Village of Stoddard
Budget & Finance Meeting
March 14th, 2017
6:00 p.m.
The Budget & Finance Committee met in regular session, Chair Garry Oliver presiding. On roll call: Bob Wurtzel, Kevin Miller. Administrator Kent Hatlestad also present.
Discussion on quarterly review. Financials were looked at. Village is on track for the year. Discussion to split lawnmower purchase between main park account and river park account. Motion Miller, second Wurtzel to adjourn at 6:17. All aye.
Village of Stoddard
Village Board Meeting
March 14th, 2017
6:30 p.m.
The Village Board met in regular session. On roll call: Bob Wurtzel, Steve Davis, Kevin Miller, Martin Osinski and Garry Oliver. Robin Palmer – absent. Administrator Kent Hatlestad also present.
Minutes: Motion Oliver, second Osinski to approve minutes from the February 2017 meeting as written. All aye.
Appearances: Kathy Turben – VC Unit on Aging. Turben appeared before the board to discuss the need for volunteer drivers in the Stoddard area. Drivers earn $0.53.5/mile. Background check, drug tests are required. No 1099 – don’t claim it and no insurance requirements (yet). Please let her know if there is any interest in the area.
Tim Gaskell – candidate for VC Circuit Court Judge. Gaskell spoke about the drug epidemic taking place in the county right now. He stated that he has been living in the area for 26 years and had many years experience in the Distric Attorney’s Office at the county.
Bills and Vouchers: Check register: 17567 – 17611 $268,848.90. Motion Palmer, second Oliver to approve. All aye.
Committee Reports:
Board of Appeals – No meeting.
Board of Review – No meeting.
Budget & Finance – Meeting held earlier in the evening.
Building/Zoning/Land Planning – No meeting.
Fire – March 8th, 2017, Stoddard Village Hall, 6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.
In attendance: Bergen - Jeff Benson, Jeff Cermak, Lynn Umberger. Stoddard - Bob Wurtzel, Steve Davis, Martin Osinski and Administrator Kent Hatlestad. Fire Department – Chief Joe Pfaff. Minutes: None.
Discussion on new committee chair. Motion to nominate Bob Wurtzel as chair by Davis, second Umberger. All aye. Motion carried.
Discussion on 2017 budget. Chief Pfaff presented a copy of the 2107 budget to committee members. $69,000 total: $24,150 due from village and $44,850 due from the township. Chief Pfaff brought up the fact that the budget actually went down from 2016 due to the fact that the department is saving $1,500 by switching from EPI Pens to EPI draws. Firefighters were trained to use needles and vials now instead of the pens. SBFD was one of the first departments in the state to do this and it is a testament to the members that the department is willing to put in the training to make the department better. Chief Pfaff reported that Narcam would probably be the next drug that skyrockets in price for the department. Motion Wurtzel, second Cermak to approve the proposed 20127 budget. All aye. Motion passed.
Discussion on garage door failure. Garage door malfunctioned in September 2016 and had to be replace on a weekend. Cost was $850.
Discussion on Vernon County Burn Trailer. Chief Pfaff reported that Stoddard would have the trailer in September for training purposes. Chief Pfaff also requested that anyone with information about a pick-up with the ability to pull a 5th wheel trailer should contact him. Need to get the trailer here.
Discussion on public education for natural disaster/rail road incidents. Chief Pfaff reported on the community tabletop exercise held in Stoddard on August 9th, 2016. The object of the exercise was to improve public information and warnings, security, resource sharing and procedures to implement in the event of an emergency. Handouts and booklets were distributed at the meeting and afterward.
Discussion on Engine 2 replacement plan. Chief Pfaff said that a plan needed to be put in place. The following points were brought up:
$23,400 in truck replacement fund
New trucks are @ $450 – 500,000; 5 – 10 year old trucks are @ $300,000; Over 10 years - @ $120,000. The engine only does about 140 turns/year so the department doesn’t need a brand new one.
Engine 2 is a 1996 model, it is not in good shape and was poorly designed from the beginning. It is rusting and has a tendency to overheat among other problems. 13,600 miles on it, but 12,000 hours on the engine. Chief Pfaff has been looking at new engines on the market and has found several that would work for the department. Looking for around $50,000 from each board for the purchase of a new engine. Motion by Davis that if both boards approve the truck purchase to allow the Chief to put earnest money down on it, second by Benson. All aye.
Discussion on Vernon County radio grant. Chief Pfaff reported that the department did not apply for it.
Discussion on FEMA Fire Act Grant. Chief Pfaff reported that the department did apply for the grant to replace air pack. The air packs are now 13 years old and must be replaced every 15 years. Applied for a $106,000 grant with a $5,000 matching fund for a total of $111,000.
Discussion on new members. Motion Davis, second Benson to approve new members. All aye.
Discussion on small equipment purchase. 4 sets of turnout gear need to be purchase. 2 paid for from private and 2 paid from public funds. Motion Benson, second Davis to approve. All aye. Purchase of steer tires for Tender 1. Motion Davis, second Benson to approve. All aye.
Discussion on putting money in truck fund beginning next year at budget time.
Motion Osinski, second Davis to adjourn at 7:34. All aye.
