ISPA - International Sail and Power Academy Inc
Head Office: PO BOX 185, Parksville, BC, Canada V9P 2G4 250-954-0832 fax 250-954-0872
ISPA Recommended Sailing Schools
ISPA takes its role in recommending Sailing Schools to students very seriously.
To ensure that ISPA schools maintain the high standards of professionalism require guaranteeing delivery of the ISPA syllabus to candidates the following requirements are mandatory.
Place Of Business
- There must be a permanent physical address where a member of the general public or the ISPA can go to meet the school management, (or in the case of the ISPA, to view the schools records and vessels)
- A notice of regular business hours must be maintained
- At least one boat must be owned or leased by the school
Business License
- A recommended school is required to hold a business license in each jurisdiction In which it maintains an office
- This business license must be posted at the business address
School Liability Insurance
The recommended school must provide proof of liability insurance which provides a minimum of $1,000,000 insurance coverge for personal injury claims from candidates
ISPA Teaching Standards And Certification
- Recommended schools are monitored regularly and must be seen to uphold the high ISPA standards
- Any school when applying or on becoming a recommended school automatically grants the right to ISPA representatives (within 21 days written notice) to visit the sailing school to review the ability of the school to fulfill the role as a recommended school
- Recommended schools guarantee delivery of the complete syllabus but schools must understand that if the standards are not achieved for certification, the certifying instructor can not certify the candidate
- All recommended school instructors teaching and or certifying to ISPA standards must be ISPA trained and certified
- Recommended schools are require to
- Continually recommend changes to the syllabus, methods of delivery and certification
- Complete annually the required member school report form which provides statistic information on student volumes an syllabus
- Agree that the certification registration process is completed with ISPA Inc only.
- Maintain candidate record for a minimum of three years.
Legal Requirements
- Recommended schools are required to meet all of the requirement of the regulatory bodies within whose jurisdiction the school operates
- All government safety equipment requirements must be met on all vessels used on all courses.
- All additional ISPA equipment requirements must be met
In Canada and the USA
- The annual coast guard auxiliary courtesy examination is mandatory at least every two years on school used vessels
- Proof of the examination for all vessels being used for the teaching and certification of ISPA standards must be held by the recommended schools
- The examination certificate must be made available
Other Requirements
- On the appointment of a new recommended school, an IE will meet with the school to review the whole program and clarify any questions related to the standards or delivery of the syllabus. The fee for this service is included in the initial application fee.
- Schools will meet with and IE nominated by ISPA once each year to ensure that the school is current on ISPA policy
- Complaints directed at recommended schools or its instructors or IE should be resolved between the school, instructor and the complainant if possible.
- Unresolved complaints will be handled by ISPA by compliance of the complaints procedure.
- Yearly fee will be paid to ISPA head office to maintain School status.
- Registration of workbooks is mandatory with ISPA Inc.
- Schools and/or Instructors must not trade, barter, sell, deliver, exchange or otherwise any logbooks or workbooks which have been assigned to them, to any other school, instructor or Organization without express written consent of International Sail and Power Academy Inc. (ISPA)
School authorized Representative