Village of Kirkland

Kirkland, Illinois 60146

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

November 2, 2009


  1. Call to Order. President Bellah called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asked for a roll call.
  1. Roll Call. Members answering present as follows: Ford, Marshall, McMurray, Newberry, Parker, and Sterling. Also present were Public Works Superintendent Paul Naugle, Chief of Police Stan Smith, Streets Supervisor Dale Miller, and Village Consultant Pam Blickem. The pledge of allegiance was then said.
  1. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of October 19, 2009 were presented for approval. Motion by Newberry and seconded by McMurray to approve minutes. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.
  1. Approval to Pay Bills. The following bills were presented for payment. Motion by Parker and seconded by Marshall to approve. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.
  1. Financial Report. The following recommendation was presented. Motion by Parker and seconded by Ford to accept Treasurer’s recommendation as presented. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.


  1. Police. See report dated October 2009. Four (4) officers including K-9 unit on duty during Halloween night. Pursuing grant opportunities for funding on new police department building.
  2. Public Works. See report dated October 2009. Work on 6th Street is completed, with some landscaping still needing to be completed. Completion of seal coating is waiting for weather cooperation. Pearl Street is resurfaced.
  3. Zoning – No Report.

4. Pioneer Park – No Report

5. Economic Development – No Report. Pam Blickem attended Intl Center of Shopping Centers in Chicago to promote Kirkland. Pam had meeting with Mayor & Trustee Parker to clarify her role for village.

6. TIF and Revolving Loan - No Report. Everything is current; Revolving Loan Fund has one outstanding loan at present.

7. Committee Reports.

Police Committee – No Report.

Ordinance Committee - No Report

Finance Committee See minutes dated 10/28/09. Committee Chair Parker presented 2010 Tax Levy proposal prepared by Treasurer Jepson to Board. Attorney Puma recommended Public Hearing as part of Regular Board Meeting to address proposed Tax Levy. Next meeting scheduled for November 24th at 5:30pm.

Water & Sewer Committee –

Streets & Alleys Committee – See minutes dated 10/28/09. Committee recommended drafting ordinance to vacate alley West of Third Street, East of 4th Street, North of Prospect, and South of Prairie. Attorney Puma to include easement for Village in Ordinance. Supt. Naugle to provide Plat map to attorney.

Health & Welfare Committee. No Report.

VIIUnfinished Business

1. Colleen Bresnahan/Connect CTY – Ms. Bresnahan presented information on this service to board. Copy of contract to be forwarded to Mayor, and then to Attorney Puma for review.

2. Stark & Son 2nd Payment – Motion by Parker and seconded by Ford to comply with recommendation by Baxter & Woodman to make payment of $96,728.22 out of TIF account to Stark & Son. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.

3.. AT Cyber Contract – Attorney presented letter he received from attorney for AT Cyber. Board chose not to consider letter regarding renegotiating contract. Contract being forwarded via Attorney Puma to AT Cyber as originally drawn.

4. Darryl Grayson/Land Purchase – Supt. Naugle reviewed property and confirmed that water line is located south of drawing on map provided by Mr. Grayson. Attorney Puma confirmed that conveying is necessary for legal description. Board needs to determine fair market value for property based on appraisal, and survey needs to be completed (by purchaser). Tabled until next general board meeting.

5. Fire Department Water Connection – Jim Sparber of Baxter & Woodman inquired if use of TIF monies would be available to move project forward. Fire Department has contracted B&W to engineer project which is expected to cost $90,000. Recapture costs would also be included from Rood development in addition to Impact Fee monies. Meeting to be set up to include Mayor Bellah, Jim Sparber, Pam Blickem, and representative from Fire Department. Baxter & Woodman to work with Attorney Puma to also review Recapture Agreements.

6. Hiawatha TIF Request – After much discussion, Pam Blickem to contact State Board of Education to obtain taxing information regarding TIF monies & impact on School District. Tabled until next board meeting.

7. B-Boxes– Water/Sewer Chair Newberry to send letter to resident on Main Street requiring him to install B-Boxes on his properties.

VIIINew Business.

  1. Boil Order Water Adjustments – Eight (8) homes on Hortense were affected by boil order that lasted 8 days. Water department created $10 off coupon that was distributed to those residents affected to be included with their next water bill payment.
  2. Upon return to Regular Session, Motion by Parker and seconded by Newberry to approve pay rate increase for Utility Billing Clerk Steve Johnson retroactive to November 1, 2009 to $15.75/hour, upon recommendation of Village Attorney for appropriate title. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.

IXComments From the Floor

  1. Donna Bunton – Connect CTY can also be adopted to include Spanish language.
  2. Dale Miller – Suggested that Board review AT Cyber contract with Baxter & Woodman to add addendum to include any possible damage done by removal of equipment.
  1. Executive Session.

Motion by Sterling and seconded by McMurray to move to Executive

Session to discuss Personnel. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.

Motion by Parker and seconded by Ford to return to Regular Session. On a roll call vote all present voted yes.


Motion by Marshall and seconded by McMurray to adjourn meeting. Voice vote carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:04pm.



Theresa A. D’Amato Les Bellah

Village Clerk Village President