Combating Underage Drinking Grants 2008/2009
Active Fiscal Year 08/09August 2008
Organizing for Youth Involvement in Alcohol Compliance Check Operations(federal)This project area supports the implementation of compliance checks or “minors-in-stings” operations. These allow the Liquor Control Division and the police to monitor retailer compliance with liquor laws regulating the sale and or purchase of alcohol by minors.
Department of Consumer Protection Combating Underage Drinking
$90,000 / Support for the Liquor Control Division with funds for overtime to increase the number of enforcement operations, special investigations and inspections at licensed retail outlets designed to reduce underage sale and consumption of alcohol by minors.
Governor’s Partnership to Protect Connecticut’s Workforce, Alcohol Compliance Checks, $49605 / Supports recruiting, training, scheduling and supporting youth between the ages of 15 and 19 who attempt to buy alcohol as an essential component to the law enforcement team for compliance checks. Also maintains records and calculatesstate/ local failure/compliance rates.
Statewide Media Campaign (federal)
This project area supports the implementation of a comprehensive media campaign targeting parents and other adults to combat underage drinking in Connecticut. Messages will focus on Connecticut’s social host law and on the impact of alcohol on the developing brain.
White Light AdvertisingUnderage Drinking Media Campaign
$150,000 / The Underage Drinking Media Campaign will feature three main components: 1) a paid advertising campaign; 2) technical assistance programs for community and college campus coalitions; and 3) an earned media campaign.
Fostering Youth Leadership (federal)
The purpose of this project area is to motivate teens to play active roles in community coalition efforts to reduce underage drinking by providing students in grades 7-12 with leadership skills and information. In addition projects will provide technical assistance statewide on working with youth.
The ConsultationCenterYouth L.E. D. (Learning, Engaging and Designing) Action Plans, $40,000 / Funding will increase the awareness, involvement and leadership roles of young people in multiple efforts including the development and support of Youth Action Teams to design local projects and technical assistance for coalition leaders on youth engagement.
Governor’s Partnership to Protect Connecticut’s Workforce, Hearing Their Voices, $39,655 / The Governor’s Prevention Partnership will strengthen the statewide infrastructure for youth leadership in the prevention of underage drinking in collaboration with Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and other youth-serving organizations.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Prevention of Underage Drinking
$40,000 / MADD Connecticut’s Youth Coordinator will organize and implement a Youth Leadership Program, Power Camp and engage youthin grades 7-12 throughout the calendar year in science-based environmental activities to prevent underage drinking.
Community & College Coalitions (federal)
This project area supports the implementation of evidence-based and promising practices that are components of a strategic plan developed within the past three years by active local community and/or college coalitions dedicated to combating underage drinking.
Sacred HeartUniversity
Making the Coalition Connection
$10,000 / Sacred Heart’s coalition, which has been in place for 8 years, will 1) develop a brochure to recruit members for the coalition; 2) offer funding for compliance checks to Bridgeport, Fairfield and New Haven police; and 3) offer late-night alcohol-free programming on-campus.