acknowledged by NHS England.
- Raised profile of CYP and Diabetic Eye Screening Programme(DESP) uptake –item included in recent National Paediatric Diabetes Audit and it has been audited in London.
- Raised profile of DESP uptake reporting by age groups – being taken forwards in London
Scotland (JP)
- highlighted some data that were not available/ collected, and provided a means to address these gaps
- used to inform service planning e.g. baseline for LVS and their review
Northern Ireland (RC)
- The Portfolio was used as tool to select those indicators relevant to support a particular commission discussion or service.
- The primary care indicators were available and the hospital-based indicators were found to be useful to monitor service quality.
- Purpose of Review:
Planned, and timely, to take account of:
- Pathways, service delivery and organisation etc. have changed and as such some data flows and sources have been affected. Changes in commissioning structures in England with Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) also influence the levels at which data are useful.
- CCEHC frameworks for community ophthalmology, primary care ophthalmology and low vision and rehabilitation.
- Pending NICE Guidelines on Age related Macular Degeneration and Cataract, and the reviewed Glaucoma guideline to consider.
- UK wide relevance – some may be applicable across the UK and some may be nation-specific.
- Next steps:
- Health Profiles – presentation of the Broad Indicators as such now supported, and to be raised with Public Health England (PHE) for their consideration.
- Consider adding aspirational indicators to ensure that their development is not overlooked whilst supporting infra-structure is awaited e.g: GOS outcomes.
- Consider inclusion of data collected in the devolved nations that are not collected in England.
- The approach was still valid and be should continued, taking account of feedback received.
- Narrative to also consider addressing how to get the data and skill set needed to analyse and use it; costs (if relevant or possible).
- It should be one of the public health priorities for VisionUK.
- Awareness, Dissemination, Implementation – should be actively supported by VisionUK.
9.1PD to submit as a priority topic for September Meeting.
9.2ALL to provide suggestions for indicators and their data source to PD and engage in email discussion on review of Portfolio content.
9.3PD to draft reviewed Portfolio for December 2017 meeting.
9.2Department of Health – Ophthalmic services: Standards: Written question 68368 – (RW / PD)
- This item was not discussed.
10.Member updates (All)
- Extended primary care services now accepted by most Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and LOCSU expect to reach planned targets for these (60% of CCGs to commission MECS and similar for post-op cataract reviews).
Northern Ireland(RC)
- Northern Ireland’s Department of Health sight test and public health survey is carried out every two – three years. RC offered to circulate the recent report published for 2017.
Optical Confederation(PB)
- GOC Steering Group are going to look at the illegal supply of contact lenses again. PB will follow up with John Buchan about collecting data.
- ‘Love Your Lenses’ campaign was launched in March –
VISION 2020 UK(MJ and MBr)
- Constituency briefings for MPs have served to raise commissioning for community ophthalmology pathways, and there will be more consolidation with STPs.
- CVI Forms and Explanatory Notes – pending sign-off by Ministers after the election.
- NICE guidelines for macular degeneration – consultation period has been delayed until 30 June 2017.
- Sight Village conference, 18 July 2017 in Birmingham –jointly held by Health Education England, PHE and West Midlands Local Eye Health Network – focusing on employment and education of sight impaired folk.
10.1RC to circulate Northern Ireland Department of Health’s Sight Test and Public Health Survey report for 2017. [Post meeting note: Report to be circulated once finalised after August.)
10.2MBr to circulate information about Sight Village conference, 18 July 2017.
11.National Institute for Health Research ‘Health Future’: 20 Year Forward View – and
- The paper and link were received.
12.1Vision screening resources consultation (PD)
- A response to this consultation had been prepared by the VISION 2020 UK Children & Young People with a Vision Impairment Committee.
13.Date and venue of the next meeting
- Wednesday 13 September (Note: date changed from 11 September), 12:00– 15:00 at RCOphth – JP requested Skype.
13.1TK to request Skype set up for September meeting.
Date and venue of future meeting (12:00 – 15:00 at RCOphth):
- Wednesday 6 December (Note: date changed from 4 December)
Summary of Actions Table
Item / Date / Action / Member6.1
(12/06/17) / Membership and Terms of Reference
MJ to confirm whether there is to be a consultation on the Ambition Statement.
PD/TK to update Terms of Reference. / MJ
(12/06/17) / Public health impact of vision impairment
PD / TK to add main agenda item for 13 September 2017, ‘Facilitated discussion on proposed priority public health topics for eye health’.
MBr to circulate the Beyond 2020 top five prioritised questions.
ALL to send MBr () feedback and suggestions by 31 July 2017 on:
- the Beyond 2020 top 5 topics;
- other suggestions/ topics for priority areas; and
- supporting evidence on any of the above.
(12/06/17) / Review of threshold for certifying people
JR to provide a briefing paper on the impact of vision impairment on children for the September meeting.
RW to provide a briefing paper at the next meeting on WHO’s report on the impact of improving vision. / JR
(12/06/17) / Portfolio of IndicatorsReview
PD to submit as a priority topic for September meeting.
ALL to provide suggestions for indicators and their data source to PD and engage in email discussion on review of Portfolio content.
PD to draft reviewed Portfolio for December 2017 meeting / PD
(12/06/17) / Member updates
RC to circulate Northern Ireland Department of Health’s Sight Test and Public Health Survey report for 2017. [Post meeting note: Report to be circulated once finalised after August.)
MBr to circulate information about Sight Village conference, 18 July 2017. / RC
(12/06/17) / Date and venue of next meeting
TK to request Skype set up for September meeting. / TK
VISION 2020 UK 2nd Floor, 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE
Reg. Company No. 7850769 Charity No. 1146746/SC046837