2 / NAME / ZUNIGA- CARMINE, Ma. Luisa A.
3 / DATE OF BIRTH / 10 August 1967
4 / NATIONALITY / Filipino
E-MAIL ADDRESS / 306 Cataluna, Las Villas de Valle Verde, Kaimito St., Pasig City, Philippines
(63 2) 6200244
6 / EDUCATION / BS Business Administration, University of the East, Philippines, 1986-87
Certificate on Program and Project Development and Management (PPDM), Asian Institute of Management, Philippines, 1995
7 / OTHER TRAINING & WORKSHOPS / ADB Training of Facilitators in Results-focused Project Design and Management, June 2007
ADB Clean Energy Week (Promotion of Renewable Energy), Manila, June 2006
Regional Energy Programme for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR), Fiji, 2005
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Workshop On Urban Resettlement, Philippines, 2000
Global Conference on Women Participation in Politics, Philippines, 1998
Enhancement Course in Community Organizing, Philippines, 1994
Training Course in Participatory Training Administration and Management, University of the Philippines, 1994
Managing People’s Organizations, Philippines, 1994
Leadership Enhancement Course in Leadership, Philippines, 1995
Communications Planning Workshop, Philippines, 1994
Project Proposal Preparation Training, Philippines, 1997
Organizational Management Seminar, Philippines, 1994
Participatory Project Management Training, Philippines, 1994
Computer Aided Planning and Control, Philippines, 1994
Citizen Water Quality Monitoring Training, World Bank, 1997
Public Information Planning for Communities, Philippines, 1996
Local Government Code Conference, Philippines 1992
PUBLICATIONS / Series of booklets on participatory poverty assessments published by the Asian Development Bank, Philippines:
Priorities of the Poor in Papua New Guinea, 2003, ADB
Priorities of the People in Samoa, 2004, ADB
Priorities of the People in Vanuatu, 2004, ADB
Priorities of the People in Fiji, 2005, ADB
Priorities of the People in Tuvalu, 2005, ADB
Priorities of the People in Tonga, 2005, ADB
Priorities of the People in the FSM, 2005, ADB
Priorities of the People in Kiribati, 2007, ADB
8 / LANGUAGE AND DEGREE OF PROFICIENCY / Reading / Writing / Speaking
English / Excellent / Excellent / Excellent
Filipino / Excellent / Excellent / Excellent
Visayan / Excellent / Excellent / Excellent
9 / MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES / Alumni Member, Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines (Regional)
10 / COUNTRIES OF WORK EXPERIENCE / Mongolia, Solomon Islands, Fiji, FSM,Marshall Islands,Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu,Philippines, India, and Sri Lanka
FROM: / Jul 2000 / TO: / To date (2007)EMPLOYER: / Self-employed
POSITION HELD AND DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Social Analyst/ Poverty Assessment, Gender and Community Development Specialist/ Participatory and Training Specialist
During this period, undertook at least 13 consultancy assignments directly for ADB as independent consultant in the areas of sociology and analysis development, participatory methodologies, gender and rural development, and staff training in several countries in the Pacific and Asia, and subcontracted to several international companies such as Beca International, Fraser Thomas Partners Ltd, HCG/ANZDEC, Virtual Consulting, and Vinstar Consulting Group on ADB TA and Project assignments.
FROM: / Jun 1998 / TO: / Dec 2000
EMPLOYER: / Global Works
POSITION HELD AND DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Principal: Community Development and Mobilization and Operations Director (Asia)
Responsible for the direction and supervision of all international community, social and education programs implemented by the organization, including target group assessments; needs assessments; formal and informal education and training programs; organizational capability assessments; capacity-building programs; public information and advocacy; and socioeconomic assessments. Also directly responsible for professional management of in-country technical assistance and feasibility projects. These include ADB Projects such as: KGZ Skills and Education Project, KGZ Community Based Water Infrastructure Project, PHI Mindanao Planning Project, PHI Water and Sanitation Sector Plan, KIR Community Participation and Sanitation Project among others
FROM: / Mar 1998 / TO: / Apr 1998
Visayan Forum Foundation, Philippines
POSITION HELD AND DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: National Coordinator: Global March Against Child Labor (India) & Executive Director (1991-1995)National representative, responsible for the coordination and direction of the Philippine delegation in India of the worldwide campaign against child labour. Assignment included liaison with over 20 international government and non-government organizations and organizing public information campaigns throughout the major states in India.
FROM: / Sep 1997 / TO: / Mar 1998
Metcalf and Eddy
POSITION HELD AND DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Community Waste Management SpecialistMember of an Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance team for the Pasig River Environmental Management and Rehabilitation Project. Responsible for the development of community based approaches to solid waste and environmental management for the urban poor within the river basin area.
