User Manual

Robo-Composting Device

How to Compost

Step 1: Load Material

Open Drawer Handle

Put in Recommended Material

Close Drawer

Step 2: Turn ON/OFF Grinder

On user interface home page click motor controls

To turn ON Grinder click under Grinder the button GRIND

To turn OFF Grinder click under Grinder the button GRIND

Step 3: Turn ON/OFF Holding Chamber Auger

On user interface home page click motor controls

To turn ON the auger click under Holding the button FWD

To turn OFF the auger click under Holding the button FWD

To reverse the auger click under Holding the button REV

To reverse the auger click under Holding the button REV

Step 4: Turn ON/OFF Reacting Chamber Auger

On user interface home page click motor controls

To turn ON the auger click under Holding the button FWD

To turn OFF the auger click under Holding the button FWD

To reverse the auger click under Holding the button REV

To reverse the auger click under Holding the button REV

Removing Compost from the Reacting Chamber is done by REV

How to use the user interface

Step 1: Turn on the Raspberry Pi

This is done by simply plugging in the Raspberry Pi power source or restarting the power strip.

Step 2: Open up the website

Type in into the url

This website is being hosted on the Raspberry Pi server and will automatically run

Step 3: Home Page Information

On this page has the choices of 6 other pages to be viewed

Motor Control Page: motor control push buttons

Chamber Levels: detects the level of each chamber

Sensor Plots: Graphs of each Sensor Information

Food Log: Ability to log the food input into the composter

User Manual: This file is viewable

Recommendations: Recommendations on the different material to put into the composter

Step 4: Motor Control Page

Located on this Page are the three motor control push buttons described on the previous page.

Step 5: Chamber Levels Page

This page has a refresh button and the ability to represent the level of compost in each chamber of the device.

Step 6: Sensor Plots

This page plots all of the sensor information in the reacting chamber. This data includes ammonia, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, soil moisture, and temperature

Step 7: Food Log

This page allows for the user to log the food that is inserted into the machine

Troubleshooting Problems

Electrical Communication Issues:

The microcontroller and microcomputer located in the electrical box along with the screen are plugged into one power strip. If any issues occur with communicating to the device you can restart the raspberry pi using the touch screen. If this does not fix the problem you can shut the power strip down and restart the entire strip. If this does not solve the problem. You must consider the different communication steps. First before messing with any wires SHUT DOWN BOTH POWER STRIPS. Check wiring between the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, screen, ethernet port, motor controller, and motors. The code will not have been changed so it is most likely a hardware fault along the connection lines. Be careful what wires you touch, some of the motor controllers have charged capacitors in them.

Safety Cautions:

Beware the Grinder, it has the ability to grind through any material and can be potentially harmful. Their is a safety interlock and a E-Stop incase of drastic emergency. Including this harm, their is a relay being used additionally to turn the grinder off is the raspberry pi goes down. This relay has 120V AC passing through it and can be very dangerous. It has tape over it and is hidden, but when dealing with the electronics be cautious.

Equipment Information

Drawer Input

Input materials to the Auto-composter are placed in a drawer at the top of the machine. The drawer features a safety interlock that acts as a hard disconnect to all motor power in the system, which ensures the grinder and other motors can’t be turned on while the drawer is open. To add material to the system, the drawer is pulled open by the handle, which also connects to a push rod and plate. When the rod is fully retracted and the drawer is open, materials can be inserted into the drawer. Then, the drawer should be pushed closed. Lastly, the push rod should be reinserted to advance the materials into the grinder hopper for shredding.


After the drawer, the composting materials need to be ground into smaller pieces before heading into the holding tank. The grinder has two counter-rotating shafts with toothed discs that feed the materials into the grinder and shear them into smaller particles. One shaft is directly driven by the gearbox, and power is transferred to the second shaft by two gears. The shafts have a hexagonal cross section, and the grinding discs and spacers have internal hex. This design allows the grinding discs to be indexed when installed to stagger the shearing instances along the shaft while only requiring a single disc design. Fingers mounted on the grinder side walls scrap material from between the discs to keep them clean. A clear acrylic shield allows grinding to be observed through the top of the device.

AC Motor

The 1.8 stepper motor with the customized gearhead from Harmonic Drive is used for the grinder due to its high torque operation. This motor with the gearhead does not have a high speed of operation but does not need the speed to be effective. The motor has the ability to operate in both directions enabling the option to go in reverse if an object that does exceed the torque capabilities slips into the system. This is important when there is a user error that would otherwise cause the entire device to cease to work.

Big Motor Controller (AC Motor Controller)

The Anaheim Automation DPD75601 motor controller was chosen for its ability to work with the AC motor and perform complex movements. This controller is programmable making it easy to have the motor perform the desired motions. The Arduino Mega sends a signal out that pulls one of the controllers pins down which is how the two communicate. When a pin is pulled down the controller performs an action that is written into its code so that the Arduino Mega does not need to send multiple messages to the controller.


The limit switch with 120 Volts and 10 Amps used in series with the power strip is used for its ability to cut power to the motors when necessary. It is graded to withstand the amount of current and voltage going through it at a given time. It was also chosen for its side adjustable rotor that will work with the drawer to determine when it is open or not and cut power to the power strip.


The entire system was designed to move from left to right due to the physical limitations of the operating space in which the device will be delivered and positioned.

