Every Kid in Our Communities…..

Leeds and Grenville

Triple P Implementation Working Group

Meeting February 15, 2012

9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Brockville Office

PRESENT: Peter Coughlin, Robyn Delaney (Chair), Marg Fancy, Robyn Holmes, Kim Morrow, Michelle Murray (Facilitator), Tom Turner

REGRETS: Angèle Charron, Esther Pigion

1.  Welcome

Robyn welcomed the members to the meeting.

2.  Approval of previous meeting notes of January 18, 2012

The following text was reported in the notes for:

Item 6. Discussion – communication of information - Peter:

“Peter sometimes feels disconnected and wants to ensure that this working group covers what is necessary. Robyn Delaney reiterated the changes that have been made to the meeting structure and that members have the opportunity to request agenda items. Angèle also relayed a message from Shannon that it is sometimes felt decisions are not communicated in a timely fashion. Michelle stated that email communication is only used if input/decisions are required before the next meeting. Peter agreed that from time to time, issues arise. It was suggested that when Michelle emails requests, that she respond with the decision in a follow-up email. Michelle agreed to do so.”

Peter would like the notes to reflect that he does not feel disconnected. He provided the following text and suggested it replace the original text above:

“Peter noted that the Working Group has been working with new format for meetings for a few months, and we did not meet in December due to holiday period. Robyn noted that agenda items can be added at the beginning of the meeting or via email request. Discussion focused on how the Working Group might support the work of the Facilitator, and if email is helpful. In recent weeks, some emails were forwarded on specific questions or consultation points, and members may not be able to respond quickly, and then we may not be certain of the outcome of the issue at hand. Angèle also relayed a message from Shannon that it is sometimes felt the outcome or next steps from email queries are not certain. Michelle stated that email communication is only used if input/decisions are required before the next meeting. It was agreed that this is a helpful strategy. It was suggested that when facilitator, (Michelle) emails requests, that she respond with the decision in a follow-up email. Michelle agreed to do so.”

The working group approved the notes of the last meeting.

The following items are to be added to the present agenda:

7.0 Practitioner Update

8.0 Discussion on referrals stats

9.0 Challenges for transportation & childcare

10.0 Managing Volunteers

11.0 Training

3.0 Terms of Reference – Robyn

The group reviewed the Terms of Reference and decided we should include this as an agenda item every 6 months, to ensure the purposes of the Implementation Working Group are on track. It was suggested to include the purposes as standing agenda items and fit topics for discussion at the meetings under the relative purpose on the Terms of Reference. Current Terms of Reference were approved.

Role of the Chair: Robyn reviewed the description of her role as stated on the EKIOC website. Although a 2-yr. term is specified, Robyn is willing to continue. The members agreed that Robyn should continue to be Chair of the Implementation Working Group.

4.0 Strategic Planning

Michelle read the email received from Debbie Easton asking for a representative to participate in a province wide strategic discussion via teleconference on March 2nd. The group agreed that Michelle would be the best candidate for this teleconference.

Supervisor/Coordinator workshop:

This workshop is for any managers/supervisors/coordinators in Triple P. It will be held in Windsor on February 23rd. As Michelle will be away during this time, someone else would have to organize.

The group decided that we will not participate in this workshop as

key agencies around the table are unable to attend and no outside agencies have indicated an interest.

5.0 Auditing February training – Michelle

Level 3 Primary Care training will be held at the Health Unit on Feb.

25th & 26th. We have 2 audit spaces available. Michelle asked if

anyone was aware of any supervisors or coordinators who wish to

attend to let her know. These people would be non participants in the


6.0 Procedure for Signing out Triple P Displays – Peter

Peter would like to know what the procedure is for signing out the Triple P displays.

Robyn Holmes suggested that in lieu of an email request, the person requesting the displays call either Darleen or Kathy Spratt as far in advance as possible, in case other people are not available by email. The working group were asked to be mindful that same day requests are not always feasible. Once a call has been received, the display will be taken to the health unit’s main reception for pick-up, along with a sign-out sheet to be completed by the borrower.

