Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2010
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Voting:Kathryn Benander, Jay Hargis, Muriel Josten, Kailani Knutson,
Susan Lala-Bell, Susan Regier, Jon Satko, Danny Sciacqua,
James Thompson,Miles Vega
Advisory:Ann Beheler, Virginia Gurrola
Guest:Valerie Lombardi
Voting:Bret Davis
Advisory:Antonia Ecung, Bill Henry
Call To Order:
Miles Vega called the September 14, 2010meeting to order at 2:45PM.
Approve September 14, 2010 agenda.
Change the spelling of “Training” in Section VI, sub-point 3.
Motion:To approve agenda.
Miles Vega asked for approval of the minutes to the May 11, 2010 meeting.
Kathryn Benander had a question regarding the bilingual ChildDevelopmentcourse discussed at the May 11, 2010 meeting; Miles stated that a decision was made that the class would not be taught in any language other than English.
Motion: To approve minutes.
Old Business:
1.AG Degree – Curriculum approved pending paperwork/backup - has not been submitted by division September 14, 2010
Miles asked KailaniKnutson whether she was prepared to address this matter. Kailani questioned what paperwork is pending, as Craig had paperwork and minutes from their Advisory Committee at the meeting last semester. Miles requested that this discussion be tabled until Judy’s return, as she knows what paperwork is pending. Valerie Lombardi stated that disciplines submitting for a degree now have to go on Curricunet and be submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office.
2.HMSV Degree – Curriculum approved pending paperwork/backup - has not been submitted by division September 14, 2010
Miles requested that this item be tabled; Jay Hargis agreed.
Consent Items – Inactivations:
- ADMJ P073A-ZZ – SLOs not completed and not included on spring unilateralinactivation list
Miles asked the committee to strike number one; ADMJ P073A-ZZ will not be inactivated.
- ADMJ P093A-ZZ – SLOs not completed and not included on spring unilateral inactivation list
Miles asked the committee to strike number two; ADMJ P093A-ZZ will not be inactivated.
- AGRI P135 – SLOs not completed and not included on spring unilateral inactivation list
Kailani stated it is okay to inactivate AGRI P135.
- ASL P102 – SLOs not completed and not included on spring unilateral inactivationlist
Susan Regier stated that she completed the ASL P102 SLOs, but the file was lost. Susan stated that she has not had time to redo this class, but would like it on the schedule for Spring 2011, and plans to do it this week. Susan requested that this class not be inactivated until the next meeting. Miles states that this is a vital class for PC’s students and requested that this item be tabled.
5.ART P050 – SLOs not completed and not included on spring unilateral inactivation list
James Thompson stated that, being brand new, he would like to consult the art instructors regarding the inactivation of the two art classes. James requested that these classes not be inactivated until the next meeting. Miles stated that James’ request was fair and requested that this item be tabled.
6.ART P055 – SLOs not completed and not included on spring unilateral inactivation list
Same as number 5 above.
Motion: To approve Inactivation of AGRI P135.
New Business:
- Institutional SLOs – Susan Regier
Susan stated that the assessment plan portion of the Institutional SLOs is not yet available, as it was sent out to everyone to work on further. The faculty in attendance on Flex Day approved the six outcomes for a degree. Ann suggested that Susan take the Institutional SLOs to Student Services as well, and Jay suggested that Susan take them to Academic Senate and College Learning Council. Miles asked the committee to review the SLOs to ensure that each division is represented. Muriel stated that the Institutional SLOs have been reviewed by the general populous, and that Fine Arts is frustrated that Humanities is not represented; however, they are happier with the present version. Miles inquired of the committee as to whether there were any issues with the document. No issues, other than typos, were indicated by the committee.
- RN Multicultural and Analytical Thinking – Miles Vega
Miles asked Valerie Lombardi to attend this meeting to discuss the RN multicultural studies, analytical thinking, and health education issue. Miles stated that when Valerie brought the program before the committee previously, it was understood (and not understood) that by completing the RN program, a student would be given credit for multicultural studies and analytical thinking, simultaneously. In the AA requirements, those items would be checked off. Valerie clarified that if the student completes the RN program, they will be given credit for the general ed requirements for multicultural studies, analytical thinking, and health education. Jay Hargis questioned whether this is common in other RN programs; Valerie confirmed that it is. Miles clarified the proposal as follows: by completing the RN program, a student will have waived the analytical thinking, multicultural studies, and heath education requirement. Valerie confirmed that the RN program is a two-year program, and the students are taking 84 units to get their Associates Degree.
Motion: To accept the waiver of the multicultural studies, analytical thinking, and health education requirements and acknowledge that they are being met by the coursework for the RN program.
- Stand Alone Training–Miles Vega
Miles stated that each year Porterville College is to do stand alone training for those who have never received training. Miles stated that he will be happy to train those who have not yet been trained. A document must be signed stating that the training has been completed. Those who have not been trained are to contact Miles this week for a one hour training session.
- Curricunet
Miles requested that this item be tabled.
Miles inquired of the committee whether there were any other items for the good of the order, and he asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: To adjourn the meeting.
Miles Vega adjourned the September 14, 2010 meeting at 3:05 PM.