2-Stage Design

Due to its nature composting has to be done in batches. However, in order for the composting machine to handle continuous material input the decision was made to design the process so that there were two main stages in which the organic matter would spend most of its time. This was done using was is called a holding stage and reacting stage. The holding stage is exactly that; once the material is put into the machine it is deposited into this area until it is ready to move onto the isolated reacting area. In this area, new material is unable to be added in order to help make the output a uniform substance.


In order to standardize the design of the two main chambers, an auger was chosen to accomplish the task of moving the matter from the holding area to the reacting area as well as mixing and final output of completed compost. The auger satisfied our needs because it is able to effectively move small uniform sized particles of varying consistency. The first tank uses an auger to move the pre-compost into the reactor. The second tank, however, uses it to both lift the composting material to the top of a tube thus dropping it down and mixing the compost as well as turn the opposite way in order to push the finished product out of the unit.

DC Motor

The two Molon permanent magnet DC gearmotors with the torque of 50 in-lbs were chosen to operate the two augers. The 50 in-lbs for torque exceed the required amount to move the augers with composting material moving through them. The two motors are bidirectional allowing them to go in reverse if it is necessary for the augers to move that way at a given time. The two motors also are the right voltage that the power supply operates at with 24 Volts.

Motor controller (DC)

The sabertooth dual 12A motor driver was chosen for its ability to drive both of the auger motors in both directions. This is essential for having the auger move in the opposite direction if it is needed to instead of just the one direction forward. Each motor only draws 1 Amp each so the range given by the sabertooth exceeds the requirements. The sabertooth also communicates with the Arduino Mega easily using digital PWM connection.


The Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller is essential for collecting sensor data and sending signals to the motor controllers. The first reason why this device was chosen is due to the fact it has many digital and analog I/O pins for the analog based sensors and for the digital sensors and motor controllers. The next reason is because the device operates at both 3.3V and 5V which enables all of our I/O pins based connections to be powered if they need power.


Our project requires a medium for making, modifying, and updating software which controls the composter's hardware. The tasks performed are not very CPU heavy and require rather basic programing (turn a motor on, read a sensor value, etc). The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B not only allows this but is also extremely well documented online. The community surrounding the Pi was a major selling point for us as no one on the team had any “real” programming experience. The Pi is the center for control of our project. An Arduino is used to collect data from all sensors (gas levels, temperature, etc) and sends this data directly to the Pi. In the final product, the Arduino will be sending this data autonomously with no input from the user. The Pi takes this data and logs it to a database. This database is then used to plot trends and inform the user on the condition of the compost. The Pi also hosts the GUI on a website which anyone can reach. This allows anyone in the world to see how the compost is doing. In addition to that, users with the correct login credentials (users physically near the composter in the classroom) will be able to turn the grinder on as well as the two augers. The Pi will output through HDMI to a monitor and be controlled with a keyboard and mouse. If time and funds permit, this will be upgraded to a touchscreen tablet which will instead be used as the GUI (since the GUI is a website, any device can host it).


The communications of this device are rather complex. We are communicating between a microcontroller (arduino), micro-computer (Raspberry Pi), and a user interface (webiopi/web-browser). In addition to these, there is a database being used to store all of the sensor information and food log information. There are python and arduino scripts running at all times that are creating graphs, sending commands to motors, and pulling/pushing sensor information. We are using a serial communication between the Arduino and Raspberry PI. This kind of communication only sends one value at a time. The Arduino collects all of the sensor information and sends it to the Raspberry Pi through this serial communication. Once the Raspberry Pi receives this information it stores it on a SQL database. Once stored on the database it can be called by the user face (webiopi/website) or be used to create a graphical image. For motor controls we turn on and off GPIO pins using the webiopi/user interface. We have python scripts running on the RPI to tell the arduino if the raspberry pi has turned the motor on or off. In conclusion, the communications deals with the passage of information from the Webiopi to the Raspberry Pi through web-based files and then from the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino using Python and Arduino scripts.

CO2 Sensor

The MG-811 sensor module is highly sensitive to CO2 and less sensitive to alcohol and CO, low humidity & temperature dependency. On board heating circuit brings the best temperature for sensor to function. This sensor has an on board conditioning circuit for amplifying output signal. In order to produce “perfect” compost, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen must be monitored. Since determining the precise amount of Carbon and Nitrogen in the compost would require an entire laboratory and/or sending samples to an actual lab, the team decided to instead monitor CO2, CH4, and NH3 levels as a means of estimating the amount of carbon in the system. This sensor will tell us what CO2 levels are normal (using a control) and also when things are going wrong. This sensor gives a digital output which corresponds to the amount of CO2 in the system. Using the data sheet we can convert that to either an amount in ppm or %. This sensor will be connected to and powered by the Arduino.

Oxygen Sensor

The ME-O3 Oxygen sensor module uses ME series O2 sensor, and has low consumption, small size, high sensitivity, wide range of linearity, and better anti-jamming capacity, good reproducibility, stability and reliability. Compost must be aerated in order for the proper organisms to grow and decompose the organic material. Without enough oxygen in the system these organisms will die and the material will not compost. This sensor will ensure we have enough oxygen in the system. This sensor provides an analog output signal which corresponds to the amount of oxygen in the system.