Village of Lake Park

Economic Development Commission

Meeting Minutes:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Lake Park Community Center

Attendees: Kristen Bowman, Sandy Coughlin, Doug Lucas, Brett Medlin, Sharon Williams

Guests: None Absent: None

Call to order & Prayer: Sandy called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm and offered a prayer.

Minutes, Announcements & Finance: The minutes of the October 27 meeting were approved as emailed in October. The 2016-17 budget balance as of October 30 is $2816.47. Smetana cashed his final payment check.

Public Comment: None.

Agenda Change: Added Chamber website to New Business.

Council Comment: 2017 Calendar and appointment recommendations are due to Council Dec. 13.

The memorial for Mr Mathisen is in the planning stages and Sandy will be researching quotes.

Commissioner Update:

A.  Recommendation for Appointment: Doug Lucas received a Certificate in recognition of his August completion of a 3rd EDC term. With Doug’s personal consent, the EDC will recommend him to Council for EDC reappointment for a 4th term December 13.

B.  Sperry Van Ness has yet to refund the percentage due Total Tranquility for the security deposit she had paid on the 2000sf space, after she moved to the 1000sf space. She was encouraged to press forward for the refund as this, as well as maintenance, is part of the legal obligation of the owner/management company stated in the owners’ association CCRs.

Old Business:

A.  Town Center: The packet and letter describing the maintenance issues has been mailed to Jamey Cox and copied to VT Management. Jamey emailed that he has received and will discuss with the owners. Copies of the October Villager were included. A $50 appreciation certificate was included to Jamey as a participating vendor in the Village. If repairs are not forthcoming, follow up suggestions might involve copying the packets to the tenants, a letter to VT Management reminding of the owner obligation in the association CCR, and encouraging association members (Gordo’s and Miss Dee Dee’s) to make a united effort to press for the needed work.

B.  Networking Calls:

a.  Efforts to reach all the organizations is complete. Those few who have not responded will remain on the list for future calls. A few business cards are still needed for the Kiosk. The survey results were discussed:

i.  There is interest from Town Center tenants to meet on a regular basis and to learn how they may utilize social media constructively.

ii. Idea of rotating some of the monthly public EDC meetings to the business locations, having an evening ‘after work’ workshop, workshop topic of hiring/retaining/growing employees.

iii.  Commissioners will hold on to the original survey sheets as reference when they make future calls to their assigned organizations.

b.  Certificate Redemption: Gordo’s has redeemed 2 certificates, 1 from Children’s Lighthouse and 1 from Grey’s Insurance.

C.  Town Center Leasing Update: Bellasera Bistro has renewed their lease.

D. commercial website:

  1. Sandy reviewed a draft of a final letter to James Smetana with Mayor Cleveland regarding the need for James to turn the domain ownership over to Lake Park EDC and is mailing it this week, with a copy to the Village Attorney.
  2. Kristen has added Painting the Park to the site and will meet with Sandy to review the completed updates.

E.  Decorative Directional Signs: No quote yet received from Ron, Banner Signs Today, for a sign for the Faith Church at Conifer Circle empty sign post. Sandy will remind him. EDC budgeted $300 in anticipation at the October 27 meeting.

New Business:

A.  Lake Park Community Map: (tabled to our January 19, 2017 meeting)

B.  February Network Event: New date: February 23 at 6pm.
a.  Doug will check to see if Gordo’s can accommodate and check on a menu/prices for 15 people as they are on his contact list.
b.  Sandy also checking if Community Room at Town Center could be a backup.
c.  Sharon found prospective speaker unresponsive. Will try again with new date.
d.  Kristen and Sharon will meet to coordinate workshop agenda to review with EDC Jan 19.
e.  Side topics will include welcome baskets and a Lake Park community map.
f.  Save-the-date postcards will be mailed Friday, January 20, after our January 19 meeting.
g.  Invitation/flyer/letters will be mailed Friday January 27.
h.  Follow up Email reminders will go out by Friday February 3.
i.  Commissioner phone calls should be made February 10-16.
j.  Refreshments (hors d’oeuvres) and set-up staff plans are tabled to November 17 2016.
C.  Welcome Packets: To be discussed at February 23 workshop.
D.  Commissioner Terms: The remainder of the unexpired term which Kristen Bowman was appointed to does expire January 2017. Kristen is interested in an appointment to Village Council for a vacant seat in Ashley Dance’s unexpired term. If appointed, it would be possible for Kristen to serve on Council as well as remain on EDC, if mutually agreed by Kristen, Council and the EDC. EDC discussion of the EDC appointment is tabled to January 19 meeting.
E.  Chamber of Commerce Web Site: Commissioners will preview the Lake Park page on the Chamber site and bring recommendations for updating to the January 19 meeting.


Email or phone news items to Sandy before December 16 Villager deadline. The issue can be on and in homes by 12/23.

Next Meetings: Thursday, January 19, 2017 at Community Center/Town Hall.

Agenda Attached.

Thursday, February 19, 2017 at Community Center/Town Hall.

Workshop: Thursday, February 23, 2017 (Location pending)

Adjournment: 8:30pm.