Liquid Chemical Magnet Wire Insulation Stripper
(Dissolving Type)
WARNING!!! Do not attempt to use this product without reading this bulletin and the Material Safety Data Sheet.
Ambion Insulstrip 220 removes such high temperature magnet wire insulations as ML, Allex, Al-220, Isomid and other polyamide and amide-imide coatings. It is generally recommended for stripping insulations that resist room temperature strippers. It is also recommended for stripping large numbers of wires at once and for stripping Litz wire or other multistranded wires.
DIRECTIONS: To use Insulstrip 220, it will have to be heated to 195F (90C) to 212F (100C). See below under “Equipment” and “Precautions”. Do not dilute with water or other solvent. When the bath has reached operating temperature immerse the wire into the bath. Remove the wire periodically to check to see if the insulation has dissolved. Stripping times will vary form 30 seconds to 30 minutes. Higher temperatures will cause the stripper to work a little faster, but do not attempt to heat it above 220F (105C). After the insulation is stripped, rinse the wire thoroughly in running water. This will prevent later discoloration of the wire. Wires that have been stripped should appear bright and shiny and should be readily soldered. As the bath is used, evaporation will occur and thickening of the solution may occur. Add warm water or a 50/50 solution of Insulstrip 220 and water to bring the bath back to its original volume. Surface crust that forms may be redissolved from the edges of the container with small amounts of water or skimmed from the surface with a stainless steel sieve. Eventually the bath will become so contaminated with dissolved insulation that it must be discarded and a fresh bath made up.
EQUIPMENT: Use heat resistant glass, steel or stainless steel containers and immersion heaters. Do not use aluminum, zinc or plastic. Containers should have sufficient volume so that the work being stripped will not act as a heat sink and increase stripping time by lowering the temperature of the bath. A thermostatically controlled heater is recommended. Only minimal ventilation is recommended. The vapors are not particularly hazardous and a large airflow over the surface of the stripper contributes to rapid evaporation of the bath. The stripping bath should be kept covered when not in use.
PRECAUTIONS: Insulstrip 220 is a strongly alkaline material and is highly corrosive to eyes and skin. Always wear chemical worker’s goggles when handling Insulstrip 220. Rubber gloves and aprons should also be worn. Wash facilities for skin and eyes should be present in the immediate work area. The work area should be ventilated. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet before attempting to use this material.