Robyn Holmes noted that the teen banner is not available at this time. The base had to be returned as we did not pay for it.

At the moment we have two bases and 3 different banners, i.e. 2 infant, 2 child, 1 teen.

Tom suggested Ester’s storybook display be cleaned up, laminated and utilized. Michelle asked Peter if his agency could take care of this.

Michelle suggested Esther put the material from the storybook display together, forward in Powerpoint slide format to Michelle. Michelle would request Susan Healey to format the presentation, provide artwork etc.

7.0 Practitioner Update:


At the present time, we have received 25 referrals. Of these, 5 families have completed the entire program. 2 families were referred to the seminar series as it more appropriately met their needs. Of the remaining families, many are currently completing the program sessions, while a few have not yet engaged (as they were referred by external parties such as FCS).


Since the last IWG meeting, Robyn has completed or scheduled the following presentations:

Early Years Drop In Groups:

Athens – Completed

Cardinal – Completed

Mallorytown – Completed

Lyndhurst – Scheduled (Mar. 1)

Elgin – Scheduled (Mar. 23)

Gananoque – Scheduled (Feb. 23)

Prescott – Scheduled (Mar. 21)

Good Food for a Healthy Baby

Brockville – Completed

Prescott – Completed

Baby Talk

Brockville – Completed

Prescott – Scheduled (Feb. 22)

Lunch & Learn Meeting

Prescott – Completed

Best Start Meeting

Brockville – Scheduled (Mar. 8)

EKIOC Lead Table

Brockville – Scheduled (Mar. 7)

School Parent Council Meetings

Robyn has completed another two parent council meetings – with one being at Centennial ’67 public school in Spencerville. This school was incredibly receptive to the idea of Triple P and the parents were excited to become involved.

Self Directed Triple P

The Brockville campus of the Foundations alternative school has 13 students who will be completing Self Directed Triple P. These students are young mothers with children from birth to primary school age who are experiencing a variety of mild behavior difficulties. They are unable to attend sessions with a practitioner due to the demands of schooling and attending meetings with other community agencies. Robyn will be meeting with all of the students to provide them with an overview of the Triple P program prior to their starting the self directed books. During their participation, she will visit the group regularly to address any questions/concerns. All students will have access to her via telephone should they need assistance between her presentations.

8.0 Discussion on referrals stats

Michelle, Jessica and Peter are working on this. Peter indicated they

are not hearing back from people on a timely basis. He provided copies

of what has been received to date and asked the group to try to ensure

this information is submitted on schedule.

It was noted that Robyn Holmes’ stats are to be reported as well,

perhaps under the Healthy Communities project.

Robyn Delaney asked for an update on the stats to be rolled into the survey. Peter stated another meeting is scheduled and that this is on the home stretch now.

Michelle stated that she and Jessica met with John Cunningham, the

Health Unit’s epidemiologist, in an attempt to ensure the right questions

were included in the survey. Triple P international sent her the data

from their research, based on measures that we already use. Michelle

wanted to compare our numbers with theirs. The result is that it is best

for our community to have a separate database. John and Jessica are

working on an Access database. The client satisfaction question will be

withdrawn from the original survey Monkey database. The Health Unit

will provide clerical time to enter the data.

Michelle confirmed that we will have further discussion on how we

collect the data confidentially. This will be a topic for discussion at our

next IWG meeting.

Tom stated that internal agency systems need to be compatible in order

for agencies to report Triple P stats. Peter said that the client feedback

tool at Level 4 could be helpful. At the next meeting we will have the

tools available for the group to look at.

We will have a new ministry rep soon, as Morley has left. Marg said

Triple P will be highlighted at the next lead table meeting.

9.0 Challenges for transportation & childcare - Peter

Peter wanted to note that these issues are constant barriers and we should ensure we keep them on our minds. Given that we are mostly a rural area, these barriers are even more challenging.