FROM: / Feb 1994 / TO: / Jun 1999
Sagip Pasig Movement (SPM)
Responsible for the direction and management of the SPM’s activities in the development and implementation of community environmental and health programs within target communities along the Pasig River Project area. Had direct responsibility for development approaches to; community organizing/consultations; training and education; public information and advocacy; resource mobilization; program planning, evaluation and monitoring; organizational strengthening and; NGO/CBO coalition formulation with relevant government agencies and international organizations.DETAILED EMPLOYMENT RECORD
PROJECT NAME: / ADB RETA 6157: Poverty Analysis and Strategies in the PacificLOCATION: / Solomon Islands
YEAR: / March and May 2007
POSITION HELD: / Participatory Poverty Assessment Training Specialist (for SPC)
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES:Tasks undertaken for the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) include
(i)Provide specialist input for the training of local facilitators (interview, facilitation, analysis, site visit reporting techniques, etc.);
(ii)Provide expert advise and best practice methods for interview/community/focus group selection and approach techniques;
(iii)Review all PPA documents including field collection tools, outlines for reports, and other outputs for the study; and
(iv)Prepare a summary report for activities undertaken.
PROJECT NAME: / ADB RETA 6319: Civil Society Participation Project
LOCATION: / Fiji, Samoa, and Papua New Guinea
YEAR: / Feb 2007-Dec 2008 (Proposed commencement date)
POSITION HELD: / Participatory Processes Trainer
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES:Tasks TO BE undertaken for IDSS include
(i)Help institutionalize participatory planning with regional and national civil society organizations (CSO);
(ii)Help prepare training course and formally train CSOs in support of wider community participation in the future of PDMCs; and
(iii)Help organize and facilitate a series of participatory planning processes, consultations, and workshops that facilitates participation by wider relevant communities of each PDMCs.
PROJECT NAME: / ADB RETA 5972: Promotion of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Abatement (PREGA) Projects
YEAR: / July 05– Mar 06
POSITION HELD: / Gender, Participatory and Community Development Expert/Team Leader
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Tasks currently being undertaken for ADB include:
(i)Coordinate and prepare implementation plans and arrangements for PREGA 2;
(ii)Coordinate, review and analyse previous and on-going projects relevant to PREGA 2;
(iii)Conduct social analysis and prepare socio-economic profile of the project area and identification of any complementary activities that would enhance the poverty reduction effects of the project;
(iv)Facilitate the public acceptance of the REGA technologies and projects, particularly the Savai’i Renewable Energy Project;
(v)Review and assess existing environmental and social policies and guidelines for REGA technologies and projects through consultation process to enhance community buy-in for REGA technologies;
(vi)Formulate information, education, and communication (IEC) program for REGA technologies and oversee/coordinate project workshops, awareness campaigns, and capacity building as appropriate;
(vii)Review and update the proposed Savaii Mini-Hydro Resettlement Plan; and
(viii)Organize and participate in capacity building activities (national/sub-regional/regional training workshops).
PROJECT NAME: / ADB RETA 6157: Strengthening Poverty Analysis and Strategies in the Pacific
LOCATION: / Kiribati
YEAR: / Feb – Aug 2005
POSITION HELD: / Social Development and Participatory Poverty Assessment Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Tasks currently being undertaken for ADB include:
(i) Review the approach and methodologies, experience, data, and lessons of relevant poverty-related technical assistance and consider the relevance of the same and means to possible refinement.
(ii) Review the previous participatory poverty assessment in Kiribati and retrieve data compiled under the TA 3912, and write a follow-up assessment
(ii) Build the capacity of local government and civil society for participatory approaches to qualitative poverty assessment surveys in Kiribati. Subject to demand and the availability of resources at the Government of Kiribati, assist Kiribati to complete, analyze, and present PPAs.
(iii) Select representative rural and urban communities in Kiribati or in region with significant transient and hardcore poverty for detailed consultation using workshops and participatory approaches, involving work with focus groups, local NGOs, and community-based organizations.
(iv) Conduct training in participatory methodologies, including training for analysis and presentation of data, targeting government, NGOs and community-based organizations at national, provincial, and local levels in Kiribati.
(v) Assist the Government of Kiribati to establish mechanisms within national statistical offices, planning offices, and other relevant ministries and departments to institutionalize in a sustainable manner participatory approaches to poverty assessment and national planning.
