July 21, 2008

7:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by President Bruce Nowak with the following trustees answering to roll call: Ralph Bowley, Mike French, Al Lehr, Linda Lehr, Laura Schaefer and Mike Todd. Mike Flynn was present. The Pledge of the Allegiance was recited.

Mike Todd made a motion to approve the July 7, 2008 minutes as presented and was seconded by Laura Schaefer. The motion carried unanimously.


COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS AND COMPUTERS: Ralph Bowley stated that he has reviewed the bills and made a motion to approve the bills. The motion was seconded by Al Lehr. The motion carried unanimously.

PERSONNEL: Linda Lehr stated that the Personnel Committee met and made a recommendation to the Board to hire Brent Summerfield for the Maintenance Department position. Mr. Summerfield did except the position. The starting date was July 23rd. The Police Department will be setting up interviews next week for their position. Both positions were budgeted for.


SEWER: Al Lehr stated that all is going well at the sewer plant, right on schedule. Brian had to buy a few minor items for the old sewer plant. Don Traiteur stated that the new alarm system is up and running and has been tested. Bruce Nowak stated that the insurance is paying the last claim to the Farrar’s. Tracy Holmes stated that Followell is paying one of the claims and the Village’s insurance company should be paying one.

WATER: Al Lehr stated that residents on Urbana water line have signed up. Mr. Ehret is ready to start. Bruce Nowak stated that there will be a meeting tomorrow.

REFUSE: Laura Schaefer stated that Mrs. Holshauser’s yard waste was not picked up. Tracy Holmes stated that some Douglas Road customers were missed the last two weeks. She stated that as far as she knows, their trash was picked up. Schaefer reported that the pool was short changed one dumpster. Holmes stated that the pool dumpster was taken care of. Holmes stated that the appliance pickup is usually the first Saturday in October and then again in April.

STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS: Mike Todd reported that oil and chipping will start again tomorrow. Rite Way is tearing concrete out behind West End on Lafeyette. Tracy Holmes stated that a citizen called the office and stated that half their driveway was torn up and they were not told of the situation. The office gave them Don Traiteur’s number. Todd stated that he went by there and it was just the alley but will check again.

CABLE SERVICES AND CELL TOWERS: Linda Lehr stated that she had a resident that had an issue with HTC wireless service. The problem was resolved.

ORDINANCES: Mike French reported Ordinance No. 1008 Employee Handbook was tabled and will be discussed the next meeting. Ralph Bowley stated that the details were discussed at a previous meeting.

PARKS, POOL AND RECREATION: Laura Schaefer reported that we have a new ‘guardian and tot swim’ at the pool that started yesterday morning. It is for the baby pool for adults with child three and under on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 a.m. to noon and Sundays from 11:00 to 1:00. This was requested by a new resident. Schaefer stated that the Alpine Trails basketball court concrete is finished and the net is up. The trees and shrubs will be planted later in the fall. Schaefer reminded everyone that the Biathlon will be September 7th and she is looking for volunteers. Schaefer thanked the staff for mulching the parks; she received comments on how nice they look. She reported that the green space subcommittee met on July 10th and will meet again on July 24th to talk about the parks and green space in Millstadt.

CEMETERY: Al Lehr reported that he is working on an Ordinance for the placement of sheppard hooks in the cemetery.

COMMUNITY CENTER: Linda Lehr stated that the Community Center Board will meet in September unless something urgent comes up. The meals and activities are going well for the summer. The Police are organizing the Senior Academy for the fall. The fund raiser at the Fireman’s Picnic was a success.

PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Mike French reported that concerning economic development, letters and surveys for the Chamber of Commerce were sent to the businesses that participated with the mapping project. The Planning Commission meeting was on July 15th. There were significant conversations regarding the conservation subdivision ordinance. Dan Duncan, Planning Commission Chairman, sent a letter requesting funds up to $10K from the Village of Millstadt. We do have some additional resources for potential structure.

BUILDING COMMISSIONER: Steve Muskopf presented the following building permits:

Tvrdy 409 Briarfest Dr. Fence

Litsey 3322 Village Green Court Storage Shed

Blair 615 S. Tyler St. Porch

Tiemann 312 E. Madison St. Room Addition

OLD BUSINESS: Laura Schaefer asked about the ordinance for the new speed limit request for Jotham Court from 25 mph to 20 mph. Mike French stated that it was not done yet. French stated that Mr. Blank was also asking for a ‘Children Playing’ sign which was declined. Bruce Nowak suggested posting a 25 mph sign. Linda Lehr asked that the office contact Mr. Blank informing him that we will post a 25 mph sign. Laura Schaefer stated that if there are further problems, we can relook at the speed sign. Ed Wilkerson stated that posting the speed sign at 25 mph should work on Jotham since it is a dead end.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Tracy Holmes reported that the Treasurer’s Report has been submitted for review. A motion was made by Ralph Bowley and was seconded by Mike Todd to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

CLERK’S REPORT: Tracy Holmes reported that the Clerk’s Report has been submitted for review. A motion was made by Mike Todd to accept the Clerk’s Report as presented and was seconded by Ralph Bowley. The motion carried unanimously.


Debbie and Chris Williams expressed their interest in the green space conservation subdivision design ordinances. Bruce Nowak stated that we are working on it.


Ralph Bowley made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting and was seconded by Al Lehr. The motion carried unanimously.


Janice Dreyer, Clerk Bruce Nowak, President