Park – March 9th, 2017, Stoddard Village Hall, 6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order at 6:00. Roll call: Rick Anderson, Jason Olson, Steve Davis and Clerk Kent Hatlestad-present. Minutes: None. Appearances: Theresa Anderson – Stoddard Lioness Club
Unfinished Business:
Discussion on 2017 ice fishing tourney. Tournament made $1,212.64 profit. Look at food next year, may be overdoing it in that area.
Discussion on purchasing new mower and straight blade for park maintenance. Motion Olson, second Davis to purchase the John Deere Z070R mower, list price $13,299, and straight blade, list price $499. All aye, motion carried. Purchase will be split between main park and river park accounts.
Theresa Anderson appeared before the committee to discuss plans for a splash pad at the park. Anderson passed out several brochures that discussed the plans for a splash pad. Where to place the pad and other issues were discussed. Anderson reported that a meeting will be held with a representative of the company on March 25th and more information will be made available after that meeting.
Discussion on Stoddard Lions Club plan to add onto Shelter B. The club must bring a plan to the committee to look at.
Discussion on boat launch repair. The south boat launch is in bad shape and needs some repairs. When the weather allows the committee will go down and look at it and come up with a plan.
Discussion on plaques for tree identification and a new bubbler at the park. Hatlestad will gather the information for the next meeting.
Discussion on new rock installation. Hatlestad will get some rock for review and possible use at the boat landing.
Discussion on new rules for summer leagues. Coaches will now be responsible for putting in bases and pitching rubbers.
35’s baseball team can use the field if they rent it.
Park Fun Days set for July 14 – 15. Motion Anderson, second Davis to adjourn. Adjournment.
Personnel- No meeting.
Police- No meeting. Sgt. Sellers discussed that the town was quiet lately and presented a call sheet. Will also look into an ordinance that would not allow bartenders to drink while working.
Public Works – No meeting.
W&S – January 23rd, 2017, 3:30 p.m., Stoddard Sewer Plant
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. Present- Scott Chiples, Russ Bolton and Mark Peterson. Operator Mike Young and Clerk Kent Hatlestad present.
Minutes: Motion Bolton, second Peterson to approve. All aye. Appearances: None. Bills and Vouchers: Sewer #3017 - 3031 - $5,494.93
Water #2779 - 2788 - $3,754.08 Motion Peterson, second Bolton to approve bills and vouchers. All aye.
Unfinished Business:
Discussion on phosphorus plan. Hatlestad reported that Makepeace Engineering was still looking at moving the discharge to Coon Creek. Not a great plan due to the constraints with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife goons. Hatlestad was instructed to tell Makepeace to concentrate on groundwater discharge, forget moving the outfall. Be blunt.
Discussion on the proposed rate increase. Hatlestad reported that he had received information from the WI PSC on a plan to increase the rate, however, the commission needs more info to raise it to the correct amount. Do this once for the correct amount and deal with the backlash once.
New Business:
Discussion on Well #21 rehab. Bids are being solicited from Cahoy Group, Municipal Well, Water Well Solutions and Layne Northwest.
Discussion on electronic gate. Bids will be solicited and discussed at future meetings.
Discussion on Mike Tully property. The Tully property on Hwy 162 (campground) looks like it has the lift station underwater. This could be a problem for Tully as well as the village. Discussion will be held with Tully to put some risers on the pit and get it out of the low spot to stop any potential leakage into the sump pit.
Motion Bolton, second Chiples to adjourn at 4:35. All aye. Motion carried. Next meeting Feb. 20th at 3:30 p.m. Adjournment
Unfinished Business:
Discussion on purchase of new generator. Hatlestad reported that several bids had come in for the purchase and installation of a new generator to replace the Generac now in place.
Fabick Power Systems: $24,763.
Kish Electric: $14,950.
Lackore Electric: $14,287 (plus installation)
Motion Oliver, second Davis to award the bid to Kish Electric for $14,950. All aye, motion carried.
Discussion on siren replacement. Hatlestad reported that several bids had come in for the purchase and installation of a new siren to replace the existing Tempest T-128 Rotational Siren now in place.
Sentry Siren: $19,227.43
Federal Signal: No reply
American Signal Corporation: $10,963.60 (will use existing controls in place).
Motion Davis, second Oliver to award the bid to American Signal Corporation for $10,963.60. All aye, motion carried.
New Business:
Discussion on the Stoddard Lioness Club idea to put a splash pad in at the park. The club will be holding a meeting with a representative on March 25th at the Legion.
Discussion on Stoddard Lions Club proposal to put an addition on Shelter B. The club will need a plan apresented to the park committee first, then brought to the board.
Discussion on fire truck proposal. Tabled until next month.
Discussion on Tree City U.S.A. application. Hatlestad reported that the village had everything needed to become a Tree City already on the books, just need to fill out the application. Motion Oliver, second Miller to proceed. All aye.
Discussion on Spring Clean-Up Day. Date set for June 3rd, dumpsters will be ordered.
Alternate side parking was brought up as an idea, just to kick the idea around.
Communications: None.
License Applications: None. SBFD will apply next month for Walleye Tournament.
Operator License: None.
Public Comment: None.
Adjournment: Motion Osinski, second Oliver to adjourn at 7:43. All aye.
Next meeting April11th at 6:30 p.m.