Student Seminar Planning Form for 2016W

Student Seminar Planning Form for 2016w

FNH Graduate Seminar Series

FOOD 500/600 and HUNU 531/631

Name:______Student Number:______

Current e-mail address:______

(note: if you have not been receiving seminar e-mails, please check with Barbara Wakal to make sure we have your updated e-mail address for our seminar listserve).

Please indicate your current program of study (please circle): MSc / PhD FOOD / HUNU

When did you start your current graduate program? ______(Month/Year)

Please complete the following table:

If you completed and passed this seminar, please indicate the month and year of completion. / If you have not yet completed this seminar, please indicate the month and year that you expect to complete it.
Full Seminar
Proposal Seminar
Results Seminar
PhD Progress seminar
(note: not applicable for MSc students; PhD students: please indicate the date(s) of completed progress seminar(s), and expected dates of future progress seminars)

Have you already signed up for any seminars in the coming year? (if so, please indicate the date you have signed up for):


When do you expect to graduate? (please estimate the month and year) ______

Are there any other circumstances that you would like the seminar instructors to know about?


Do you have any food allergies?______

Thank you and we look forward to your seminar presentation!

Suggested timeline for completing the seminar requirements (for full time students)**:

Year / MSc students / PhD students
1 / Full seminar* / Full seminar*
2 / Proposal seminar* (year 1 or 2) / Proposal seminar*
3 / Results seminar (year 2 or 3) / Progress seminar (each year until student is ready to defend thesis)
4 (or later) / -  / Results seminar

*Note: students who have made an early start to their thesis research may wish to present their thesis proposal seminar before the full seminar.

**Part time students: please see graduate student handbook and speak with seminar instructors for expected timeline.

Last Updated: August 2015