(vi) Finalize a report for Kiribati participatory poverty assessment at the end of the Project, and make a presentation on the findings at ADB HQ in Manila.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Intermittent inputs ( 4 months)
PROJECT NAME: / ADB MON TA 4383 Participatory Poverty Assessment and Monitoring Project
LOCATION: / Mongolia
YEAR: / Nov 2004 – Nov 2005/March 2006
POSITION HELD: / Participatory Methodology and Training Specialist/Replacement Team Leader
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Tasks taken for ADB include:
(i)Upgrade methodologies in field research at central and provincial levels with emphasis on qualitative socioeconomic assessment
(ii)Design and implement provincial pilot tests in qualitative poverty monitoring and impact assessment;
(iii)Prepare a detailed training workshop plan and conduct participatory workshops for local research teams; and
(iv)Accompany research teams in pilot sites during initial stages of fieldwork and prepare inception, interim and final reports.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Intermittent inputs ( 3 months)
PROJECT NAME: / ADB SRI TA: 4074 National Roads ProjectLOCATION: / Sri Lanka
YEAR: / Aug 2004-Feb 2005
POSITION HELD: / Social Development Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Contracted by Fraser Thomas Partners Ltd. And Beca International. Tasks include:
(i)Stakeholder and beneficiary participation, community consultation, and participatory/rapid rural appraisal;
(ii)Scoping of ethnic minority development issues;
(iii)Social and poverty assessment; and
(iv)Preparation of ethnic minority development frameworks.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Aug 2004 – Feb 2005 ( 2 months)
PROJECT NAME: / ADB SAM TA: 4256 Education Sector Project IILOCATION: / Samoa
YEAR: / Jul 2004 – Sep 2004
POSITION HELD: / Social Development and Poverty and Gender Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Tasks undertaken for HCG/ANZDEC include:
(i)Organize community surveys in selected communities to determine community issues relating to education;
(ii)Prepare a poverty and social analysis in accordance with ADB Handbook on Poverty and Social Analysis;
(iii)Ensure women participation in project planning, design and implementation; and
(iv)Develop a targeting mechanisms and propose a strategy to provide equal access to children from poor families
PROJECT NAME: /ADB SAM TA: 3936 Strengthening Economic Sectors Planning and
LOCATION: / SamoaYEAR: / 2004
POSITION HELD: / Social Analyst
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Tasks undertaken for Vinstar Ltd include:
(i)Review existing practices related to social impact analysis in Treasury Department and the line departments in key economic sectors and suggest improvements;(ii)Strengthen and upgrade social impact analysis in project evaluation, particularly for those submitted to the Cabinet Development Committee;
(iii)Provide training to Treasury Department and key line departments to effectively carry out social impact assessments;
(iv)Prepare detailed documentation and manuals to institutionalize the related methodologies; and
(v)Organize workshop/seminar involving concerned government staff from Treasury Department and relevant line departments to generate awareness about social analysis and its use.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Mar 2004 (intermittment) – Jun 2004 (2 months)
PROJECT NAME: / ADB RETA 6047: National Poverty Reduction Strategies for PDMCs (Fiji, FSM, Tuvalu, and Tonga)LOCATION: / Pacific islands
YEAR: / 2003 – 2004
POSITION HELD: / Social Analysis and Participatory Assessment Expert
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES:Tasks undertaken for ADB include:
(i) review existing pertinent documentation on Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) including good practice examples of PPA; (ii) identify key issues for consideration in the qualitative analysis; (iii) supervise and direct the activities of local assistants and ensure his/her skills are developed wherever possible; (iv) select representative rural and urban communities in regions with significant transient and hardcore poverty for detailed consultation using workshop and participatory approaches, involving work with focus groups, local NGOs, and CBOs; (v) undertake a community consultation process to establish: (a) the degree of social and economic inequality; (b) village level priorities and socio-economic needs and (c) functional processes for addressing poverty (taking particular care to ensure the priorities and needs of women and youth are taken fully into account); (vi) and prepare a report, with recommendations for the macroeconomic strategy specialist to ensure village issues are taken into account in the formulation of poverty reduction strategies.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Jan 2003 – Mar 2004 ( 10 months)J
PROJECT NAME: / ADB TA 3827: PNG Preparing Gender and Population ProjectLOCATION: / Papua New Guinea
YEAR: / 2002 – 2003
POSITION HELD: / NGO Participation Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Recruitment by ADB. Tasks undertaken in this assignment included: (i) determine church and NGO activities and programs, through conduct of consultations in selected areas, relevant to the objectives and strategy of the National Population Policy with the objective of identification of area for support by the Project; (ii) identify the needs for and modalities of training in gender analysis in community based organizations (CBOs); (iii) determine modalities of support to be provided under the Project, and establish cost estimates, management, and assessment/evaluation mechanisms; (iv) and assist in the thorough assessment of management issues and capacity building/TA requirements in NGOs and churches for implementing activities relevant to the NPP’s objectives, in particular regarding women’s empowerment.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Dec 2002 – Apr 2003 (2 months)