The group discussed this issue and the following points were made:

-  It would be interesting to see the number of families/individuals that would be affected. Perhaps we need to approach a church hall or other venue.

-  Marg spoke about the Transportation committee. Alan is trying to bridge where we started and build the committee back up. It will be interesting to see what his vision is. Money is left over from the Trillium Grant, but this provides a very short-term solution. The committee is being revamped as it is losing a couple of members. There is discussion about who needs to be part of the committee now. The question is, how much can we sustain? And where will the dollars come from? Marg has conversed with a few organizations. Within the next week or so, she should have some news.

-  Tom asked if we could apply for a portion of grant money to support transportation. The issue is complex.

10.0  Managing Volunteers

Michelle wants the IWG to think about the issue of managing volunteers. We have 4 community volunteers being trained on Feb. 25th & 26th to provide Triple P. They could be a valuable asset in the future. They also need to be trained on confidentiality and storing documents. The obvious option would be to house them in the schools.

The following points were raised:

o  We need to do screening and record checks on these individuals.

o  Do they belong to a specific school?

o  How do they receive referrals?

o  Would they be paid mileage?

o  All 4 have a teacher/child background.

o  Who would they be accountable to? They need to be tied to an agency.

o  What exactly would they be doing?

o  Who manages them? (i.e. the school, the IWG, FCS?)

o  FCS has infrastructure in place, i.e. policies, procedures, screening processes, training programs, annual evaluation processes. Kim will look at FCS assisting with this involvement. We could borrow some things from Roots of Empathy. They are accountable to the HU (Emily now). We could borrow some things from Roots of Empathy.

Michelle stated that we have only asked the volunteers to provide Level 3, as Levels 4 & up fall into the ‘counselling’ category.

Tom reported that their volunteers are never left alone with the clients and cautioned that there are liabilities.

The volunteers will be trained in February and accredited in May. We are considering giving them an opportunity to accompany Robyn Holmes. Tom stated that his organization wanted to run more groups and that perhaps 1 staff and 1 volunteer could handle a group together.

Managing Volunteers will be on the next agenda..

11.0  Training

We have spent $50,200 approximately. This leaves approximately $12,000. The committee agreed that this would be spent on training (4 people) if possible. Michelle will coordinate. Robyn Holmes will be trained in seminar. Peter has one staff member who is interested. DSLG has one who may be going. Kim Morrow is interested in one position but stated that another practitioner could have priority over her staff.

NOTE: Tom asked that Gillian be added to our email distribution list as all of their Triple P staff report to her.

12. 0 Next Meeting: March 21, 2012, 9:00 to 11:30 in the Brockville

Room, ground floor of the Brockville Health Unit.

Regarding the April meeting, Michelle and Robyn Delaney are not available. Marg will chair the meeting and submit agenda items to Darleen.

Action Items – current meeting – February 15th:

1.  Peter will discuss with Esther the possibility of cleaning up and using her storybook display. (see item 6.0 for details)

2.  Robyn Delaney to develop a procedure for signing out displays and email this to the group.

3.  Darleen to email the group at the end of March to remind them to submit their stats.

4.  Robyn Delaney will ensure that the health unit staff submits their stats from June 2011 to March 2012.

5.  Michelle to approach Triple P International to enquire about policies/education/liability, etc. for volunteers.

Action Item follow-up – January 18th meeting:

1.  Marg Fancy will contact Marg Shea-Lawrence, chair of the Parent Involvement Committee, with the CDSBEO

- outstanding

2.  Robyn Holmes will contact Linda Lumsden, chair of the Parent Involvement Committee, with the UCDSB

- complete

3.  Michelle will call the Y regarding Robyn dropping in

- complete

4.  Robyn will call various OEYC centres/CHC’s/YMCA – to offer to drop in to spend time promoting Triple P

- complete.

5.  Kim will talk to the FCS intake staff and reiterate the Triple P gaps

-  outstanding

6.  Kim will approach Terry Gardiner principal in an Iroquois school, regarding which libraries have the resource videos that we distributed

-  outstanding