The Village of Round Lake Heights Committee Meeting was called to order by Mayor Lumpkins at 7:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL Trustee Meeks = Present Trustee Mahoney = Present

Trustee Walker = Present Trustee Katzel = Present

Trustee Pekar = Present Trustee Germann = Present

Mayor Lumpkins = Present Village Clerk McIntyre = Present

Also Present = 1 resident.

Mayor Lumpkins requested to amend the agenda to add E. Photos of Board under Administration.

MOTION A motion was made by Trustee Meeks, Seconded by Trustee Mahoney

and unanimously passed to approve the amendment to the agenda as

requested by Mayor Lumpkins.


There was nothing to report.


New Signs for Lotus

Mayor Lumpkins stated that he would like permission to purchase new

signs for Lotus Drive, similar to the banners we put up for our 50th anniversary celebration. Mayor Lumpkins stated that they would be the same color combination, yellow and blue and we would order 10 of them at $107.00 a piece. He showed the Board a picture of the banners. Mayor Lumpkins stated that half of them would come down in the winter when we put up Christmas Decorations and during the festival. Trustee Mahoney stated that we should put “Established in 1960” on the bottom as well and the Board liked the idea.

Park at Mohawk and Lotus

Mayor Lumpkins stated that he would like to move forward on the park before summer. He stated that the one in Fox Lake will be similar to what we are going to do. Mayor Lumpkins stated that he is waiting for the proposal from the concrete guy, but would like to wrap the sidewalk around and have benches. There will also be raised flower beds and nice landscaping. Mayor Lumpkins stated that the lot has gorgeous trees around the lot already and we may be able to get a wrought iron fence donated. Mayor Lumpkins stated that we will use the landscaper who did the work around the village hall and the sidewalks can come out of the MFT budget and should cost around $1,500.00 to $2,000.00. We will need to come up with a budget amount and pick out the benches. Mayor Lumpkins stated that he will let the Board know when he gets some of the proposals back, but it will probably cost between $5,000.00 and $7,500.00.

Agreement for Pipe-View LLC

Mayor Lumpkins stated that we put this in the budget last year for $7,500.00 and the quote is for about $3,000.00. Mayor Lumpkins stated that we have not done a pre-construction meeting yet, but he would like permission to sign the contract. This will include televising the sewers, cleaning the sewers and letting us know if we need any maintenance around the manholes. He stated that they will start on Rollins Road and going down Brentwood and starting Tomahawk, depending on the amount. Mayor Lumpkins stated that we will continue going down the streets on a yearly basis until we finish. Trustee Meeks asked if this is what we previously discussed that Lake County is recommending and Mayor Lumpkins stated that it is. Mayor Lumpkins stated that most towns have agreed to do this and it will take us 7-10 years to complete.

Memorial Day Parade

Mayor Lumpkins stated that last year we did not attend the parade because

it rained and was cancelled. He stated that he would like to know who plans to attend this year. Trustee Walker, Trustee Mahoney, Trustee Pekar, Trustee Katzel and Mayor Lumpkins all stated that they would not be able to attend. Trustee Meeks stated that she is able to attend, but it would be silly to take out the float for only her. Trustee Germann stated that he also would be able to attend. Clerk McIntyre stated that she would also attend. Mayor Lumpkins stated that we may be able to get the girls in the office to attend, but will need to see about getting a driver. Mayor Lumpkins stated that we can make a decision tomorrow.

Photos of the Board Mayor Lumpkins stated that we have not taken photos of the Board in a

while and the radio station has a gentleman that can do it for us. Mayor Lumpkins stated that he took the photos of the radio station board and is only charging us $200.00. Mayor Lumpkins stated that he would like to have permission to schedule it for the first meeting in June at 6:30 p.m. The Board agreed to have the photos of the Board taken.


Clerk McIntyre reported that newsletters received were Horizons.


Public Safety Trustee Meeks reported that Chief Roehlk went to Edwardsville on Wednesday and Thursday and completed a 16 hour course on recruitment selection and retention of police officers.

Human Relations Trustee Mahoney reported that he will be attending the B.E.S.T. meeting at the library on June 11 regarding transportation for seniors and the disabled.

Building & Zoning There was nothing to report.

Public Works There was nothing to report.

Administration Trustee Pekar reported that there will be a meeting next Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for the Veteran’s Memorial Park and everyone received an agenda. He stated that he is also attending a meeting in Crystal Lake for Trustees on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Lumpkins stated that if three Trustees attend the meeting we will need to do minutes, so please let Trustee Pekar know in advance.

Ordinances There was nothing to report.

OLD BUSINESS There was nothing to report.

NEW BUSINESS There was nothing to report.


The Board did not enter into Executive Session.

MOTION A motion was made by Trustee Katzel, Seconded by Trustee Meeks

and unanimously passed to adjourn.


Respectfully Submitted,

Marla McIntyre

Village Clerk