PROJECT NAME: / PNG ADB TA 3717: Southern Roads Upgrading and MaintenanceLOCATION: / PNG
YEAR: / 2002
POSITION HELD: / Project, Poverty and Participatory Assessment Specialist (PNG)
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Engaged by Fraser Thomas Ltd. Responsibilities included:
(i) conduct social assessment for the feasibility of this study under the ADB’s Guidelines including identification of road users and others who will benefit from the Project; (ii) prepare specific project related poverty analyses in accordance with ADB’s Policy on Poverty Reduction; (iii) analyze beneficiaries with a breakdown of socioeconomic group and income; and (iv) describe the expected impact of the Project on the beneficiaries particularly the poor
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Oct 2002 – Dec 2002 (2 months)
PROJECT NAME: / ADB RETA 6002: VAN National Poverty Reduction StrategiesADB TA 3623: SAM Poverty Participatory Assessment
ADB TA 3667: PNG Poverty Participatory Assessment
LOCATION: / Vanuatu, Samoa, PNG
YEAR: / 2001 – 2002
POSITION HELD: / Social Analysis Expert
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Commissioned by ADB to undertake following tasks:
(i) review existing pertinent documentation on PPA including good practice examples of PPA; (ii) identify key issues for consideration in the qualitative analysis; (iii) supervise and direct the activities of local assistants and ensure his/her skills are developed wherever possible; (iv) select representative rural and urban communities in regions with significant transient and hardcore poverty for detailed consultation using workshop and participatory approaches, involving work with focus groups, local NGOs, and CBOs; (v) undertake a community consultation process to establish: (a) the degree of social and economic inequality; (b) village level priorities and socio-economic needs and (c) functional processes for addressing poverty (taking particular care to ensure the priorities and needs of women and youth are taken fully into account); (vi) and prepare a report, with recommendations for the macroeconomic strategy specialist to ensure village issues are taken into account in the formulation of poverty reduction strategies.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Jul 2001 – Sep 2002 ( Total 9 months)
PROJECT NAME: / ADB TA 3566 CapacityBuilding on Urban Planning and ManagementLOCATION: / Samoa
YEAR: / 2001
POSITION HELD: / Community Development and Equity Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Engaged by Virtual Consulting Group Aus. Duties included: (i) Identification and introduction of most appropriate methodology for assessing community needs, conduct of survey for selected groups including low-income earners; (ii) identify possible mechanisms for reducing adverse impacts of urban growth; (iii) identify and evaluate social customs and values and its impact on planning and development process, and; (iv) implement appropriate measures and mechanisms for public consultations to facilitate participation in the TA planning process
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: May/Jun 2001 – Sep/Oct 2001 ( 2 Months)
PROJECT NAME / ADB Gender and Community Development ProjectLOCATION: / Philippines
YEAR: / 2001
POSITION HELD: / Gender and Community Development Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Duties for ADB included design of survey materials for women Pasig River relocatees, administration of surveys in the resettlement areas, organization and conduct of consultative workshops among target beneficiaries to develop proposed livelihood programs for ADB/other donors funding, conduct of skills improvement training, and facilitation of the formation of beneficiary groups to strengthen capacity of relocated families to formulate and to lobby for their own social programs
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Feb 2001 – Apr 2001 (2 months)
PROJECT NAME: / Community Based Urban Solid Waste Management Project (ADB)LOCATION: / Philippines
YEAR: / October – December 2000
POSITION HELD: / Community Based Urban Solid Waste Management Specialist (Staff Consultant)
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Duties in this Technical Assistance include: evaluation and identification of mechanisms for effective integration of community based waste management initiatives into the municipal system, evaluate its potential for improved incorporation under ADB Projects, and identify appropriate ADB funding modalities for NGOs/CBOs.
PROJECT NAME: / ADB PPTA (RMI) : Training Needs /Participatory Rural DevelopmentLOCATION: / Marshall Islands
YEAR: / 2000
POSITION HELD: / Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Specialist
EXACT DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: Tasks undertaken for ADB include: (i) Selection of appropriate participatory rural assessment instruments for the conduct of training needs analysis for outer island communities particularly women and youth; (ii) design and conduct of consultation/workshop to determine skills needs of selected outer island communities; and (iii) preparation of a social component in the loan design for ADB and the Marshall Islands government’s approval.
TIME SPENT ON PROJECT: Aug 2000 – Sep 2000 ( 1 month)